Godly Hunter

Chapter 298: Cursed Forest

So much in an instant?

Princess Daintree was surprised, she used the cursing power that she had just obtained from the elven city, and it was a type of consumption power. It was used less once, and now this adventurer can reach the cursing power with skills Effect?

However, she was trying to prevent these people from entering the Elven City and getting in touch with the mission anyway!

There is an extremely important thing in the city of elves, and this thing is their purpose in entering this virtual world!

A voice sounded in Princess Dentley's ears, and when Dantry looked, she suddenly yelled at those around her and said, "Hold all your strength and kill them!"

But at this time, outside of the Scarlet Mist, an elf swordsman fluttered to the Scarlet Mist, waving his wings.

The elven swordsman waved the huge sword in his hand, and a cold chisel split down.


A loud noise came, and the **** mist was split open in half, and it dissipated.

Originally intended to kill Chen Mo's Dentley and his party, they had to rush to both sides.

Han Guang split from Chen Mo's side, Chen Mo hid subconsciously, then looked at the **** fog that had been split in half, and couldn't help but be surprised. The Scarlet Prison Cage skill has been split openly from the outside!

"Elf princesses are patrolling. Fighting is forbidden on this road, but anyone who dares to repeat the crime will be evicted forever!"

The elf swordsman looked at Chen Mo and Dantelli and shouted loudly.

Elf Princess?

The Scarlet Mist was broken, and the avatar fusion was naturally lifted. When Chen Mo arrived at the Elf Swordsman, he couldn't help but think and looked away.

In the distance, there really was a group of elves slowly rushing over.

The elves have wings to fly, but this group of elves is walking on the ground, slowly walking along the forest road.


Both sides were forced to stop, Chen Mo also wanted to see what the elf princess looked like, so they called the golden phoenix and the little demon, and took the initiative to walk to the elf princess's team.

"We are going back to the city too." Princess Daintree did not expect that the elven princess would go on a tour today. When the elven princess went on tour. Fighting is banned in large areas outside the Elven City. It is impossible to stop Chen Mo, and it is meaningless to stay outside.

"What's that. So rich black gas!"

The three Chen Mo soon approached the elf princess's team. The result was more than thirty meters away from the elven princess. The three looked at the luxurious carriage in the elf princess line and couldn't help but be taken aback. The elf princess should be in the luxury carriage, but look out from the outside. The carriage was shrouded in black air.

Chen Mo's feeling of blackness was a little familiar, and it was similar to that of Dantelli just now, but the blackness of the carriage was more than 100 times more than that of Dantelli.

"Undead Warhorse!"

What made the three more curious was that the carriage was shrouded in black air, and the horse pulling the carriage was actually two undead warhorses!

The undead warhorses wore black warframes. If you don't take a closer look, you will not find that they are not ordinary horses, but two undead warhorses made of gray and white bones.

Is this Elf Princess?

All three were a bit unbelievable, but looking at the cold-looking elves outside the carriage, the three Chen Mo didn't dare to go forward to answer.

This is the land of the elves, and a little difference will be permanently expelled.

"It looks weird here."

The elf princess's team was walking away, looking at the team, Golden Phoenix said.

"Of course, there is no need to exist here without weirdness. Let's go to the city first and ask other elves to see what's going on. It is estimated that this is related to the task issued by the elven princess."

Chen Mo said, looking at the distant team.

The elven princess said it was a tour, but the fact is not as simple as a tour, but there are so many guards around the elven princess, and it is estimated that he can't find out.


The three walked towards the city of the elves. For half an hour, the three entered the city of the elves.

There are no guards at the gate of the elven city. The whole city is full of flying elves, but the buildings of the elven city are very general, similar to human cities. Before Chen Mo came in, he thought that he could see the peculiar houses. Unexpectedly, it was not the case at all, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Sister, Elf Princess, is she recruiting adventurers?"

Chen Mo looked for an innocent elf and asked with a smile.

"Yes, you can sign up at the palace in the center of the city intentionally." The elf nodded fiercely.

"Okay, I see. By the way, when we entered the city just now, I saw the elf princess going on a tour. The elf princess's condition seemed a bit wrong. Is she in poor health?" Chen Mo asked again.

"Not only bad! Elf Princess, she is so kind, she absorbed all the cursing power that was acting on us into her own body, causing her body to be eroded by the cursing power. The cursing power is extremely cruel, princess Of course her body is not much better. "The elf shook his head, worried.

Sure enough, the elven princess was cursed, and those black gas was the effect of being cursed.

Half an hour later, Chen Mo left the city of elves alone and walked north of the city.

After asking the elf, Chen Mo and the Golden Phoenix went to the palace in the city, and after talking with one, they easily received a task called "elves commissioned".

The content of the mission is simple. There is a cursed forest north of the elven city. The cursed forest did not appear for no reason. More than ten years ago, the cursed forest was just an ordinary forest, but one day, a gray meteor flashed in the sky, and a cursed special fragment fell into the forest.

This cursed fragment has a powerful erosive force, and that forest is eroded by the cursed force, and the entire forest is cursed.

Not only that, the elves in the elven city gradually found that they were also cursed, and continued to bear the power of these curses, and they might die.

At this time, the elf princess stood up, not knowing what method to use, and absorbed all the cursing power of the elf into her own body, causing the elf princess' body to become very poor, and because of the curse on her body The power became so powerful that no one dared to stand beside the elf princess.

The entrustment of the elves is to let Chen Mo find the cursed fragments from the cursed forest and leave the place with the fragments. In this way, the elven city will be liberated from the curse and the elven princess can recover quickly.

The cursed forest is north of the city of elves. From the mouth of the elves in the city, Chen Mo confirms that Jiuer has already come here. A large number of people have not seen them in the city. I am afraid that it was because those people picked them up. Mission, to the cursed forest to do the mission.

Jiu'er and Dantelli will not watch Chen Mo complete the entrustment of the elves. They are likely to intercept Chen Mo while they are on the way.

Although the elven princess can't fight around the city, in fact, this limit will not exist after approaching the cursed forest, because fear of being cursed, there will no longer be elves.

Therefore, after Chen Mo and Golden Phoenix were kind, the Golden Phoenix and the little demon stayed in the Elven City temporarily, and the news of the Elven City was first returned to Huaxia District. At most half a day, a lot of players appeared in the Elven City. .

There are a lot of people at Dainli's side. People have been here for many days. If he didn't confuse the water a little, and wanted to disturb Jiu'er's task by himself and complete it by himself, it would be impossible.

"This is the cursed forest!"

When Chen Mo heard the name of the cursed forest, he thought that this forest was a barren field with only dry wood and dead leaves.

But the truth is not the same.

The cursed forest does not see the slightest decline, but it is better to say that the trees in the cursed forest have extremely strong vitality.

However, the moment he saw the forest, Chen Mo confirmed that the forest in front of him was the cursed forest.

The trees of the cursed forest are not dry woods, but dark trees like black ink. Looking at them at once, there are trees of blackish breath everywhere!

The vitality of these trees is very strong, but it gives a very bad feeling.

"Sure enough someone is intercepting!"

Only when he was close to the cursed forest, Chen Mo saw from a distance. Outside the cursed forest, there were two teams wandering, fighting a dark rabbit.

Although they were fighting, the minds of several people were not fighting. Several of them looked at the distance from time to time.

However, Chen Mo is very careful. He has always used camouflage skills to move. When the camouflage skills cool down, he hides his tracks with the surrounding trees. He can now see these two teams, but the two teams cannot find him.

There are no monsters around the elven city. There is almost a paradise here. Until now, it is time to enter the cursed forest. Chen Mo did not see the monster, or a black rabbit.

"Rabbit monster, this speed and attack are not ordinary strong!"

Chen Mo forgot a glance and found that the rabbit monsters here are all amazingly strong!

Flexible and agile, great power!

The most important thing is that when the black rabbit's blood volume drops to 20%, the black rabbit's body suddenly emits a strong black gas!

"Be careful!"

When the two teams saw ~ www.readwn.com ~, they did not dare to ignore the surroundings, but hurriedly began to prepare to resist the attack of the black rabbit.

Crazed? Huge?

Chen Mo witnessed the change of the black rabbit with her own eyes, and it was false to say that she was not surprised.

The eyes of the black rabbit were suddenly red, their body size was three or four times larger, and their attributes skyrocketed. The two teams were a little bit jumbled at once.

What exactly is the piece in the cursed forest that has such a terrifying power?

Not only has a large forest changed, the surrounding creatures are also affected one by one!


Change it today. It seems that a four-four-four rhythm has formed. Tomorrow will be four, and the day after tomorrow will have to find a way to adjust it.


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