Godly Hunter

Chapter 290: Wind tunnel

Chen Mo encountered two dust storms in the distance. Looking at it, there were huge dark yellow pillars connecting the sky and the earth. It was indeed spectacular.

However, Chen Mo didn't dare to approach. Many players in Storm City were involved in the sandstorm, and no one could survive.

The game has been open for more than three months. The novice main city of Storm City is still lively. Chen Mo entered the storm city and walked directly to the warehouse. The equipment and skill books that were temporarily unused were thrown into the warehouse. With.

The problem was that one thousand gold coins, Chen Mo hesitated to deal with it. With so many gold coins, he wouldn't need them at one and a half, and he would sell a lot of money if he sold them.

However, this matter was not urgent. Chen Mo kept the good things and was in the safe zone and entered the ring of the cage of the seal.

Strolling up inside the cage ring, Chen Mo came to a cell. The size of this cell is very large, and the monsters in it are huge.

"Human kid, let me out!" Inside, the undead bone dragon roared.

It wielded powerful huge bone wings like Chen Mo's demonstration.

The disappearing undead bone dragon was sealed into the ring by Chen Mo.

"What's the matter, let's leave you at the appointed time." Chen Mo ignored the demonstration of the Undead Bone Dragon. Here, he is the master. The Undead Bone Dragon is just a little lamb to be slaughtered. "Hum! You remember this for three years, but you said it!" The Undead Bone Dragon snorted.

Chen Mo was able to use the sealed cage ring to lock in the undead bone dragon, mainly because he reached an agreement with the undead bone dragon. Said it would only take three years to leave. Undead Bone Dragons don't want to die, they can only be sealed by Chen Mo.

After the undead bone dragon entered the cage space, the properties of the sealed cage ring suddenly took a leap!

Base physical attack power is 110!

Base Magic Attack 110!

Strength +50! Intelligence +50!

This is just a ring attribute, but it has a higher base attack power than some weapons!

"It goes without saying that when the time comes, I will let you go."

Chen Mo replied, and then looked at the reproducible skills of the undead bone dragon.

Undead Scourge: The undead is a magic skill that summons a large number of undead elites to fight for themselves. The skill has a cooldown of 6 hours and requires a staff of weapons.

Undead Scourge skills are available. However, this skill also requires use.

Staff weapons. Chen Mo can't pick it up, which means that he can't use this skill, but if he gives the seal's cage ring to the mage. The mage is going against the sky.

Sister's. It is impossible to use such powerful skills. It hurts! Chen Mo sighed and continued to look at other skills.

In addition to the Undead Scourge, there are two more abilities that can be replicated at the Undead Bone Dragon. One is the dark sky, and the other is the ghostly fire.

These two skills Chen Mo have seen with their own eyes are very good, but they are also mage skills. They need to be equipped with a staff weapon to use. Chen Mo can only stare.

Chen Mo had no way to see this. His career was not suitable. No one could help it. The only thing that made him a little comforting was that the properties of the seal cage ring had been greatly improved.

During the trip to the Rift Sands Rift Valley, Chen Mo made a lot of money and gained a lot of good things. Next, Chen Mo plans to find a place, concentrate on upgrading for a period of time, and talk about raising the level.

During these times, he has been running around doing tasks, the advantage is a lot, but the level is pulled down.

According to the forum, there will soon be forty-level second-turn players in the game, and more than one.

Chen Mo is only 31, and she has opened up too much distance from the first-line players. It is absolutely necessary for Chen Mo to raise the level up.

Although he does not fight for the level, but the level is not enough, he will not have his share when encountering good things. This trip to the Rift Sands Rift Valley, if his level is a few levels lower, that is not to think of the current gain.

Where to go to upgrade, Chen Mo already had an idea.

To the west of Storm City, this is a tall sand-like mountain, which is continuous and cannot be reached.

Recently, some players found many wind tunnels on the sand walls of that mountain range. This wind tunnel is famous for the cave inside which blows a strong wind from time to time.

I do n’t know where these stubborn winds are coming from, which makes people curious. Many players speculate that on the other side of the wind tunnel, there may be a brand new game map, otherwise there may not be such a strong wind.

Unknown game maps always have endless appeal to players. The wind tunnel quickly became famous, and when players found that the experience of monsters in the wind tunnel was higher than the experience of monsters outside, the wind tunnel became a leveling treasure. .

However, not everyone can go to the wind tunnel to upgrade. The monsters in the wind tunnel have high experience, but the difficulty of upgrading monsters is also higher.

The wind tunnel is very narrow, and the monsters inside it almost never appear alone. A refresh is a large area, especially the team of players who want to open up the wind tunnel is facing continuous monster attacks.

Chen Mo took a rest for a long time, and after learning about the wind tunnel in the forum, he set off for the wind tunnel.

Just over two hours later, Chen Mo came outside the wind tunnel.

As a leveling treasure, outside the wind tunnel is very lively. Many players are teaming and seeking groups, and some people are selling various equipment items.

Chen Mo had nothing to buy. Ignoring these players, he was ready to enter the wind tunnel.

But which wind tunnel to enter is a bit of a bad choice.

The wind tunnel has more than one entrance. After entering, the wind tunnel can also be divided into a branch road.

If you want to play a ventilation tunnel, look at the other side of the wind tunnel, if a brand new map really exists, it is naturally important to choose a road.

However, Chen Mo came here just to level up, so he didn't bother about it, just picked a wind tunnel entrance that seemed less crowded, and went straight in.

The wind tunnel is similar to the tunnel under the quicksand valley, but the inner wall of the wind tunnel is blown by the strong wind for a long time.

The interior of the wind tunnel is mostly sandy, but the monsters are some tree people, which is quite strange.

These tree people have only a dry body, with faces and eyes on their bodies, hands on both sides of their bodies, and feet underneath.

Shortly after Chen Mo entered, he encountered a Treant monster. After fighting slightly with the Treant monster, Chen Mo found that the Treant monster was really powerful, comparable to the elite mobs. No wonder the people who came here had very good equipment and strength. Good people can't be surprised if they come here.

However, for Chen Mo, these 33-level multi-point Shuren monsters are simply not enough.

Calling Ceci Hero, Chen Mo killed him all the way inside.

"Will the brothers join the group and level up together!"

Many people on the road saw Chen Mo alone and one pet, sweeping the tree shark monster in the wind tunnel, they couldn't help but want to hug their thighs.

But Chen Mo was in a hurry to upgrade, so she ignored them.

There was always a breeze blowing in the wind tunnel, and Chen Mo hit inside for a little half an hour and encountered a violent strong wind.

A slight, fresh and intense oncoming blow came, and Chen Mo immediately became interested in the end of the wind tunnel.

No wonder so many people speculate that there will be a new map at the end of the wind tunnel. Aside from the strong wind, this vaguely fresh smell is definitely not produced by a closed cave.

However, the length of the wind tunnel does not seem to be ordinary. Chen Mo learned on the forum that there are already a lot of teams in different channels of the wind tunnel, and they constantly kill the other side of the wind tunnel. They have been killing one after another. It's been several days, but I still don't know when it will end.

Chen Mo is also too lazy to think, he will keep leveling in a direction of killing monsters, mentioning the level, it is not suitable to leave here when leveling, if someone really finds a new map here, it will be good for him to come again It's not too late.

In the wind tunnel, killing monsters and leveling madly. After half a day, Chen Mo was ready to take a rest off the line. He glanced at it and found that the experience had only increased by more than 30%. If he wanted to upgrade from 31 to 32, it would cost at least More than a day.

For more than a day, Chen Mo knew that this speed was already quite fast. If you changed to another player, it would be absolutely impossible without two or three days.

Time blinked in the early morning of the next day, and Chen Mochen was ready to play after the game.

Almost a day has passed since he completed the commission. According to past conditions, Tian Fat would have told him that the task had been completed and paid him over.

But this time, after nearly a day, there was still no news, and Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a bit strange.

However, thinking that the payment was very easy before, Chen Mo didn't doubt whether they wanted to settle the bill. However, in a responsible manner, Chen Mo still called Tian Tianzi and told him that he had completed the task. He also sent him a screenshot of the broken Nine statue.

Tian Fatzi didn't seem to have received the news over there, but just told Chen Mo that he would contact the worm company to report the progress of the task.

It wasn't until another day later that Tian Fat returned a message to Chen Mo, telling him that the payment had been made on his credit card.

It was another 100,000 US dollars in revenue. Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction and continued to return to wind tunnel leveling.

The monster who killed the last two days in the wind tunnel ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Mo's level has almost reached 33, and the position in the wind tunnel is also quite deep.

After a long time, Chen Mo's level finally reached level 33.

With two more levels, he can equip mummy clother.

Other players in the wind tunnel are all players who pick some people. After all, there are many monsters in the wind tunnel. A refresh is a group, and it is very dangerous to have fewer people.

And Chen Mo went all the way with few people along the way. Shortly after he rose to level 33, Chen Mo noticed that his pupils shrank, and in the front passage, there were dense tree-man monsters!

That's the road no one has yet gone!

There will be so many monsters only if no one has gone!


Second more.


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