Godly Hunter

Chapter 336: Fighting in the sewer

"People from the **** guild really came after them. This article is from the start"

In the sewer, Chen Mo and You Ji rushed forward to remind them.

Although he had no friends who could kill him at Catlin, it was not difficult to find a few people to help monitor the sewer entrance.

Just three minutes after the three entered the sewer, he received news from outside monitors.

Three minutes was not long. It was not enough time to kill the big toad monster blocking the road. Chen thought for a while and said to the roll of paper: "Walk a little further. After I know the way, you take her to kill the toad monster. I'm behind for a while, and you'll be notified when the monster has 20% of his health left. "

The road in front of the sewer is a bit complicated, and many places are completely dark. Chen Mo only came once and could not guarantee that he would not get lost 100%, but the road was much easier after halfway, and Chen Mo could walk alone.

"OK." The paper rolled and nodded.

After walking for another three minutes, Chen Mo chose to stay and rolled the paper to take You Ji forward.

"It is worthy of being an experienced person, and it is very cautious."

A few minutes later, the people in the blood war guild appeared. Chen Mo looked at the people in the blood war guild and couldn't help but sigh.

The **** guild has fought with him several times, knowing his means, and now in the sewer, they directly let a row of pets go side by side, so that he would not be able to approach the attack in disguise.

And the people in the blood battle guild are quite a distance from the pets, even if Chen Mo uses the Scarlet Prison Cage skill, he can't catch it all.

Chen Mo was thinking that if there was a chance, he would send all the people in the **** guild back to live. It doesn't seem right now.

However, as long as you delay and give You Ji a little more time, his purpose is achieved.

Chen Mo did want You Ji to directly kill the **** guild, but You Ji strongly opposed it.

If she takes a large-scale killing of the adventurer, the news is that it will not be long before it returns to the Jewells' family. If they are not careful, the relationship between the two will be exposed.

Chen Mo also knows that in the game, they don't just follow the procedures, they also have their own world. You Ji's worry is not unreasonable. It is not good for both of them to show their relationship.

Therefore, to deal with the **** guild, Chen Mo had to rely on himself.

But to deal with or monsters, You Ji did not have too much scruples. Because you can kill people.


The men in the **** guild proceeded cautiously. Knowing that Chen Mo might be the man in the Elven City video. Even if there is a broken Qingyang, they don't dare to be careful, their people. But he was killed twice by Chen Motuan, knowing that once he seized the opportunity, it might be the end of the group.

However, although they were very careful, a trap was exploding when they were about to go through a corner.

A powerful attraction appeared, and the two summoners walking in front of each other were pulled forward by a force.

"Quickly add blood." Seven days of **** battles had the priest add blood.

The priest added blood, and the two summoners were just on the edge of the Vortex Trap, without much damage.

However, the faces of the blood battle guilds are not good-looking, because the summoning beasts in front of them have not been able to eliminate the trap, which is between the summoning beasts and them.

"He did have the means to delay the triggering of the trap."

"Be careful!"

People in the **** guild were more careful, and as they moved forward, the trap kept firing.

"He's holding off!"

The people in the **** guild soon saw Chen Mo's plan.

"Brother Seventh, don't be so cautious. He only has one person and we have many people. In this sewer, he doesn't dare to confront us. We let a group of soldiers come forward, follow the summoned beast, and move forward at full speed. This way he either shows up to fight us or he can only let us go at full speed. "

The people in the **** guild were too cautious, and Duan Qingyang couldn't help it.

"Okay, that's it." On the seventh day of the **** battle, this method was considered good. After thinking about it, he agreed.

A team of soldiers stepped out of the team, quickly followed the beast, and chased forward.


"Here, the big toad monster is in front of you. Be careful, it's amazing!"

On the other side of the sewer, the roll of paper has taken You Ji to the rectangular hall. The big toad monster is still crawling on the shallow water, and the huge belly is beating.

The roll of paper pointed at the big toad, reminding You Ji carefully.

"Possession of God of War!"

Seeing the big toad monster, You Ji knew that this big guy was not easy. She simply turned on the possession of the God of War as soon as she came up.

The golden light envelops You Ji's body. In the dark sewer, although hidden in the gray cape, You Ji is still very dazzling.

The large toad with half-closed eyes also sensed the presence of golden light, and it opened the huge eyes of a lantern.


Looking at You Ji, Big Toad issued a demonstration call.

Rolling paper felt like but not a second, the toad's alert range today is significantly larger.


You Ji drank softly, flashing golden light, like a meteor breaking through the sky, killing toads.

The big toad's scarlet tongue stabbed out like a spear and greeted You Ji fiercely.

The roll of paper could not see the specific movement of the big toad's tongue, but felt that a few red faint shadows appeared in the air, and it was impossible for him to avoid it.

But You Ji's golden figure was a golden afterglow left in the air. The big toad's tongue attacked, and no one hit him.


Dodging the attack of Toad's tongue, You Ji's golden sword successfully stabbed him.

A horrible blood volume of more than 60,000 floated from the big toad's head, and the paper rolled couldn't help but look a bit dull.

No wonder Chen Mo had the confidence to kill this big toad blocking the road, which turned out to be so powerful.

Just why this can help?

You Ji and the big toad fought fiercely, and there was no time to think about the roll of paper, so he could only stare nervously at the blood volume of the big toad.

Under the attack of You Ji, the blood volume of the large toad kept decreasing, and the roll of paper should pay attention to the blood volume of the large toad and promptly notify Chen Mo to come over.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Attacked by You Ji, his blood volume plummeted, and the toad of big toad sounded from time to time.

Its attack method has also changed, and it is not known how it attacked. There are huge black bubbles floating in the water on the ground.

Each black bubble is one or two points larger than a basketball. After floating from the water, it keeps converging to You Ji.

You Ji can't ignore the attacks of these bubbles. Although she wants to avoid, the number of bubbles is too large to keep avoiding. Only by breaking these bubbles can she have enough space to attack and avoid.

Bang bang ...

However, these black bubbles were actually small air bombs. You Ji used a giant sword to break them. As a result, these bubbles exploded one by one.

Several black bubbles exploded at the same time. Although the explosion range was not large, You Ji could not completely avoid it.

In the explosion of the black bubbles, the cloak covering You Ji was blown to pieces, exposing her silver armor.

"Beautiful beauty!"

Rolling paper looked at You Ji, could not help but look dumb.

She couldn't think of anything. The one that Chen Mo brought to help would be such a super beauty.

"Sword of the Cross!"

After suffering some losses, You Ji knew that she could not attack directly, but used sword gas skills.

The giant sword in her hand crossed in the air, and a golden cross was formed in an instant, swiping past the surrounding bubbles.

Under this golden cross, black bubbles exploded one after another.

After removing most of the black bubbles around you, You Ji rushed forward again and fought with Toad.

"It can really kill this monster!"

Seeing that Toad's blood was mad, the paper rolled could not help but be a little excited.

Just three minutes after the battle, the blood volume of the big toad has dropped by nearly 60%, and it won't be long before it can kill it!


In the sewer, there were several people on the seventh day of the **** battle and Bro Qingyang, looking at the **** fog in front, their faces were very ugly, especially Bro Qingyang. The soldier team he suggested was actually trapped in the **** fog, and opposite That guy has the strength to destroy the team inside, but he doesn't kill all of them, but just kills five people and keeps one person alive.

Duan Qingyang used that method, Chen Mo's wishful thinking was indeed disrupted, but Chen Mo also had a super trap of offense and defense, such as a **** prison cage.

Using the Scarlet Cage skill, Chen Mo successfully pulled the front soldier team into the Scarlet Mist.

There were only six soldiers inside. Chen Mo didn't go in by himself, but he could easily kill the six with his blood shadow.

And the members of the **** battle guild are not the kind of famous masters, and of course the ability to stand in the shadow of blood is not a problem.

Since Chen Mo didn't show up in the trap, the seventh day of the **** battle was also a person who knew the **** mists that had appeared in the Elven City. Those who fought super-frontal battles did not feel that they were so powerful on the seventh day of the blood battle, and of course they dared not take risks.

This drag was dragged for almost three minutes ~ www.readwn.com ~ blood shadow clone to kill the last soldier.

After this time, the 7th day of the **** battle did not dare let people do this again. If they do it again, they can't bear it.

"The toad's blood is 20%?"

The two sides were stuck for a while, and Chen Mo suddenly received the news of the roll of paper.

Seeing this, Chen Mo called Ceci Hero and asked her to delay the **** guild as much as possible, but he ran towards the secret road at full speed.

In the oblong rectangular hall, the battle between You Ji and Da Tou has come to an end.

The big toad's strength is very strong, but it is always just a monster, whose IQ is touching. After being familiar with the attack method of the big toad, the big toad no longer threatens her.

The blood volume of the big toad is mad, and in the blink of an eye, it has fallen below 10%.


Four more tomorrow. (To be continued ...) u ()

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