Godly Hunter

Chapter 408: Black phoenix

The black beam of light that had risen before was of course not only seen by Chen Mo and Little Warrior, but these two have recently been moving at the fastest speed, and naturally came here one step faster than others. []

Other players saw the black beam of light, and now they came over.

There are also a lot of space crystals inlaid in the space, about 40 in number. Of course, Chen Mo will not give up so many space crystals, and these mining of these space crystals can also upgrade the little soldier's mining skills to the master Chen Mo, then, has no reason to give up.

"What it is!"

"The ore material embedded in the air is absolutely rare!"

Soon, a team of six appeared.

The six of them have dark skin and are relatively thin. They should be players from Africa.

Looking at the wonders in front of me, this African player team has bright eyes.

Although they haven't come forward to reconnaissance, they all think that these "ore materials" embedded in the space are definitely materials of level 4 or above!

Chen Mo listened to their words. Under normal circumstances, as long as the attributes of the props are displayed, their guesses can be eliminated. However, with the rarity of spatial crystallization, these people are even less likely to see the attributes of spatial crystallization. Let them go.

The strength of these six African players does not seem to be too strong. If you want to do it, Chen Mo feels that they can destroy them alone.

However, he glanced around and saw that there were still several teams coming up, and he was not in a hurry.

"Everyone, these materials are Level 4 materials. Master mining skills are needed to dig them down. Do n’t do it, kill us, you will never get these Level 4 materials. Instead, I can make one with you. Trade, you protect us to mine, we can distribute more than half to you after digging the fourth-level material! Look at the fourth-level material above, there are more than forty, we can divide you into twenty-five. So you all have One can change to five Level 4 Seal Scrolls. "

Chen Mo said to the six people sincerely.

"What to do. Captain."

After listening to Chen Mo's words, several people looked at the little soldier who was mining in the head, and began to discuss in the team channel.

"This Oriental is right. No one in our team has advanced mining skills. Killing them will not dig these fourth-level ore. We will pretend to agree with him. Work with him. Wait for the little girl to dig it out. After all the ore, it is not too late to kill them. The death of the material will fall, and the two of them will not take away a fourth-level ore! "

The captain of the six was a dark-skinned bald young man. The bald youth glanced at Chen Mo and the little soldier, and said ruthlessly in the team.

"Okay! That's it, so many fourth-level materials, why leave them to us. We took them all and replaced them with fifth-level seal reels. Such rare mounts can be caught!"

The words of the bald youth immediately greeted the approval of several people.

"But ... Captain, there seems to be other players in the distance. Should we kill them first and take a step first? With so many people going to war, we're afraid we can't get any benefit."

However, an African female player in the team looked at the players around her and couldn't help but advise.

They were not blind, and naturally they saw it. Several teams came over in the distance.

"No! It ’s not long before these two came here, and depending on the mining speed of the little girl, I'm afraid that I haven't been able to dig up many fourth-level ore. Now that we can kill it, we can't make much money. Other teams will come , We are not afraid of them, when the melee fights up, we will have an advantage. Not only will we get a lot of fourth-level ore, but also those teams who die will also drop a lot of materials! "

The bald youth was sneering and arrogant.

In the African region, his city has few opponents. He doesn't believe that if he comes to a few teams casually, he will be stronger than them.

In the scuffle, he felt that he would never suffer!

"Level 4 ore!"

Soon, several teams rushed over.

They rushed over and saw the crystals inlaid in the mid-air space. They all thought that this was the fourth-grade ore.

The little warrior's digging space is just a few pieces, and there are more than thirty or forty pieces inlaid in the air. These people didn't rush to see it when they saw this.

The fourth-level ore requires master-level mining skills. None of them have this mining level. Naturally, they will not kill anyone who can mine the ore. To kill, they must wait until the ore is completely exhausted.

"You guys, leave as soon as possible. We have already discussed with this team how to allocate these fourth-level ore." Chen Mo said sincerely when he saw these player teams.

The little soldiers on the side were mining in silence, listening to Chen Mo's words, and muttering, these poor guys.

"No rush, let's take a look here."

After seeing so many Level 4 materials, where will the team coming here leave?

They all know that when the female Oriental girl digs out all the fourth-level ore, there will definitely be a big war next, but they are all masters, like the bald young people, have absolute confidence in their own strength and are not afraid The upcoming melee.

In fact, which team of players is still alive now, which one has a wealth of combat experience, where would they be willing to leave?

As long as they have some advantages in the melee, it is foreseeable that they will get huge gains!

Soon, more than ten minutes passed, and the number of players gathered here turned out to be as many as seven. With Chen Mo and the little soldiers, the number of players here almost reached 50!

Seven teams from all regions of the world. Africa, Europe, North America, Russia ... Seven teams, each looking for a place to sit down, watched the little soldier waving his **** to mine.

In addition, they are looking at each other, estimating the strength of other teams, and discussing how to defeat their opponents in the upcoming melee.

"Ah, what is that guy going to do?"

In the distance, Kaka and others were hiding. Looking at Chen Mo's development, I was curious.

"It's very simple. He must be afraid of trouble. He wants to wait for all these people to come over, and then hit the net." Huo Ji said lightly.

They are all aware of Chen Mo's strength.

"This guy is not afraid to overturn in the gutter. Whooooooooooooooooh, everyone, I really want to kill and kill people in the past, I can definitely drop a lot of things!" Kaka said unwillingly.

"Don't make a fool. Killing is just exploding some materials. Or don't grab him, we will find another target." Huo Ji reached out and grabbed the crappy feet, trying to walk towards Kaka to Chen Mo.

"Let's go." Ziyuan nodded, and several people dragged Kaka to leave.

Kaka they left. And soon. Another team appeared. Let the number of teams gathered around, all of a sudden reached as many as eight!

After digging for nearly twenty minutes, the mosaic was crystallized in the mid-empty space. Already dug by little soldiers.

The surrounding team of players looked at the little soldier's gaze, and suddenly there was a lot of killing intention. When the little soldier digs out the remaining three pieces of space, they will start!

Huh! !! !!

However, at this moment, nearly fifty people of the eight teams present heard a loud tweet from the sky.

"Black Phoenix!"

Everyone looked up to the sky, and when they saw the sky, a huge black phoenix appeared!

This black phoenix is ​​very huge, with a black shiny feather, the whole body is more than thirty meters long, plus the beautiful black phoenix tail dragged behind, it is more than fifty meters long, with huge wings It is also 30 to 40 meters wide.

Everyone just glanced at them and couldn't help being attracted to this black phoenix.

The black phoenix should also be attracted by the soaring black light before, and now hovering back and forth over the heads of everyone.

The black phoenix had sharp eyes like flames. After scanning its eyes several times towards the bottom, no abnormalities were found, and a phoenix humming was issued, flying at an alarming speed and flying back to the north of the map.

"That is definitely a legendary mount!"

One of the teams present whispered.

Most people do not know the origin of the black phoenix, but this does not prevent them from catching the black phoenix. The appearance of the black phoenix made them even more eager to get the "four-level materials" as many as dozens of pieces! With those four-level materials, they might catch the extremely attractive black phoenix!

These people looked at the little warrior, and in front of the little warrior, only the last piece of space was left uncrystallized.

However, these people only saw the last piece of space crystallized, but did not know that when they just looked up and were attracted by the black phoenix, the little soldier appeared a light of skill upgrade.

The mining level of the little warrior has been upgraded to the Grand Master level in one fell swoop, becoming the first player in the entire Huaxia District, or even globally, to upgrade his mining skills to the Grand Master level!

And unlike Chen Mo, the skills of little warriors are really rising from the entry level!

After the mining was upgraded to the Grand Master level, the little soldiers' mining speed suddenly increased.

She dug down a mine, and the last piece of space crystallized, and she was dug up immediately.

At this point, all the space has crystallized, and all were dug out by her!

"Say good fourth-grade ore."

The people around were waiting for others to take the shot first. The bald young man's eyes flashed and he stepped closer to Chen Mo.

His idea is very simple ~ www.readwn.com ~ is to take some fourth-level materials first.

"Okay, this is a good fourth-grade ore." Chen Mo nodded and stepped forward.

"Everyone, more than half of the fourth-grade ore has been delivered to him."

Chen Mo also did not expect that the dark-skinned and bald-headed young man dared to come out for ore in the current situation. With such a great teammate, he certainly doesn't mind using it.

"What did you say, you didn't trade me at all!"

Feeling the eyes gathered around him, the bald young man was furious.

"Did you want to use me as a shield? Give me death!"

The next moment, the bald young man understood Chen Mo's intentions, and he furiously killed Chen Mo!

(The new year is coming soon. I wish you all a happy New Year in advance and wish you all the best! At the same time, ask for the first monthly ticket for the new year for this book!) (To be continued ...) u

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