Godly Hunter

Chapter 444: historic Site

"What do you mean? It's the man just hurry up, don't talk nonsense ..." Luo Hong glanced at the black beard unhappyly.

"Haha, okay, it's actually very simple. After this Scroll of Miracles has been used by Oakville in the log cabin in front, it will directly open a magic portal to reach the historical site. You can enter up to 50 people. You get a Scroll of Miracles, also But I want to enter the historical site. From the result, I naturally give you the scroll. "Blackbeard laughed.

"Squib! Who knows if you are telling the truth or not, and you don't want to take the treasure in the historical site by yourself?" Luo Hong did not believe the expression of black beard.

It ’s no wonder that the Miracle Scroll is a super rare item that they did n’t know until it existed. Although they do n’t know what treasures they can get from the historical sites after using the Miracle Scroll, but if they are, they will never Let others enter, and it's best to monopolize the treasure inside.

"Exclusive treasure? Hey, naive! I'm not afraid to tell you, the scroll of miracles I have handled twice, and I have entered the historical relics twice! The scroll of miracles does not exist in the beginning, and I know why the scroll of scrolls appears suddenly. Time limit? That ’s because the number of miracle scrolls that appear in all regions of the world at the same time is enough to activate the opening conditions of a historical site. Within the time limit of use, you can open a path to the historical site. Portals, all countries in the world, all players who have entered the historical site through the Scroll of Miracles will be in the same historical site. At least two thousand historical sites I have experienced each time there are thousands of people. Each One is a master from all regions of the world. Do you say there are not many of you dozens of people, what is the difference? "

After listening to Luo Hong's words, the black beard sneered, saying a little ironically.

These people know the exclusive treasures, but as he said, there are not many dozens of them in the historical sites, and there is no difference at all.

There are indeed good things in historical sites. good stuff. But the number is not much. At least a thousand masters are competing for that point, and the fierce competition can be imagined.

However, the historical site is a leveling mecca. The monster experience inside is extremely scary. Entering just blindly leveling. If you do not fight for the treasure, the treasure in the historical site will be found before the site is closed. Levels can be increased quickly.

"Players in various regions of the world? At least a thousand people?" Luo Hong and others listened, they couldn't help it.

If Blackbeard is true, if there are not many of them, there will not be much difference.

Chen Mo heard the words of Blackbeard, but not surprised.

In this game, there are very many people involved in the tasks or events that are of great importance. He has experienced a series of major events and tasks, almost every time a large number of players involved.

And listening to Black Beard's words, this historical site may have a great relationship with the background of the game.

"He should be right, I have heard about it a little bit, and it should be true when I think about it." He Xietianhuang exhaled.

He is the intelligence manager of the Blood Guild. He has his own intelligence channels. He has heard about the scrolls and historical relics, but he has not been able to get confirmation.

Now Blackbeard said that it was almost the same as the news he received, which is certainly no coincidence.

"Well, there is not much time, so things are set. There are fifty people, but there are more than fifty people here. I will give you ten minutes to determine the number of places, otherwise you can't enter, but don't blame me. Blackbeard said, walking towards the cabin carelessly.

There are 48 people in the two major guilds, the Blood Guild and the Maple Leaf Guild. There are 13 people on the side of Fengchen. With Chen Mo and Black Beard, the number exceeds ten. It is impossible for everyone to enter the historical site. .

"I want ten places!" Feng Hen was quietly listening to the words of the black beard. He didn't say anything. At this time, he had to fight for the place, and he said coldly.

"Ten places? Up to six places for you!" Xie Xuetianhuang shook his head.

"I only want ten places here, and you two guilds, each guild can have nearly twenty, don't be too contented!" Feng marks a tough attitude.

"Brother Fengchen, you are from Tianfeng Territory, but this is not Tianfeng Territory. Now you are few and inferior, and can give you six places. It is for the sake of you who are Tianfeng Territory. Others, our two guilds simply died out. "The **** sky was indifferent.

Give the wind marks four more places, and their two big guilds will have four fewer. Although the four places are not even a fraction of the thousands, just because there are too many enemies to face, and one more person can be added, there is more strength.

Although Xiexue Tianhuang knows that the forces behind the wind marks are not provoking, this is not the site of their forces, but the two guilds' sites. Even if the sky winds the territories, Xiexue Tianhuang has nothing to fear.

"Very well, I remembered Fengchen." Fenghen glanced at the two guilds who were disgruntled and knew that it wouldn't do anything to keep talking. Excuse.

At present, he only has more than ten people. In the face of more than fifty masters of the two major guilds, the fight simply does not take ten minutes to end.

"I want a place." Chen Mo said quietly.

Before the battle between Chen Mo and Feng Hen and others, the two guilds also looked at it, knowing that this person was not easy to mess with, just for a quota, and naturally they would not engage with Chen Mo.

There were six people in Fengchen, one with Blackbeard and one with Chen Mo, the Guild of Blood and the Maple Leaf Guild, and two guilds each had 21 people.

"Consultation? Come over then, I'll let Oakway open the portal to the historic site."

The black beard waiting aside saw this, pushed open the wooden door of the cabin, and walked in.

Chen Mo and others followed, of course, in the wooden house, there was a thin old man in gray clothes, he was Oakville.

Oakway didn't know how old he was. His face was vicissitudes. After seeing Black Beard handing him a scroll of miracles, his slightly cloudy eyes lightened slightly, and he seemed to remember something, then nodded and held The Scroll of Miracles walked out of the cabin.

Chen Mo and others followed, and Oakville was already standing in an empty place in front of the wooden house.

There was an old wand in his hand, and the curse was softly moaned, and the miracle scroll was followed by a firefly-like light, and the darkness was conspicuous in the night.

The scroll of miracles floated from his hand, and above the heads of the crowd, there was a bang, and it exploded.

In the light of the explosion, a series of images quickly flew in front of everyone's eyes, and those with good eyes could connect some of the images inside.


Yes, it is indeed a scene of several battlefields.

In that rushing image, there are some amazing battlefield scenes, each of which caused the unimaginable damage to the surface and life in the image!

The image flashed quickly, and the exploding light fell from the sky, forming a gray portal with a faint light among the crowd.

"Leave, oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you. When entering, please be careful. Each historical site has special rules. Don't die in it easily, hahaha." Blackbeard saw the transmission The door appeared, greeted him, and rushed in first, but, just before entering, Blackbeard turned back fiercely, reminding everyone.

This guy! Don't say it early or late, but just say it at this time, it must be intentional!

Many people, especially Luo Hong, suddenly hated the black beard. In his tone, I am afraid that he died in the historical sites, and the death penalty will be very heavy.

But at this time, there was no time to worry. Fifty people, including Chen Mo, followed behind Blackbeard and rushed into the portal quickly.

System Tip: Welcome to the special game event, you have come to the historical site "Third City"!

The scenery changed, and before I was sure where I was, a system prompt sounded.

Historical site, third city?

When Chen Mo was confused, his eyes could finally see things normally.

Then he found that he appeared on the top floor of a building that was hundreds of meters high, but the concrete floor of the top floor of the building was already covered with moss.

Not only this building, standing on the top floor of the building, looking at it in the past, Chen Mo felt like he was in a deeply civilized city in the depths. The one-hundred-meter-high building in which he was located was only in medium level. Looking away, the field of vision can't be seen, and everywhere the eyes are, there are tall buildings in the summer, the highest being six or seven hundred meters high.

These buildings, like the one standing under his feet, are all covered with moss. Looking at them at a glance, people have a feeling of entering the urban forest.

However, most of these high-rise buildings have been seriously damaged, and the middle part of many buildings have been punctured with neat spherical large holes.

The buildings did not collapse ~ www.readwn.com ~ can only say that the quality of these buildings is too good.

On the ground, there are ruins everywhere, and in many places, large spherical pits can be seen.

"It's really a ruin."

Anyway, the unusual scene in front of me made the players who entered here forget about God for a while, and after a while, some people whispered.

This kind of ruin scene, they have seen a lot in various movies, but after seeing it with their own eyes, it is a completely different feeling.

"It's amazing. Look, there seems to be a building built directly above the sky!"

But someone looked around and shouted loudly.

Everyone followed the eyes of the man, and sure enough, there seemed to be a civilized building floating in the air above the center of this huge city ruins.


First more. (To be continued ...) u ()

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