Godly Hunter

Chapter 270: Enter the mausoleum

After all three skills were in the backpack, Chen Mo couldn't wait to learn the Scarlet Cage skills. This article is written by. 23u. Starter

After learning the Scarlet Cage skill, Chen Mo found out that this skill also requires materials. Each time it consumes 10 bottles of monster blood to use!

Scarlet Cage (Entry Level): Use monster blood to set a trap with special powers. After the trap is triggered, enemies within a radius of 30 meters will enter a **** fog. In the Scarlet Mist, a blood shadow clone appears. The Blood Shadow Avatar has most of the player's skills and its own characteristic skills. The more enemies in the Blood Shadow Fog, the stronger the properties of the Blood Shadow Avatar. The enemy must defeat the Blood Shadow Avatar or survive for three minutes in the Blood Scar. To leave the Scarlet Mist. Note that if the trap is triggered and the player is also in the Scarlet Fog, he can only kill all enemies in the Scarlet Fog, or wait for three minutes, otherwise he cannot leave the Scarlet Fog. At the same time, the Scarlet Fog has the ability to weaken the external attack. If the external attack penetrates into the Scarlet Fog, the damage will be greatly reduced.

To use this skill, you need to consume 10 bottles of monster blood, and the level of monster blood determines the level that the Scarlet Fog can trap the enemy. The level of the trapped player must be no higher than the average level of monster blood. Otherwise, the effect of the trap will be greatly reduced. Skill cooldown is 10 minutes.

High-level monster blood is very expensive, 10 bottles are 3 gold coins, Chen Mo will use 3000 Chinese Xia coins once, it is simply impossible to lose, he has never tried a meal and eat 3000 meals.

But this game currency is the same as a credit card. I do n’t see real money, and I do n’t have much feeling to use it. If Chen Mo scattered three thousand Chinese coins to the ground to deal with monsters, he would definitely not do it.

This skill is purely burning money. Chen Mo can't do whatever he wants, but he tried twice, but found that the Scarlet Prison is easier to arrange than the vortex trap.

The Scarlet Cage skill does not require a fixed trap size like the Vortex Trap. The traps can be large or small. The most hours. It only takes 3 seconds to lay out, but the trap radius is only half a meter wide, and the enemy can easily not step on it. He laid it out for nothing.

The biggest trap. Can be arranged as an oversized trap with a radius of three meters. However, the layout time is much longer and takes more than ten seconds. Even if Chen Mo is skilled, it takes ten seconds to talk less.

Chen Mo asked a monster to trigger the trap, but the monster was too weak to see how powerful the trap was. Just after the trap was triggered, an area of ​​30 meters in radius would be covered by a **** mist. Inside, there would be a Scarlet silhouette.

This blood-skinned figure has a dagger weapon in his hand, a bit like a thief occupation, and the damage is very high. The 30-level monster that Chen Mo used to test, was attacked by the blood-shadow figure, that is, the blood-shadow avatar, can kill more than 2,000 health .

This monster was killed by the Blood Shadow avatar without any trouble.

Then in the second test, Chen Mo attracted a large group of monsters.

There are more than 20 monsters in the skill description. Although it is said that Blood Shadow can use some of Chen Mo's skills, it is not known whether Blood Shadow is renounced. Anyway, Chen Mo did not see Blood Shadow to use his skills to attack monsters.

However, with so many monsters in Scarlet Fog, the attack power, attack speed, and movement speed of Blood Shadow avatar are all improved as described in the skills.

The increase in attack power is not much, but the increase in movement speed and attack speed is extremely obvious.

Then there is the ability to evade, so many monsters attack and fall on the blood shadow clone, the words appear on the blood shadow clone.

After two trials, Chen Mo found that the blood shadow clone seemed to use skills based on the opponent. He won't kill the opponent as soon as he comes up, but will slowly fight the enemy and only kill the enemy in the end.

Of course, Chen Mo can also give him orders, but in these two tests, Chen Mo wanted to see how the blood shadow avatar would fight if no one ordered, and he did not do that. After all, one of the biggest uses of this Scarlet Cage skill is to trap the enemy. If the Blood Shadow clone is too stupid, it will be easily killed without his instructions, but the enemy cannot be trapped.

Now it seems that the intelligence of the blood shadow avatar is very good. It will have a considerable effect to trap the enemy.

If you think about it, if he wants to kill the enemy, he will fight with the blood shadow avatar in the **** mist, so that he can directly give instructions to the blood shadow avatar.

After learning the Scarlet Cage skills, in addition to the vortex trap, Chen Mo finally has a second trap that can be put on the table.

Before that, he could only rely on the vortex trap to support the scene.

After a few hours.

Chen Mo returned to the Great Rift Valley.

This time, Chen Mo was waiting at the gate of Nairn's mausoleum.

Nine's seven tokens have been obtained. The gate of the mausoleum must be opened in these days. If he is not there, he will be very disadvantaged.

"Open! The door under the maze is open!"

"What? Really?"

"Let's go! Try your luck in the maze. There are so many people now, there are very few monsters. You have better luck, but you can go inside to find treasure!"

But Chen Mo returned to the entrance of the martyrdom labyrinth and immediately heard a large number of players walking into the martyrdom labyrinth.

Chen Mo was taken aback by surprise, not expecting that the tomb of Nairn had been opened within hours of his departure.

But listening to the players around it, it was only an hour ago, unless Nairn's Mausoleum is not difficult, otherwise he is too late.

Chen Mo said nothing, but also entered the martyrdom labyrinth.

There are really people everywhere in the martyrdom labyrinth, and no trace of monsters can be found at all. Even the large sand bugs that have made players extremely jealous have disappeared at this time.

After Chen Mo started to use the sand corpse to point the way several times in a row, the number of players gradually decreased.

However, after listening to some players' conversations, Chen Mo followed those players. According to them, the road was already leading to the entrance to the tomb of Nairn.

In fact, it's not really straight through, but I don't know who did a good thing. Someone marked it along the way. Following this mark, Chen Mo and those players really walked to the entrance of Nairn Mausoleum .

The gangway suddenly became very wide. Chen Mo came to an ancient hall more than ten meters high. At the end of the hall, there was an ancient door more than ten meters high. But now the door is open and a large one appears. Ball of blue transmitting light.

The players rushed in one by one, Chen Mo couldn't care less about the scenery outside, and he plunged into the blue light group.

The scenery changed, and Chen Mo found him in a dark red hall.

But he is not alone, there are other players around.

The hall was very huge, and at first glance, it was a little bit endless.

Inside the lobby are piles of skull bones. Players walk past these skull bones. These skull bones will re-form into a dark red skull monster and attack the player.

However, there are no monsters around Chen Mo. Players who have advanced here will kill with all their strength and want to pass through this hall.

"Grass! These monsters dropped nothing, they were really boring!"

"It seems that if you want to get the treasure, you have to go deeper. If you don't go inside, I'm afraid I won't get any benefit!"

Chen Mo walked forward, and soon came to the front, hearing several people talking.

These skeleton monsters in the tomb of Nairn are not ordinary provinces. Players who come here first do not know how many skeleton monsters have been killed, but from their words, no one has hit anything.

However, no fight or no, the door is far away.

Chen Mo wanted to join the Qing strange army, but at this time, he saw an acquaintance.

Little warrior.

Little warrior is here too?

Chen Mo couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Little warrior, a shield warrior, the upgrade should be unpleasant. How could it be so fast to reach level 30 and come here?

Chen Mo used the reconnaissance skills to the little soldier and found that the little soldier's level was only 29.

However, the little warrior was holding a large **** sword, and her body was glowing with a red light.

Looking at the fighting style of the little soldier again, Chen Momeng found that the little soldier is not a shield soldier, but a mad soldier!

The small **** sword Chen Mo in the hands of the little soldiers has an impression. This is the dark gold weapon of level 30, the bloodthirsty magic sword!

The little warrior picked it up at level 29.

"Well, big brother!"

The little warrior was slashing the skeleton monster in excitement. After slashing a skeleton monster, she wiped her sweat and saw Chen Mo, and immediately cried.

Chen Mo smiled, and teamed up with the little soldiers to kill monsters together.

"What's wrong with your weapon, you haven't level 30 yet?"

After killing a few monsters, Chen Mo asked the little soldier curiously.

"The blacksmith I know helped me process it, and this weapon can be equipped at level 25."

The little soldier said with a little pride.

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Chen Mo couldn't help admiring it. No wonder the little warrior's level rose so fast. At level 25, he used level 30 dark gold weapons to rise up.

With the metamorphic properties of the bloodthirsty sword, leapfrog monsters like drinking water.

Moreover, after playing with the little soldier for a while, Chen Mo found that the operation of the little soldier was really good.

It may be because of too much focus. The response of the little warrior is very agile, and the characteristics of the mad war flow made her play to the fullest. The monster she killed one immediately and found the next, which meant that she was fighting more and more bravely.

And Chen Mo also saw that when he passed the nightmare-level talent test, the little warrior chose not the war spirit talent, but the serial killing talent that is very suitable for the Berserker soldier.

Under the action of the serial killing talent, the more monsters the little warrior kills, the stronger her attributes will be.


Third more. (To be continued ...)

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