Godly Hunter

Chapter 420: Invincible combination

What skills does this have?

Chen Mo seemed to know the little warrior for the first time, and stared at the black figure like a lightning with wide eyes.

This black figure suddenly shot at the target player targeted by the little warrior. The target player saw the little warrior in one shot and killed six people. He was already shocked. He saw a little black soldier shot To him, he hurriedly dodged.

However, the black silhouette will obviously follow, and despite his large displacement to avoid, the black silhouette still bounces on him.

Uh ...

The black weapon flashed on the black figure, as if it had been cut a few times on the target player. And this is only a momentary thing. The next moment, the black figure uses this player as a springboard and ejects to other players nearby.

Uh ...

A continuous sound of cutting sounded. The black figure shot by the little soldier was actually ejected continuously to seven people. Until no one nearby could continue to eject, the black figure stopped and disappeared.

However, everyone looked at the player who had been attacked by the black silhouette ejection, and all took a breath of air.

The black silhouettes passed, and these players who seemed to be passing by the black silhouettes all had more than 40,000 injuries floating on their heads, and then they were all spiked!

This little soldier killed seven people in one shot!

"This is a real blow to kill me in a real sense, leaving no room for counterattack at all!

Moreover, all the people present had no doubt. If there were other players nearby, the black figure could continue to eject. There are definitely more than seven dead people!

Eight teams around, less than fifty people together, Chen Mo killed three, and the little soldier killed sixteen in a blink. The players present were almost half dead!

After killing sixteen people in a row, the little soldier looked at the state of the property in front of him and excitedly killed another team.

Flesh Slash!

This is also a range of skills of a Berserker, consumes the health of Berserker players, under a sword. Blood gas splatter. Any enemies attacked by blood will take damage equivalent to being attacked by weapons.

The blood gas smashing skill can only be used below 30% of the blood volume, and is the same as Chen Mo's blood shadow teleport. It takes 10% of your health to activate.

Dare to use this trick of the Berserker player. They are all crazy people. After all, the blood volume cannot be controlled accurately and incomparably at 30%. Often after using this trick, the blood volume of the Berserker player is about 10%. To be touched to death.

In the hands of many people, this is a seven-stroke, seven-stroke fist. If you can't kill the enemy, you have to die.

Naturally, the attack power of the blood slash is not low!

The range of ordinary blood slashes is much larger than that of whirlwind. The blood slashes used by little soldiers are naturally more amazing!

The team that was being watched by the little soldiers, under the skill of blood slash, only one of the six soldiers escaped with the charge skills.

And the other five people, after the little soldier's blood slash, all over the head more than 30,000 to 40,000 injuries.

It's another spike!

The crowd was terrified, and the little soldier was even more excited to see it.

I saw her huge sword move, and another black figure ejected from her!

"My grass!"

Chen Mo, who had been stunned a long time ago, could not help but spit out a swear word!

Isn't this skill the killing of seven people in a row?

How can such a perverted skill not cool down?

The shadow of this serial killing was aimed at another team by the little soldier. This team was shocked, but it was impossible to avoid it. The shadow of serial killing had fallen on one of them.

Then the Shadow of a Killing Catapult attacked six times in a row, and all six people in a team were killed in seconds!

And, this time, each of these six people had more than 50,000 injuries floating on their heads!

The previous time, more than 40,000 injuries were hard to look at directly. This time, the injuries were even 10,000 more than the last time!

"It's so changeable, so bad! How can there be such a changeable, sober!"

"Run! Run away!"

As the little soldier absorbed the blood shadow avatar, the blood shadow avatar disappeared, and the sudden **** fog disappeared when the little warrior attacked. Those players in the **** prison were already able to leave.

However, the change of the little warrior is too sudden, and no one expected that the blood awakened state of the little warrior would be such a change and state!

Little soldiers killed 27 people before and after, but the actual time spent was less than a minute.

Anyone present, including Chen Mo and the little warrior himself, did not expect that the situation would change in such a short period of time.

In addition, the number of people killed by Chen Mo and the dead in the hands of Chen Mo and the little soldiers has reached thirty.

This is still Chen Mogu watching the attack of the little soldiers, and did not take any action afterwards, otherwise more people would die.

More than a dozen people who were alive saw the killing of the little warrior, and then killed six people at an alarming speed. One or two of them lost their fighting spirit completely.

No way, this is simply not something people can handle!

Abnormal attack power, weird skills, they can't connect near, let alone fight back.

If you don't run away, there is only a dead end.

Thirty people died. On the ground around, they looked at the past. They were all kinds of materials and ore, but the surviving players all ran fast and did not have any idea of ​​making a fortune.

Just kidding. At this time, I still want to make a fortune. It is estimated that only one person will become a dead person.

The little soldier's charge ability has already been used up. In the state of blood demon awakening, although the attributes have greatly increased, the increase in movement speed is not obvious. These players are masters in various countries. With some preparation, the speed of escape is fast. The little soldier tried it, and found that it was a waste of time to chase, and stopped.

Nearly fifty people killed thirty, one place of material ore, Chen Mo also did not intend to chase.

There are three teams left. They run in all directions, and even if they chase, they can catch up to one team at most.

Leaving all the materials on the ground to chase a team, of course Chen Mo would not do such a stupid thing, waiting for him to return, the things on the ground may be run back by the guy who is not afraid of death.

The little warrior released the blood demon state, and together with Chen Mo, he happily picked up the material ore on the ground.

"Wow, a lot!" The little warrior yelled.

Whoever sees the material ore of this place. Can't help but feel good.

"That's right. These people are really rich. There are so many fourth-grade materials and ore." Chen Mo picked and counted, and found the thirty people killed. About five teams. Actually gave him a lot of high-grade materials ore.

The material ore on the ground was swept away by Chen Mo and the little soldiers. Then the two counted one and found that they had obtained about 28 copies of Level 4 materials!

If you exchange it for level 5 materials, you can exchange 5 copies for one person!

Not only that. Among these people, they did not know whether they captured it or obtained it after killing them. Among them, three sealed mounts were dropped. As soon as they got out of the World of Warcraft, they could be unblocked and officially become mounts.

All three mounts are a little ordinary, a white horse, a black crocodile, and a striped tiger.

The little warrior asked for a white horse, and the black crocodile and striped tiger were removed by Chen Mo.

"Hahaha, good harvest! All of our materials combined can already be exchanged for 8 copies of Level 5 materials. When we will kill a few more teams, everyone will have 5 Level 5 seals." Chen Mo was very satisfied. Said.

Before seeing the black light to collect the space crystals, the two had enough 3 grade 5 materials, plus a large amount of materials now available, the 5 grade materials have more than 8 points. There are more than ten hours left, and the two have enough ten Grade 5 materials, which is absolutely no problem.

"Hahaha, I looked so good just now!" The little soldier reacted at this moment, and felt that he seemed a lot better in the battle just now.

"It's terrific. Have you tried this before?" Chen Zijing nodded and asked.

Strictly speaking, that's not terrible, it's metamorphosis!

"No. I use the Blood Demon state skill a lot, but it ’s the first time that it has become so huge as it is today. By the way, when I first entered the Blood Demon state, the system prompted my companions to provide blood energy and asked me if I could absorb it. After I clicked OK, the system prompted me to enter the awakening state. "The little soldier thought for a while and replied.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, the little warrior would become so powerful because it absorbed the blood shadow avatar of the awakening state.

With Chen Mo's current attack attributes, the awakened blood shadow avatar is already very powerful. Coupled with the blood environment on the ground, it allows the little warrior to absorb it twice, causing the little warrior's blood demon awakening state to be extremely abnormal.

"What's the skill of that slaying shadow?" Chen Mo couldn't help but asked curiously ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was very bad to ask other people's skills, but Chen Mo couldn't help it, then The shadow of killing is really too changeable and a bit out of place!

"This, this is the first time I use it. The shadow of this serial killer was that I did a task in the professional union after passing the second transfer assessment. Then the npc said that I would kill the talent, although I could n’t let it kill The second turn, but it taught me the skills of the shadow of the serial kill. However, in order to launch this skill, you need to accumulate 9 serial kill points through the serial kill talent, that is, to kill nine people in a short time to use . In the past, I have never used it once, I did not expect such great power. "The little soldier said embarrassed.

The conditions for launching the shadow of a serial kill are really too difficult. If you want to kill nine people in a short period of time, otherwise the kill will be interrupted and the points will be reset to zero.

"That is to say, as long as there are nine consecutive kill points in this series of killings, can they be launched all the time?" Chen Mo asked with a little sweat.

Sister, in this case, wouldn't he and the little fighters form a nearly invincible combination?

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