Godly Hunter

Chapter 449: Mechanical Battlegear

After thinking about it, no one was around, Chen Mo called out the black phoenix.

Black Phoenix has a 10% bonus to his attack. With his damage ability, 10% more damage is still very considerable.

In order to prevent accidents, of course, Chen Mo also called a bear and left it next to the black phoenix. If the praying mantis attacked the black phoenix, the bear taunted, otherwise the black phoenix would not have much favorability and would fall even more.

Calling the black phoenix, Chen Mo suddenly felt that it was a lot easier to lift the mantis.

The mantis' defense ability seems a bit special. If the attack power is not enough, the damage done is very low. If the attack strength exceeds its defense ability to a certain extent, the damage done is much higher.

Calling Black Phoenix, Chen Mo's attack power only increased by 10%, but his damage was nearly 30% more.

Chen Mo was quite surprised by this result, but in this way, he would kill the mantis much faster.

While fighting with the praying mantis, Chen Mo saw that after the black phoenix came out, he actually looked towards the sky from time to time.

There are many parts of Black Nest that have been torn down, and you can see the sky above your head when you look up.

Chen Mo glanced for a while, and found that it was not the sky that the black phoenix looked at, but the direction of the artifact replica.

This guy, what does it look at when time flies?

Chen Mo felt a little strange. He remembered that when he first saw the black phoenix, the black phoenix was also attracted by that black light.

Black Phoenix seems very interested in the chaos of time. But at the same time, it also showed a rather sceptic look, it seemed to know what dangers were waiting for it, and it did not leave Chen Mo and acted without authorization.

Chen Mo was surprised by the behavior of Black Phoenix, but unfortunately this guy could not speak, otherwise he could ask.

With the blessing of the attributes of the Black Phoenix, Chen Mo quickly killed the mantis.

"Good experience!"

After killing the praying mantis, Chen Mo glanced at the experience gained, and couldn't help but startle.

If he remembers right, a mantis gives 20 times more experience than a monster outside!

Twenty times the experience. As long as he kills here for a long time. You will be promoted to the next level!

With such a high experience, Chen Mo couldn't help but just want to kill monsters and upgrade here. Staying here for two or three days, he can rise to level 50 in one breath or even higher!

but. Chen Mo was just agitated and calmed down.

Levels can rise at any time. Even if he is a little bit elevated now. It is estimated that it will not be able to stay in the first place all the time, and there is no rank in it, and it has no meaning. It's hard to come to a historical site related to the background of the game, how can you get some rare things out.

Like Blackbeard, he has entered two historical sites. Although the guy has never really shot, Chen Mo felt that the strength of Blackbeard must be very strong. Although he is not weak, he wants to not be blackbeard. People who know many secrets of the game pull down and naturally have to seize the opportunity.

Chen Mo continued to carry the black phoenix, and the black eggs on the circular channel of the black nest appeared from time to time, monsters that looked like steel bodies. These monsters were of different types, but they were all agile and powerful. , Amazing defense.

Players with insufficient strength will only be abused by these monsters when they see here.

If Chen Mo does not have a black phoenix, he will have a headache if he wants to kill these monsters.

Especially when three monsters jumped out to attack him at the same time, Chen Mo knew that if there were no black phoenixes, he would be alone and want to go inside and grab treasures from others, only the daylily would be cold.

Seeing this, Chen Mo simply let the black phoenix stay with her, and did not plan to put her away.

He wanted to keep the black phoenix as a killer, and be caught off guard by others, but also had the opportunity to do so. If someone else has snatched the treasure, it is useless to keep the black phoenix.

On the various channels in the other directions of Black Nest, all the players who entered it also found that the monsters in Black Nest were terrible, but they were different from Chen Mo. They were all a team or even a team. , The team strength is not weak, killing these powerful monsters hatched, the speed is not as slow as Chen Molai, if Chen Mo does not call the black phoenix, they will be pulled out of great distance.

Soon, an hour passed, and Black Nest players moved a lot of distance, but everyone, there was a great distance from the turbulent sword in the middle of time.

Outside the tiankeng, it seems that the distance is not too far from the height, but when I entered the black nest and walked inward, I knew this distance and it took them at least three hours.

After killing for more than ten minutes in the Black Nest channel, Chen Mo couldn't help but just sit on the Black Phoenix and fly to the giant black bug bss.

However, the game experience has always told him that things will not be so simple, and doing so is likely to find a way out.

Sure enough, when he stayed in the Black Nest for nearly half an hour, there was a man riding a pterosaur in the sky, flying directly over the Black Nest, flying directly to the Black Bug bss and the Time Swirling Great Sword.

The man did not fly to the middle of the black nest, and under the black nest, a black shadow violently shot out, banging on the pterosaur in the sky, and Ying Long was immediately killed without even screaming. Death, that player is no exception.

Seeing this, Chen Mo could only be grateful that he did not make random attempts.

An hour later, Chen Mo found that his experience had increased by 13%. In Black Nest, as long as he killed 8 hours wildly, not even half a day, he could upgrade to a level!

Seeing this, Chen Mo tried hard to kill the black nest.

The time is another hour in the past, Chen Mo worked hard alone, and finally came to a place close to the black bug bss and the time turbulent sword.

This is a huge black-nest hall. When you look up, you can see the turbulent sword of time in the distance.

However, Chen Mo is not the first to come here. In this room, a considerable number of players have gathered, with hundreds of players.

In this room, there are extremely scary black eggs. If you move forward slightly, several monsters will jump out of the eggs.

There is no place to detour, the players who come here first are silently killing monsters in the hall together.

No one wanted to leave, and after so long, they finally saw something different.

At the end of the hall, there are pieces of mechanical armor. On the mechanical armor, there is a bone.

Regardless of whether or not the mechanical warframes can be used, there are likely to be treasures on those bones.

In this hall, if you want to kill a team by yourself, it is simply impossible. The people who come here, of course, work together to clean up the monster first.

As for the mechanical warframes, there are possible treasures, and the monsters have been cleared before making plans.

As early as found here, Chen Mo put away the black phoenix.

"This guy is here too?"

The shining God of War was in the hall, and he frowned when he saw Chen Mo appear.

At the time, in the World of Warcraft, Chen Mo was the one who gained the most fruits of life. He said that he was not jealous that it must be false.

However, the glorious God of War is undoubtedly Bosina. Posena was the one who killed him in World of Warcraft.

He had met Bosina long ago. This time, he had more teammates around him, but the **** of glory did not dare to do it.

Bosina's amazing, he already had insight, especially this time, the teammates around Bosina also increased significantly.

"It's him?"

The figure of Chen Mo could not be forgotten by Bosina. As soon as Chen Mo appeared, Bosina found out.

Seeing Chen Mo, Bosina hatred her teeth.

In World of Warcraft, she counted everything before, thinking that she could get a lot of fruits of life, and finally shot, and could wipe out everyone else. I did not expect that in the end, she was not only defeated, but also killed by Chen Mu. Almost zero.

"Would you like to do it?" It wasn't just Bosina who was hostile to Chen Mo. In the team of Bosina, a player glanced at Chen Mo and made a sound.

"Don't worry, he is not easy to deal with. It is not good to fight him now, but it is cheaper for others, and I will talk about it later," said Bossina lightly.

Of course, Chen Mo also met Bossena and the shining God of War. Neither of them was a good product. Chen Mo didn't want to be too close to them, otherwise he didn't know.

With the concerted efforts of all the people, the monsters in the hall were cleared very quickly. Soon, more than a hundred people appeared together at the other end of the hall.

There is also the last wave of monsters. After that wave of waves, the eight mechanical armors are half-lying on the edge of the black nest wall in front.

Each of these mechanical warframes has different damage, and each looks the same.

Chen Mo's eyes looked at one of them. Although that mechanical armor looked the same as other mechanical armors, Chen Mo recognized it. This mechanical armor was the one Joey used. With.

There is a skeleton on top of the other mechanical battle armors, but there is no one on top of this one, and it's not clear if Joey finally left alive.


The last wave of monsters has not yet been cleaned up ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are many players in the team, their bodies are flashing, and they must compete for the mechanical armor and the treasures left by their masters before others!

Chen Mo was certainly not polite. When he moved, he ran towards Joey's mechanical armor.

The mechanical warframe used by Joey is undoubtedly the best, and other mechanical warframes, because of the existence of bones, want to **** the most teams, and Joey, because there is no bone, the person who looks at it is Not much.

There were nearly 20 players in the field, and there were only eight mechs.

"Come on! This mech, my Mike wants it!"

A team of European players, closest to Joey's mech armor, took a step ahead of Chen Mo and came to the mech armor.

Seeing Chen Mo running towards them, a male archer player with high nose and blue eyes in the team sneered at Chen Mo ironically.


Second more. (To be continued ...) ()

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