Godly Hunter

Chapter 440: Attribute test

"Ten legendary mounts, but only six became war spirits. If you could kill all ten, it would be much simpler, unfortunately."

An old orb with the size of a fist in black appeared in his hand. The agent glanced at the black orb and sighed.

Capcom killed the legendary mount, but the agent unknowingly turned the legendary mount into a war spirit!

Even the super masters in the games like Chen Mo and Blood Paladin are totally unthinkable.

"Huh! If it weren't for those guys, they could have been killed." Capcom said angrily.

"You better not provoke those people too much ... forget it, the past will not be mentioned, go to the next destination." The agent glanced at Capcom and shook his head.


Outside Chisha City, Chen Mo and the little fighters found places where there were no players or monsters.

No way, both of their mounts are too eye-catching. It would be strange if they called out without being watched by countless people.

It does n’t take too long to summon the mount, but you ca n’t summon just to summon it, but it takes one second to read the bar. Therefore, if you call the mount at a critical moment, it may be interrupted. Cool down for 1 minute.

Chen Mo and Little Warrior, both read a note to summon Black Phoenix and Blood Butterfly.

"Much smaller?"

Two legendary mounts appeared, and the little warrior glanced and couldn't help whispering.

The little soldier no doubt said what Chen Mo wanted to say.

In the World of Warcraft, the black phoenix is ​​nearly fifty meters long. It's amazingly huge, and the black phoenix summoned now is only one tenth the size and about five meters long.

Although compared with the average mount, the size of the Black Phoenix is ​​already huge, but compared to its original shape, it is far worse.

The blood butterfly was originally ten meters in length, and now it has shrunk sharply, but no black phoenix has shrunk significantly. Its current body length. There are more than three meters.

In the mount bar, you can see some attribute data of the mount, but this attribute data is far worse than the pet's attribute data.

"200,000 HP. Physical strength 80. Favorability 40. Satisfaction 60, rarity, first form ..."

Mount attribute data. There are only some very simple attributes. Except for the health, physical strength, favorability, and satiety, attribute data such as attack power, defense power, movement speed, and skills do not exist at all.

In terms of rarity, "Legend" is written.

This is completely different from ordinary mounts. According to Chen Mo, there are more data attributes on ordinary mounts, especially combat mounts, attack power, defense power, and moving speed, as well as bonuses to player attributes. Wait, there are detailed signs.

The legendary mounts of the Black Phoenix are obviously different from ordinary mounts.

Chen Mo's doubts were answered after reading the notes after the "first form."

On each attribute, there are corresponding simple comments systematically. The comments on the first form are much more detailed than the rest.

Chen Mo took a look, and immediately understood why the legendary mount does not have detailed attributes, and its size is much smaller than that in Warcraft Paradise.

The black phoenix summoned by him is in the first form. There are two factors that determine the attributes of the legendary mount in the first form.

The first is the player's level. The higher the player's level, the stronger the attributes of the legendary mount in the first form. In simple terms, the attributes of the legendary mount will increase as the player's level increases.

The attributes of ordinary mounts are fixed. In addition to using props, the attributes of the mounts themselves are involuntarily improved.

From this point of view, the legendary mount is indeed a legendary mount, and there is no way to compare the ordinary mount.

The second factor is the favorability of the legendary mount to the player.

Favorability is a very important attribute. With high favorability, the legendary mount's own attributes will not only become higher, but also increase the player's attributes.

On the contrary, if the favorability becomes lower, all the attributes of the legendary mount will become lower, and when the favorability is lower than a certain level, the player's command will be ignored, and even if summoned, it will just run around without listening to the command.

Simply put, if the favorability is low, the legendary mount will be lazy and troublesome.

Black Phoenix was helpless to become Chen Mo's mount at a critical moment. He didn't have much affection for Chen Mo, but Chen Mo had to find a way to increase the favorability of Black Phoenix, otherwise this guy would not be useful.

The two attributes of physical strength and satiety are also important.

Use the mount to move and fight, the physical strength will decrease, let it rest, and the satiety will affect the mount ’s mood and physical strength value increase and decrease speed. The satiety must be kept within a certain range for the mount to play Maximum combat power, and low food intake will undoubtedly reduce the favorability of the mount.

The first form is simply the normal form of the mount, and the first form naturally has the second form.

Looking at the second form, Chen Mo suddenly became warm!

The second form is to change the mount back to its original appearance, that is, the body is nearly 50 meters long, has more than 10 million blood, and has amazing fighting power!

But looking at the conditions for opening the second form, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile slightly.

To open the second form, the favorability must be above 90, the physical strength is above 80, and the satiety is above 80. If these three conditions are not satisfied, the second form cannot be opened.

After opening the second form, the system and satiety will decrease at an alarming rate, and the longer it is opened, the more the favorability will fall.

Not only that, once the second form is opened, the horse must rest for at least three days before it can recover, that is, once the second form is opened, the black phoenix can no longer be summoned within three days.

However, these data are not absolute, but are based on Chen Mo's level. The higher the Chen Mo's level, the lower the negative effect of the black phoenix changing back to the second form.

If Chen Mo's level is high enough, the black phoenix may still exist in the second form.

The blood butterfly is also a legendary mount. Chen Mo learned from the little soldiers and knew that the state of the blood butterfly is almost the same as that of the black phoenix.

The attribute data that can be understood from the mount bar alone, that's all, those hidden attributes can only be known through personal testing.

However, before the test, Chen Mo silently glanced at the Totoro's mount rail.

On the property panel of My Neighbor Totoro, after the word "My Neighbor Totoro", the word (sleep) was added.

This guy just ate a lot of good things from him, followed him, and then the first thing was to sleep.

He, the master, had nothing to do with this guy. The second mount railing space was in a gray, inoperable state.

Sister, it was so difficult to get this guy, but he couldn't even see it after it became a mount!

He worked hard to get this sleepy guy in hand, so why?

Fortunately, there is a black phoenix on hand, and if he only gets this big sleeping cat, he will lose out.

Chen Mo couldn't help but wake up to sleep, and glanced at the Chinchilla's property panel roughly.

My Neighbor Totoro's property panel is similar to Black Phoenix's, but each property is quite powerful.

Health is 1 million, favorability is 60, satiety is 90, and fitness is 90.

It is indeed a sleeping expert, with a fullness and physical strength of 90!

The health value of My Neighbor Totoro is also scary, which is five times that of Black Phoenix.

As for the rareness, Totoro is also marked as "Legend", but after hearing the words of the caretaker, Chen Mo knows that under normal conditions, Totoro is estimated to be legendary.

However, when looking at the level of Chinchilla's form, Chen Mo was surprised to find that Chinchilla had no distinction between the first form and the second form.

What does this mean? Does Chinchilla have only one form, and when it comes out, it appears in its original form?

But if this is the case, Totoro's blood volume is a little too low, one million blood volume, I'm sorry for its identity, which of the top ten legendary horses did not start with 10 million blood?

It's a pity not to wake up this guy now ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise Chen Mo really wants to call it out right away and see what's going on.

"Haha, it runs so fast and can fly!"

After the little soldier had a rough understanding of the characteristics of the mount, he couldn't wait to sit on the blood butterfly. The blood butterfly supported the little soldier and turned it into a blood shadow. It passed by Chen Mo and the speed was the number of players. Times, used to hurry, can greatly save time.

Chen Mo is also interested. He should have understood almost everything. He also jumped to Black Phoenix.

The black phoenix flew up reluctantly and fluttered its beautiful black wings. His eyes were impeccably colored, giving a feeling of laziness.

Little Warrior's blood butterfly favorability is much higher than Black Phoenix's favorability, with 60 as much.

With the same catching method, the favorability of the two mounts was worse by 20, and Chen Mo estimated that the little warrior had previously fought with Blood Butterfly, so that Blood Butterfly could not help her for a while, thus increasing the favorability of Blood Butterfly.

Black Phoenix, for the first time with him, naturally has a much lower favorability.

However, even if the black phoenix is ​​lazy, the flying speed of the black phoenix is ​​still above the blood butterfly. If the favorability increases, the speed will undoubtedly be faster.

The speed of Black Phoenix is ​​twice that of many mounts seen in World of Warcraft. It is almost impossible for anyone to catch up with Black Phoenix.

Chen Mo is naturally very satisfied with the speed of the black phoenix. With the black phoenix, it will be much easier to rush the road in the future.

Then, Chen Mo and the little warrior found another place with monsters and tested the attribute bonus of the mount.

The attribute bonus of the mount is a hidden attribute and will not be directly displayed on the player's attribute. Only when the battle is around the mount can it be effective.


Second more. (To be continued ...) R1292

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