Godly Hunter

Chapter 411: Paradise rules

"Really, there are people!"

"It still seems to be a foreign player!"

Many people were also on the edge of the island, heard the voice of the little soldier, and looked over. ..

"Huh! It's out of date, this World of Warcraft is not the only one who can come to our Huaxia area, let alone low-level tickets, using high-level tickets, players from all regions of the world come in the same local!"

A member of the Longxiang Guild looked at the crowd with a sneer.

Longxiang Guild first entered World of Warcraft, and when they first entered World of Warcraft, they discovered that players from other regions existed.

"It seems that the players in all regions are actually on the same server, and it is true." Some players could not help but say.

Many people think of rumors on the forum.

Back in the game map, when someone encountered other players, the forum had a saying that all players in the world are actually in the same server.

The people present agreed with this player. Only Chen Mo knew that they were not only on the same server. If they knew the real secret of the game, they would be frightened.

However, the real secret of this game, Chen Mo knows that he only knows a little bit about it, there are too many secrets, he is still exploring.

Time passed quickly, and players from Huaxia District continued to appear in the suspended island.

It seems that after the news was sold by the high level of the Longxiang Guild, it spread rapidly, causing a large number of players to appear.

It is estimated that the next time, after ten days, World of Warcraft will be opened again. The numbers will be even more horrifying.

"Everyone, welcome to World of Warcraft. I am the manager of the park!"

Time was approaching twelve in the middle of the night, and an ancient voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"The paradise will be opened soon. Inside the paradise is the Warcraft I raised using special means. If you use the seal scrolls I made, you may catch them and make them your mounts. But before the park was opened, Some things. I must explain.

First of all. In any case, those World of Warcraft raised and raised by me in the park are forbidden to kill. The World of Warcraft that was raised by me was reduced to a certain degree of health. Will enter a serious injury state. Lose the ability to attack you. Of course, they still have strength to try to escape. You can capture Warcraft after it is seriously injured. Whether you can catch it successfully depends on your luck. After each Seal of Warcraft is used five times, it will be immune to the effect of the Seal of Reel. If you fail to catch Warcraft five times, please do n’t embarrass these Warcraft, otherwise, if one of the team killed one of them, I was raised Warcraft, the entire team will be expelled from World of Warcraft. "

The voice of the park manager sounded in everyone's ears, and the players present were stunned when they heard it, remembering what the park manager said.

"Second, after entering the park, you need to collect materials and ore in the park. These materials and ore are graded. Based on the materials and ore you get, you can redeem them to the corresponding grade through the system in the park anytime, anywhere. Seal Scroll. Whether it is material, ore or seal scroll, you ca n’t take it away when you leave the park, so please use it and do n’t waste it. "

"Third, in the paradise, the mounts that you successfully captured cannot be used immediately. Only after leaving the park can you summon the corresponding mounts. If you find the mounts and you are not satisfied, you can also pass through the park Internal system for trading. Under normal circumstances, you only have five capture opportunities, and using the blocked Warcraft can trade to at least 5 additional capture opportunities. "

"Finally, the opening of the park lasted 24 hours. After 24 hours, the park was closed, and everyone will teleport out of the park."

The low ancient voice rang in everyone's ears for a while, telling them several points of attention one by one.

Players in other districts, let alone say, players in Huaxia District, after listening to the words of the park manager, all looked moved.

Obviously, the news they bought was not complete, and many of the attention points raised by the park managers did not know.

Chen Mo had a good conversation with Buqianqian for a while. Not bad money did not bother to hide these news and did not say. It can be seen that not bad money did not know these details.

Not bad money is a look of annoyance. After looking back, it is necessary to give some lessons to the guy who sold him the news.

However, Chen Mo estimates that the guy sold the news frantically, and the news is not complete. I'm afraid I didn't know where to flee to avoid the power. Even if the money is not bad, don't try to find that guy.

The voice of the park manager fell, and it was 12 o'clock in the evening, and the players on the floating islands suddenly disappeared and fell onto the vast ground below.

"Silent brother, what's your next idea?"

With a flash of light, Chen Mo and not bad money and others appeared on the grass below.

There are no other players around, and it appears that all teams appear randomly.

Not bad money knows that in terms of combat strategy, it is not as good as Chen Mo, and he does not make his own claims, but asks Chen Mo's opinions.

"Of the several things that the park manager said, the first one is not to kill the World of Warcraft in the park. That is the most important thing, so unless you encounter a mount that you want to capture, you should not fight the monster as much as possible. Carefully killed the monster and walked for nothing. For the rest, first familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment, and further the rules of the game. "Chen Mo thought and said.

Although the park manager mentioned some precautions, with Chen Mo's understanding of the game, there will definitely be other game rules in this World of Warcraft.

Until you learn more about the rules of the game, it's definitely not wrong to act carefully.

Not bad money, of course, no opinion, let Chen Mo lead the way, of course Chen Mo will not go on his own, he called a treeman pet to come out and walk in front of the lead.

Several people walked around and watched.

In order to catch a mount, they don't have to catch them if they are seriously injured. They have to collect materials or dig first.

"There is material there."

It didn't take long before the collector who was not bad money pointed at several oval mushrooms under a tree and said.

According to the game time, the game is currently dark, but World of Warcraft is a blue sky and white clouds, it seems that there is no concept of dark. In the light, several people looked over and saw the oval mushroom.

Several people walked over, and the collector used the collection skills to collect several pieces of oval mushrooms, and it turned out that three mushroom-shaped materials were collected.

However, what is the name of this oval mushroom, Chen Mo and others have no way of knowing it. The oval mushroom collected by the collector is only shown as "Unknown Grade 1 Material".

This Level 1 material is unknown, and its attribute description is tradable, dead and dropped, and recovered after leaving the park. Each Level 1 material can be redeemed for a roll of Level 1 Seal Scroll.

"A Level 1 Seal Scroll has a 1% chance to successfully seal a badly wounded Warcraft! Damn, this thing has a fart!" Not bad money took a Level 1 material and redeemed a roll of Level 1 Seal Scroll. See, he couldn't help scolding.

1% chance, this is no longer looking at the face, but the possibility of almost no success!

"For 10 copies of Level 1 materials, you can change a roll of Level 2 Seal Scroll and Level 2 Seal Scroll with a 5% chance of success."

Chen Mo opened the exchange system and glanced quickly.

There are 5 types of seal scrolls that can be exchanged on the exchange system.

Level 1 Seal Scroll 1% chance, Level 2 Seal Scroll 5% chance, Level 3 Seal Scroll 10% chance, Level 4 Seal Scroll 20% chance, Level 5 Seal Scroll 50% chance.

Level 2 Seal Scrolls can be exchanged with 10 copies of Level 1 materials, or 1 copy of Level 2 materials, so there are 5 levels of materials and ore in this park.

Needless to say, Level 1 materials are the easiest to obtain, and Level 5 materials are the rarest.

"There are 24 hours. If you get more materials, you can always exchange them for high-level scrolls." Chen Mowei said with a smile.

"It can only be like this, you still have to rely on the master of silence when you wait." Not bad money also laughed.

Chen Mo nodded, knowing what the money meant.

In World of Warcraft, not only the materials and ore will die when they die, but even the seal scrolls that are exchanged out are the same. As long as they are killed, they will fall 100%.

In other words, over time, among the players in World of Warcraft, some people will kill other player teams in order to collect material ore.

Although it has not been successfully sealed to Warcraft, Chen Mo feels that the players who have been sealed will probably drop 100% after being killed.

If this is the case, a vast war will inevitably occur in the paradise.

After all, here ~ www.readwn.com ~, but players from all over the world, I do not know how many masters, Chen Mo can not forget, in the city of sin, there were masters like clouds.

Today, those who can enter World of Warcraft are undoubtedly masters from various regions of the world, and Chen Mo also has to be careful.

The group continued to move forward, and later a few people quickly discovered that the vegetation or stones that were different from the surrounding environment were the materials that could be collected and the ore that could be dug.

The material will disappear after the collection, and the ore is also the same as the material. It will disappear after a few pieces of ore are dug out. Unlike in a mine, it can be dug for a long time.

And everyone found that those materials without monsters on the side of Warcraft are Level 1 materials, and starting from Level 2 materials, there will be Warcraft appearing around materials and ore.

There are more than one World of Warcraft. Under the rule that World of Warcraft monsters cannot be killed, Chen Mo and others simply gave up when they saw a lot of surrounding monsters.


Second more. (To be continued ...) ()

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