Godly Hunter

Chapter 296: Elven city

The entrance of the wind tunnel is a half mountainside of a mountain range.

The three stood halfway up the mountain and looked ahead.

Then all three's faces changed at the same time!

In front of it is a vast forest, and further away, a city can be seen faintly.

But in the sky above the forest, the three Chen Mo saw some silhouettes waving their wings!

"Elf!" The three said in unison.

It is indeed an elf.

Petite body, pointed ears, supple long hair, thin wings of cicada, beautiful face.

Elves were busy in the forest below, collecting honey like bees, and flying from tree to tree from time to time.


The three people are all interested. There are various races in the game. There are not a few players who join the Orc, but like the Elves and Angels, they only exist in rumors.

No one can think of it, the Elf is just not far from Storm City.

Outside the wind tunnel entrance, there is a road leading directly to the forest at the bottom, while the three of them walk down and look at the city in the distance.

"Maybe that's the city of elves!" Both Chen Mo and Golden Phoenix were guessing.

It was indeed a city of elves. The name of the city was Aixol, and there were also resurrection points in Aixol.

"People of that world, killed the three of you, broke in?"

After the three were resurrected, instead of leaving the city to continue to intercept Chen Mo, they found another companion in the city of Aixor.

It was a young beauty named Daintree. Daintree was in a silver armor, under the armor. But there is no extra clothing, so that the white skin on her body is fully exposed. Through the body parts not covered by the armor, it can be clearly seen that there is a strange black tattoo on the white skin of Daintree. It was Wen Jing Dante, who looked a little strange again.

"Sorry, Princess Daintree, the enemy is much stronger than we expected. We failed to complete the task you issued." Jiu'er said ashamed.

"As long as the wind tunnel exists for a day. People in the world over there will come sooner or later, and you can't blame you for this. After all, there are more people in the world over there than in the world over us. There are a lot of them. It's not strange that the characters are great. But now our large army is conducting the task of the elven princess in the cursed forest. I am afraid that it will take a lot of time to complete the task. I ca n’t let them come over yet. I ’ll go with you Stop those first-comers and try for more time. "Dantli shook her head and did not blame Jiuer and others.

"Okay, except for the three people who came first. After them, I am afraid that a lot of people will come over." Jiu Er remembered Wencheng being scared away and reminded Princess Dantley.

"Remove these three people first, and we will close the wind tunnel temporarily to resist them for a day or two using the method we said before. This time should be enough for us to do the task." Princess Dantley nodded, and there was already a countermeasure , Nine ears they no longer say much.

After a while, Princess Dantley took a team, including a total of nine people including three with nine ears, and moved in the direction of the wind tunnel.

At this point, the three Chen Mo had reached the edge of the forest at the foot of the mountain.

"Faces, are you new adventurers? I told you first, don't pick the fruits of these trees, otherwise you will be evicted by Axor forever!"

Going down, Chen Mosan found that this forest is not really a forest, but a huge orchard.

In the orchard, the same fruit trees are planted, and each fruit tree is full of green and bright fruits.

When the three of them came down, an elf slap-sized elf saw the two. The elf fluttered his wings and warned Chen Mo unceremoniously.

Chen Mo didn't care, but took the opportunity to ask the elf: "Your city is called Exor, how can we get into the city?"

"The road over there can go straight into the city. By the way, our elf princess is recruiting adventurer brave, you rush over early, if you can complete the entrustment of the elf princess, you can get a generous reward." Xiao The elf pouted and pointed out a way for Chen Mo.

Has the Elf Princess been commissioned?

When Chen Mo listened, they all moved.

In the game, the more powerful the task is awarded, the better the reward and reward. Needless to say, everyone knows it.

The princess princess is a princess of this elven race, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is the elf with the highest status. If she can complete the task, the reward will not be lower.

"These elves are a little different than we thought."

While walking, the three looked around.

The first elves they saw were the size of a slap, but along the way, they saw elves of different sizes.

Some elves are the size of a slap, but some elves are close to humans.

Although they saw the Elven City from a distance of half a mountain, the three talents knew that it was not easy to reach the Elven City.

After walking for half an hour, they still didn't feel close to the city of elves.

"There are enemies!"

After walking for another half an hour, Chen Mo watched a group of people in front and stopped.

Nine-eared three, impressively among them.

"Kill!" Princess Dantley looked at the three Chen Mo, without a word, and took her men to kill the three Chen Mo.

"You step back and protect yourself!"

Chen Mo dare not care, he fiercely ordered the two of Golden Phoenix, and then summoned Ceci Hero.

The nine-eared three already knew that his strength was extraordinary, and still dared to come with just one more team, which shows that the strength of this team must not be weak.

call! call! call!

The archer's arrows have been fiercely shot at Chen Mo, and Chen Mo counterattacked in that situation, everyone wanted to get back where they were.

Chen Mo calmly avoided, one arrow of the archer player was tracking type, blocked by Ceci Hero, the other two arrows, although the speed is very fast, but across a long distance, he could not shoot Chen Mo, Chen Mo Will not stand still waiting for an attack.

Warrior, priest, shield knight, two mages, and an assassin.

Except for the occupation of the team other than the three with three ears, Chen Mo already saw it at a glance.

The priest and shield knight have both professions, and the situation is a bit troublesome.

Looking at the strange team, Chen Mo's head turned sharply.

Well, that female warrior!

She is the boss of these people, kill her, and the situation will definitely improve!

At first glance, Chen Mo eyed Daintree.

Dantelli noticed Chen Mo's gaze and smiled slightly.

This adventurer from other worlds has a bit of vision, but if he wants to deal with her, he thinks wrong!

Her Princess Daintree, although a princess, has the fighting power among their group of people, and is one of the strongest. If singled out, few people are her opponents.

Not to mention, now that they are all on the side, they have more complete occupations and no weaknesses at all.


Chen Mo took the lead and rushed to Princess Dantelli, who also took her to kill Chen Mo.

The golden phoenix and the little demon are behind Chen Mo. If Chen Mo is not matched, they will not survive, and of course they cannot stand by.

Ceci Hero!

Under Chen Mo's instructions, Ceci Hero's speed suddenly accelerated, killing Princess Dantley.

"Stop her!"

Princess Daintree drank softly.

The shield knights in her team suddenly stepped forward to taunt Ceci Hero.

With one stroke of the shield knight, the taunting skills will fall on Ceci Hero.

However, Ceci Hero looked at the Knight of the Shield lightly. She suddenly used the speed skills and moved out a few meters at a time, making the Knight of the ridicule ridiculous.

"Be careful, spread out, this pet is weird!"

Dantley glanced at Ceci Hero and instantly felt Ce Si Hero's unusual.

For Dantley's words, Jiuer et al. Did not hesitate to execute.

The formation of the nine people suddenly dispersed, and a large gap appeared between them, forming a tendency to attack and defend.

Anyone can see that if someone dared to rush into them, they would inevitably be blasted by them and wrapped up and attacked.


However, Chen Mo did not hesitate to let Ceci Hero kill.

As usual, they put on this battle, and if someone dared to come in, they dared to kill.

But this time they faced an adventurer from a different world. The strength of this adventurer is beyond doubt.

"Weird, watch out!"

It was weird and reminded his teammates to be careful. Daintree didn't let all of them approach Sieheero.

She felt vaguely that if she stepped forward like this, she would be the enemy's trick.


They don't, but it doesn't mean that Ceci Hero is afraid to do anything.

When the window entered the siege of Daintree and others, Ceci Hero called out and turned into a dark hurricane.

The hurricane used this time is mainly lethal and cannot move quickly.

However, Ceci Hero's position is enough, and once the hurricane skills are out, six people are still covered.

After the six were involved in the hurricane, their blood was instantly destroyed by more than two thousand, and the six included Princess Dantley.

The hurricane skills were used, and Chen Mo flew to ~ www.readwn.com ~ and behind him the Golden Phoenix.

Chen Mo replaced the Phantom Sea Spear. He would cooperate with Golden Phoenix to take the lead in killing Princess Dantley!


The phantom sea spear in Chen Mo's hand flees wildly.

"Rocket!" The Golden Phoenix also fired a fiery arrow.

The little demon did not fall behind, she waved her staff, and flew a fire tongue at Princess Daintree.

Hit by all of these attacks, even if Princess Daintree is a warrior with excellent equipment, she will die!

"The power of the curse!"

Looking at the turbulent attack, Princess Dentley sighed softly, her body exuded a black gas, and then broke through the hurricane of Cesi Hero, and her body sank to the ground.


Third more. (To be continued ...) u

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