Godly Hunter

Chapter 292: acquaintance

"Who! Don't sneak it, there is a kind of stand out, let me Wencheng see what is sacred in the end!" The middle-aged man shouted at the bow and arrow. .

"Hmm ...!"

But in the dark, there was only a strange laughter coming down the wind.

"You go, don't get closer here, or there will be only a dead end!"

After a weird laugh, a voice came over faintly.

It really is someone!

Wencheng and others listened, they all sank in their hearts.

They came here hard, and did not expect that someone had already taken the sprint first, and had seized it early.

And the skills of the first person to come are still so powerful. Eighteen of them, under precaution, still killed six people stiffly!

As far as they feel, they have just dispatched two people and made them look like they are now. Judging from the situation of the people who shot, the people inside were no better than them.

"Who are you? It's not easy for us to come here hard. Everyone has something to say."

Several people were naturally unwilling to leave, Wencheng Shensheng said.


But the one who answered him was another powerful arrow that was very scary. If the shield knight had not been on guard and saw the opportunity quickly, the first time he blocked the powerful arrow, this arrow would be shot on Wencheng. .

"No more nonsense, our patience is limited. If you dare to go deeper, there is only a dead end. Give you a minute, and if you don't go, we will kill you!"

After warning with arrows, the speaker continued to speak. The end is extremely powerful.

"Mr. Wencheng, what should we do? Keep going, we are not our opponents."

Several people in the team looked at Wencheng, who bit his teeth and said, "Retreat!"

"Just go away? Don't be reconciled!"

After working hard for a few days, I saw victory in sight, but now I was forced to leave here. Several people in the team were not willing to leave.

"Retreat first! Remember the route, the monster's way has been cleared once. The next step will go well! This time we will go back. Bring more people, you don't believe that this person can resist!" Wencheng Shen said.

Many players and guilds interested in the wind tunnel in Storm City are that they can easily find the master players who want to come.

Those who come first in the wind tunnel are even more powerful. Nor can it be the opponent of so many people.

After listening to Wencheng. People who don't want to leave. Can only agree.

They are not their opponents. They are only retreating to rescue soldiers.

The twelve people backed a long way, and Wencheng said, "Use the detachment scroll. After leaving here, everyone gathered in Storm City!"

On the way behind them, there were already a lot of monsters refreshing and killing them all the way back. I do n’t know how much time it would take, and they were ready to leave the scroll early. The detachment scroll allows the player to escape from the special environment such as the cave where he is currently, and return directly to the random field outside. Therefore, it is convenient to use it off the scroll, but because of the random position, it also has some risks.

Twelve people, using the detachment scroll one by one, disappeared in the cave, but in the end two small female players left, and after the other people disappeared, they retracted the detachment scroll in their hands.

The two were one big and one small, the big one pulled up the small one, and ran to a hidden place quietly, and the two went offline together and hid.

After waiting for nearly twenty minutes, the two talents went online again.

The two looked at each other, and then sneaked forward again.

In 20 minutes, some monsters have been refreshed on the road, but the identity of these two people seems unusual. The tall child player with long wavy hair took out a magic scroll, and the two people got entangled after use. There was a faint light, and then the monsters in the wind tunnel completely ignored the two, leaving them to move forward.

If it weren't for the monsters in front of them, they might be able to come here easily.

The two of them had a mage and an archer, with the archer in front and the mage behind, carefully sneaking forward.

Soon, they came to the place where they were killed before.

At this point, the monster is almost gone, but the two walk more carefully.

"Do you think that you can sneak in here? Since you don't want to give the way to life, then die here!"

But the two still couldn't go far, and a faint voice sounded.

"Go!" A long-haired archer gave a cold drink, letting the little mage go first.

But the little mage was a calm wave of the staff, a flame giant suddenly rose from the ground, then the little mage pulled the archer, and quickly backed away.

A fierce arrow shot fiercely from the darkness in front of it. With its huge body, the flame giant just blocked his body in front of the arrow with a slight movement.


With a loud noise, the Fire Giant was instantly destroyed by more than 4,000 injuries, and its movement became much slower.

"Drink!" The archer yelled, and an arrow rain shot out.

A figure wanted to kill him, but was forced behind the giant fire by this rain of arrows.

The Fire Giant occupies most of the passage. If he storms from the Fire Giant, he will be shot by those arrows.

The archer and the mage took the opportunity to run away, but the figure after them was not in a hurry. He knew that the two men could not escape from his hands.

"Can't escape!" The two tried to escape, but the archer frowned and sighed before running far.

She knew that the assassin had chased them not far behind, and they would be killed soon.

However, the two did not give up. Not only did they not give up, they also worked hard to make the final effort while running.


A magic bomb exploded, this magic bomb, they all forgot where they came from, but it is undeniable that the effect of this magic bomb in the wind tunnel is not good.

A thick smoke wafted, and the figure of an assassin looked at them coldly, chasing the two like a wind.

The two were still desperate to escape, but it seemed that they were one step behind. The assassin was already a phantom. Killed two people.

At the moment, the two will die on the assassin one after another, but at this time, a gray shadow suddenly appeared, with an unstoppable momentum, shot at the black assassin!

The assassin raised his eyebrows and had to give up attacking the two.

A figure slowly walked out from the rear passage, and the two female players looked at each other and couldn't help it.

"Is it you?" The female archer was a little too confident in her eyes.

"It's me. I didn't expect to see you here again." Chen Mo looked at the two female players in front. Smiled.

The two female players, not others, are the two people he first met in the game, the Golden Phoenix and the little demon.

Golden Phoenix and Goblin. I do not know why it came to the wind tunnel.

"Is it you?" Assassin frowned at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked to the assassin. After recognizing the assassin. I also feel very strange.

He also knew this assassin, the nine ears he had seen once under a martyrdom a few days ago!

"Kill!" Jiu Er said nothing when she saw Chen Mo. As soon as his body moved, he killed Chen Mo.

Ceci Hailuo is not near Chen Mo now, Jiu Er apparently wanted to take this opportunity to kill Chen Mo before the club.

When he came up, he was using the last killer!

The body is divided into six and six ghost images, and suddenly kills Chen Mo from different directions!

Chen Mo, who is in the same place, cannot escape the combined attack of these six people no matter what!

Jiu'er was very confident about this, but Chen Mo looked at him with a sudden movement!

Blood Shadow Teleport!

In the past few days, Chen Mo has practiced the blood shadow teleport skills to the elementary level, and can be divided into three blood color figures.

However, the most important thing is that Chen Mo is extremely skilled in the use of Blood Shadow Teleportation!

Two of the three scarlet figures were separated by Chen Mo, and the other was in a place where they would not be attacked in front.

At the moment when the six ghosts came over, Chen Mo instantly moved to the ghost in front!

In that shadow, Chen Mo only stayed for a moment, at which moment he used a skill again!

Blood Shadow Teleport, at the cost of 20% health, Chen Mo forces the second use of Blood Shadow Teleport!

Nine ears did not know that Chen Mo would be able to teleport the blood shadow. For such a short time, of course, the movement of the six virtual shadows could not be stopped.

Six ghosts killed Chen Mo's original location, and two **** figures at the original location were immediately attacked and dissipated.

But at the moment they dissipated, two **** figures appeared again!

It wasn't the Scarlet figure that appeared, one of them was Chen Mo!

The moment he teleported away, he teleported again!

Blast the trap!

Chen Mo took a photo with one palm!


Chen Mo's palm was in contact with a ghost, and the blasting trap was immediately triggered to detonate!

Three more than two thousand injuries floated, and three phantoms were blown up by the blasting trap!

Xingying was one at a time, re-condensing at Jiu's immediate position. At the moment his body was condensing, Chen Mo kept firing his crossbow at Jiu-er.

In fact, before the body of Jiu Er reunited, this crossbow arrow Chen Mo had already shot.

Three virtual shadows were injured, and Jiu'er certainly wouldn't dare to cause the virtual shadows to be injured once more, otherwise he would be dead, so Jiu's recovery of the virtual shadows condenses the true body, which is a hundred percent thing.

Chen Moyin made a move ~ www.readwn.com ~ Three virtual shadows were injured, and it was almost seconds. Jiu Er looked at the crossbow, and his face sank, knowing that he couldn't avoid the move.

However, a sharp arrow came obliquely from behind Jiu'er, slamming the crossbow that Chen Mo shot out!

Great archer!

Chen Mo was startled, followed by it.

This crossbow arrow was premeditated, but the opposite arrow came first, and it did exactly that, which is definitely not what ordinary people can do.

Almost died in the hands of Chen Mo twice in a row, Jiu Er did not have the mind to fight Chen Mo anymore, his body moved, and he quickly retreated.

Although it was only a few days, Jiu Er suddenly discovered that the hunter player who had not been in his eyes a few days ago, just in a few days, it was like changing a person, which was more than a little bit more.


Fourth more, please recommend! (To be continued ...) ()

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