Godly Hunter

Chapter 401: Overplayed

"Super giant sea beast!"


After killing the first giant monster, Chen Mo found the second giant monster in the nearby sea.

This time the super giant sea beast was a dolphin. Using the same method as the first time, Chen Mo killed nearly half of the dolphin's blood before he became a giant.

The dolphins were attacked, from a dolphin less than two meters in size to a super dolphin more than twenty meters long!

With such a big guy, Chen Mo had time to kill in the future, and a team of players passed by nearby.

Seeing this huge dolphin, the team couldn't help but rushed over with great joy.

This is undoubtedly a super giant sea monster. There are only three people in this team. Killing this super giant sea monster, each person can get more than 300 points. In addition to points, there are hunter proof!

There was only Chen Mo next to the super giant sea beast, and the three rushed over without hesitation to kill and blame.

"Hey." Chen Mo smiled at the three men who rushed over.

Three people, archer, mage, and warrior, Chen Mo moved, avoiding the water snake arrows shot by the two archers.

The soldier smirked with an onslaught ability and rushed over, preparing to entangle Chen Mo, and let the two teammates behind him take the opportunity to attack.

Chen Mo didn't evade, and his body suddenly appeared in front of the soldier.

The soldier saw this, feeling a little uneasy, but unfortunately it was a step too late, Chen Mo already took two consecutive shots on him.

Blast the trap!

Thorns Trap!

For players who have n’t changed level 40, the warrior ’s health is only seven or eight thousand. Chen Mo has a sealed cage ring in it. Even if he is only equipped with a green glove weapon, his attack power is not low at all, and his Trap skills. All of them have been upgraded to high level. The two skills have dealt more than 3,000 injuries to the soldiers, and the soldiers' blood volume has bottomed out in a blink.

The soldiers were terrified. Knowing that he met a master, he hurriedly wanted to hide.

But how could the speed of the warrior player escape from Chen Mo. As long as Chen Mo uses another basic trap, he can easily kill the warrior player.

However, before giving the final shot to the soldiers, Chen Mo's figure suddenly moved and flashed to the side.

I just had a fight with the giant dolphins for a while. He already knew the attack mode of the giant dolphins. He felt that the light behind was dim and the giant dolphins were behind. Take advantage of the sneak attack to attack him. If he continues to attack the soldier, he will be hit by the attack of the giant sea beast!

Chen Mo ’s health is only over 6,000 points. Do n’t look at Chen Mo alone can easily single out the super giant sea beast. In fact, the super giant sea beast ’s combat power is not weak at all. Attacking a skill can easily kill most of the players. Health, good luck, critical strikes, and instantly kill any player in the class.

Faced with the sneak attack of the super giant sea beast, of course, Chen Mo dare not take the lead. If you are unlucky, you will be out!

When Chen Mo avoided, a dark green water arrow with a thick thigh shot fiercely from behind!

Chen Mo hid quickly, but the soldier player was unlucky. Was hit by this water arrow.

A 6,000-plus injury floated from the warrior player's head. This warrior player had only more than a thousand health points, and was immediately killed by a giant dolphin.

Girl, more than a hundred points are gone!

Chen Mo couldn't help voicing.

However, there are two more guys!

Chen Mo stared fiercely at the other two.

"Run away!"

The archer and the mage almost killed the soldier when they saw Chen Mo. They were all frightened. They saw Chen Mo looking at the two with no intention, and they hurried away.

But the points delivered to the eyes. Where Chen Mo would let go, his figure flashed. Jerked after him.

As for the giant dolphins, Chen Mo is not worried. The hatred of the giant dolphin was firmly on him, and when he moved, the giant dolphin followed closely.

But what Chen Mo didn't expect was that the giant dolphins seemed to be competing for points with him. When chasing, he actually killed one of them when he almost killed two people.

This is equivalent to Chen Moshao earning two or three hundred points. No matter how good the three are, one person has at least one thousand points.

Chen Mo had to take out the giant dolphins fiercely, and mammothed at the huge body of the giant dolphins. Before long, the giant dolphins were killed by Chen Mo.

System prompt: You kill the giant dolphin and get 3640 points!

System prompt: you get 5 hunter certificate!

3640 points?

When Chen Mo saw it, he couldn't help but wonder whether he was dazzled.

But looking back carefully, Chen Mo found that he read right and killed the giant dolphin, and he did get a huge point!

Can super-large sea beasts get player points after killing them?

Only this is possible. The super giant jellyfish he killed before clearly has only a thousand points!

Even if there is such a setting, if he didn't find it by accident, he really didn't know it!

In this case, he may get a lot of points quickly, and the first assessment will become very simple!

Chen Mo thought a little bit excitedly, then he glanced quickly at the scan, and then walked up to an island ahead.

The island is medium in size and the geology is dominated by sand. The entire island is like a huge beach.

The island is very flat. At a glance, you can see the shadows of many player teams, many of which are fighting each other.

The sea beasts on the island are just some ordinary small and medium sea beasts. Although it is a small and medium sea beast, its strength is not worse than that of a giant sea beast. Although a giant sea beast only needs to attack, it can expose its original shape, but not many people do so.

A group of sea beasts gathered around, even small and medium-sized ones were not jokes.

Chen Mo quickly approached the place where the giant sea beast was shown on the scan, scanned it again with the scanning skill, and then slammed into a white fur bear in front of him.


A giant sea beast more than two meters tall suddenly changed into a giant sea bear more than ten meters tall.

"Super giant sea beast!"

A team of players tens of meters away heard the roar and looked at it.

Players from this team ran to Chen Mo, who also ran to the six with a giant sea bear.

"Haha! That man's team is dead. He found that the giant sea beast can't be killed, we are cheap!"

Seeing this, a soldier player in the team couldn't help laughing.

They never expected that someone would come to take the assessment alone. I just thought that the unlucky guy in front of him was a bit unlucky, and his teammates were dead. I tried to kill an ordinary sea beast, but met a giant sea beast.

"Kill him by the way. If you can live to this day, you still have some points!"

"Yes, we don't kill, we are just cheaper."

A few people talked and laughed, and looked at Chen Mo, who ran over with a giant sea bear, and regarded Chen Mo as dead.

Blast the trap!

The two sides approached, and several people were preparing to attack Chen Mo. However, Chen Mo was a pre-emptive striker, and a **** teleportation suddenly appeared inside the six-member team.

The blasting trap is also a range trap. Although the blasting range is only three meters in radius, it is only enough to involve four of the six.



One skill, killing more than three thousand and four blood, four people, their faces have changed greatly, I feel bad.

Basic trap! Concussion trap!

Chen Mo continued to use two trap skills in succession, pushing one of the soldiers under the giant sea bear.

When the super giant sea bear saw someone blocking the way in front of it, it didn't even want the huge bear's paw to slap it.

The soldier screamed. Suddenly killed by a giant sea bear.

"Be careful, this guy is amazing!"

One teammate was killed in the blink of an eye, and the remaining five were killed. Hurry to join forces to resist Chen Mo's attack.

Break the waves!

However, Chen Mo changed his dagger weapon, and a shadow shadow teleport skill appeared behind the five, using the wave breaking skills!

In the face of Chen Mu's inscrutable attack, the five had no way to resist, and the wave-breaking ability was chopped on an uninjured archer, and the archer's health was instantly killed.

The key is the second wave of wave breaking skills. The impact of the range of waves hit all five in an instant.

Wave impact slows down enemy movement. The movement speed of the five people dropped sharply.

The impact of the wave shock is not low, three out of five. Health is running low.

The giant sea bear rushed over, and Chen Mo was behind the five. The gigantic sea bear slaps politely.

This slap attack is like a hill. When the five people below see each other, they are anxious and want to avoid, but they have the ability to break the waves, their movement speed is greatly reduced, and they may be able to escape in normal times, but now it is absolutely may!

As a result, this slap of the giant sea bear killed four of the five people in an instant, and the rest was only a priest with blood skin left.

The priest saw that his teammates had died clean, and there was a metamorphosis guy behind and behind him, and he had already given up the resistance.

Chen Mo didn't take the shot to kill the priest. The giant sea bear was welcome. He tried to attack Chen Mo, and then killed the priest.

Grandma's bear, this big guy killed six players and killed it, I am afraid that he can get eight thousand points in one fell swoop!

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is inconvenient to find a suitable sea beast like a giant sea bear, and Chen Mo is not willing to kill the giant sea bear just like this.

There are many other player teams on the island. Chen Mo turned his gaze and played against the giant sea bear while taking it to the other team.

"Super giant sea beast!"

A team of players farther away saw Chen Mo rushing over with a giant sea bear, and their eyes widened.

In their eyes, what they saw was a giant sea bear chasing down Chen Mo, a single player, and of course he would not let it go.

Chen Mo wanted this effect.

However, after getting closer, Chen Mo glanced around and found that he might have played too much.

Take a closer look, the entire team of players on the island are all attracted by the giant sea bears, and rushed over here!


First more. (To be continued) ()

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