Godly Hunter

Chapter 409: Not bad for money

Potions or props that permanently increase attributes are not in the game. Players who often mix forums can see them from time to time.

But those things are almost non-tradable props for task rewards, and the number is very limited if you want to get full luck.

But in Katerin's shop called "Gourmet Shop", the attribute potion for sale is tradable!

Those players in Katerin, when they saw the new store opening, the store name was called "Gallery Store". At first, they felt that the store name was too exaggerated, but after they entered the store, they knew that the name of the store was really the name !!

Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, and Intelligence. Except for the Elixir of Spirit Enhancement, the other four types of Elixir are sold!

In addition to these four extremely rare potions, the store also sells some monster potions they have never seen before!

A vampire potion that can draw monster blood when attacking, a night owl potion that can increase the player's night vision, and an ape potion that allows the player to climb ...

Whether it is an attribute potion or a monster potion, the most advanced players in the store have never seen it before. When seeing these potions, these players have widened their eyes one by one.

Many people want to buy the first time, but they find that the price of these rare potions is not cheap.

Four types of enhanced potions, 50 gold coins per bottle, those monster potions, 20 gold coins per bottle!

For many people, the expensive price is not what they can afford, but when the players come in, they find that all the potions in this store are sold in limited quantities. When only three bottles of each kind are sold, it takes less than ten minutes. All the potions in the store were sold out.

Soon, the news that Katelyn's newly opened store sold rare potions that could permanently increase attributes was soon spread on the forum, and Catelyn's territory entered the vision of a large number of players.

Many people are not the first to hear about Catlin. Before that, Catlin was a famous pk place, which made many people discouraged.

However, today, after hearing rumors about the rare stores and rare potions sold inside, many players have discovered that Catlin has changed a lot compared to the past.

With guards, pk players are greatly reduced, there are a lot of good leveling places in the wild, and in Katerin, there are no big guilds stationed, and the wild leveling places will not be occupied by people.

This alone, immediately attracted a large number of players who are looking for a leveling location.

Not to mention, in the forum later, there was news that someone in Caterin's Need Shop, spent 50 gold coins to buy the potion, and then sold 80 gold coins.

As soon as a bottle of potion changes hands, players who buy the potion earn 30 gold coins!

30 gold coins!

For many players in the game, that's a huge amount of gold!

There is a female salesperson in the Need Shop. The attribute enhancement potions in the shop are sold out, but players already know from the mouth that the store will refresh the goods twice at different times every day, each time 3 to 5 bottles of each potion. , Each player can only buy one bottle of potion from the store in one minute.

The news spread, and immediately attracted a large number of players who wanted to come to speculation, the gate of Catlin's territory, and was crowded for a while.

"Not bad."

Chen Mo looked at the forum response and felt very satisfied.

He opened this store just to enhance Catlin's fame. There is a best-seller store, and Catlin's territory is not worried that no players will go.

The attribute-enhancing potion in the best-selling store, Chen Mo is priced at 50 gold coins. This price is not low by Chen Mo. After all, the price of a recipe is only 300 gold coins. The materials for making the potions are rare and expensive, but the cost adds up The cost of a bottle of medicine is about 10 gold coins.

With a potion, Chen Mo can earn 40 gold coins.

The player's physical strength is limited. Chen Mo can only make about 100 bottles of attribute-enhancing potions a day, and distribute them to four potions, that is, 25 bottles of each potion per day.

If Chen Mo sells 100 bottles of medicine a day, he can earn as much as 4,000 gold coins a day, and 40,000 in ten days!

With this calculation, Chen Mo will never be short of money in the game.

But this is only a theoretical calculation. If the money is really so profitable, Chen Mo will laugh at dreaming.

First of all, the materials required for the attribute strengthening agent are very advanced and rare, especially the key core materials, even if they are rich, they cannot be acquired in large quantities. Chen Mo yesterday let the practice of ruby ​​and the materials that can be acquired. Almost all of them were received, but despite this, these materials can only be used for Chen Mo's refining of 300 bottles of medicine at most. If he sells them all at once, in a few days, there will be no medicines for sale in the store.

Secondly, things are scarce and expensive. Why are things expensive? Because they are small in quantity, they are not available when you want to buy them.

Each of these potions can only use one bottle. If Chen Mo is sold in large quantities so that players who can afford them can buy them successfully, it will make people feel that this potion is good, but easy to buy.

Once people have this feeling, the heat of the attribute strengthening potion will be greatly reduced. As nowadays, some people are rushing to buy, and then reselling and making money will not occur. Naturally, it is difficult to become a topic for players and cannot be promoted effect.

Therefore, selling only a few bottles of each medicament a day is the most suitable approach to Chen Mo's plan. Chen Mo will sell attribute strengthening potions, the main purpose is to make Catlin's fame and increase Catlin's prosperity.

And Chen Mo also doesn't think that the attribute potentiating agent can keep him making huge profits like this, I am afraid that it won't be long before others will sell the same potion in the game, and the price of the attribute potentiating agent will definitely drop.

However, his guru-level refining skills are at least one or two months ahead of other players in the game. Chen Mo can use these potions to earn money for one or two months and advertise for two months.

On the first day, almost all the potions of attribute enhancement were put on sale. As for the potion of monsters, few people wanted it.

It's not that monster potions don't work well, but it's too expensive.

Disposable medicine, the price is more expensive than the best green dress, few people are willing to spend money to buy.

In fact, Chen Mo put these monster potions at such a high price that they didn't mean to sell them.

He put it out just to make the store not so empty, but also to use the rarity of the potion to further strengthen the store's reputation.

As for the high price, that is to wait for the unjust use of the potions to buy.

In the next few days, Chen Mo refined one hundred bottles of attribute-enhancing potions every day. After refining the potions, he would kill monsters and level up near Catlin's territory.

With the promotion of the attribute potion, the number of players in Carterian Territory surged, and the population, economy and finance of the Territory immediately began to increase significantly.

According to Enoch's analysis, after the number of players has increased, Catlin's territory has been secured. Those skilled in blacksmithing, sewing, etc. will also be stationed in Catlin in order to increase the technological prosperity of the territory.

On the fourth day of the Need Shop opening, Chen Mo had used up all the materials, and then Lian Hongyu sent Chen Mo a new batch of materials.

The price of this batch of materials has risen by 50 compared to the previous, and the cost of refining a bottle of attribute strengthening agent has reached 15 gold coins.

Chen Mo is not surprised by this. The materials have almost been exhausted by him, and it is no wonder that he does not rise.

And others do n’t know where the attribute-enhancing medicaments in the best-seller stores come from. Of course, Chen Hong, who helped Chen Mo acquire so many things and materials, knows it.

However, Chen Mo did not plan to hide the practice of ruby, otherwise he would not ask her for help.

Even if this matter is exposed, it will have no effect on him, as long as it is not known that he is Catlin's lord.

In fact, as the lord of Catlin, refining the materials of pharmaceutical agents, Chen Mo can also acquire from players through Catlin, but in this way, it is very likely that Catlin has a player lord, so Chen Mo did not do that. .

Of course, practicing Hongyu will not spread the news that only she knows, and doing so will only do her no good. There is more than one merchant, Chen Mo can trade for another merchant, and if she loses Chen Mo's client, she will earn a lot of stable income without any risk.

Although the price of materials has increased, the quantity of materials sent by Lian Hongyu is not large, and Chen Mo can only make more than 70 bottles of medicine. Chen Mo didn't care too much. More than 70 bottles can barely maintain the store's business.

In the past, he has been running around everywhere, but recently, Chen Mo managed to deal with almost everything. Right now, Catelyn has entered a development period. He doesn't need to move at Catelin, and he also earns hundreds of gold coins every day. Chen Mo intends to stay at Catelin for a while, work **** the level, and catch up with the level of players in the game.

However, after staying at Catlin for only five days, Chen Mo just raised the level to more than 46 points, and someone sent him a message.

Looking at this news, Chen Mu thought for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ stopped mobbing, returned to Katrin to arrange something, consumed energy, and transmitted directly to Chisha City.

"Hahaha, silent master, you come very fast. I thought you were not in Chisha City before sending an email."

The upstart appeared in good money, and met Chen Mo in the city.

When he saw Chen Mo, he laughed a lot without losing money.

Some players around looked disgusted and looked no bad money, but Chen Mo was not afraid to belittle the fat man in front of him, the fat man who is not bad money, is definitely not a simple character.

"It happened to be nearby. I won't say anything polite, boss Qian, how accurate is the horse you said?" Chen Mo asked for money.

The reason why he will come here for the first time is because the emails sent to him by the money are related to the mounts!


Four more tomorrow. r1152

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