Godly Hunter

Chapter 451: Tyrant skills

This golden light quickly formed a golden skill book in the air, and then fell into Chen Mo's hands.

"Golden Imprint Skill Book?" Bosina couldn't help changing her face when she saw this skill book.

The gold-printed skill book, this skill book, she has heard of it a long time ago.

It is said that this skill book was auctioned at a private auction in the European region. All the people who can participate are those with identity and strength.

At that time, Bosina was not available. I did not know that this skill book was sold at the auction with gold marks, but then she heard others say that at the private auction, when the golden skill book and gold marks were taken out, but It caused a lot of sensation.

The golden skill book, but no one has ever seen it, attracted a lot of people's attention as soon as it came out. Although after reading the attributes of the skill book, some people gave up participating in the auction after a slight balance. The gold-printed skill book is still auctioned at a very high price, and at present, no skill book can be broken.

Now Mike is dead. After his death, a golden skill book appears. Don't think about it, Bosina naturally knows that it is the golden mark skill book!

When Mike died, did he explode the skills he had learned and changed back to the skill book?

This kind of thing is unheard of, and even Bosina can't help but doubt her conjecture.

"Presumably this is a special rule for the map of historical sites this time!"

A teammate whispered beside Bosina.

Special rules!

Bossina couldn't help but stun her heart.

She almost forgot, in every historical site. There are different rules, remember that the last time, in the previous historical site map, if you died, you would inevitably drop a piece of equipment.

It's just that the rules and normal death will also fall down with equipment, and Bosina didn't die, and didn't care too much.

And this time the rules of historical sites are even more horrifying than the last time. They actually let people drop their skills after death. Revert to Skill Book!

"Golden Mark." Isn't this the skill of this guy? "

Chen Mo couldn't help but hold a gold-printed skill book.

Then, he also remembered that Blackbeard had mentioned it to everyone when he left. Filed inside each historical site. Has its own special rules. There is something that keeps them from dying lightly.

It now appears that in the third city, after death. It will drop the skills on the body, and restore the skills into a skill book! And I am afraid that it is still the most precious skill on my body, very terrifying!

But what made Chen Mo strange was that in the building before, he killed a priest of the two major guilds, but he did not lose the skill book.

It doesn't seem that if you kill someone, you will drop the skill book 100%. What conditions should there be?

As for the restrictions, Chen Mo can think of several.

The first is from the same region. It may be that even if killed, the skill book will not be dropped. After all, there may be the possibility of brushing skills.

The second is that the skills of the priest who was killed by him before are not rare enough, so he did not fall out.

Another one is that if you are killed in a special location, you will drop your skills and restore them to a skill book.

No matter which one is possible, Chen Mo already knows clearly that in the historical relics, he must not easily die, otherwise he does not know what tragedy will happen to him.

When Mike died and returned to the city, if he found that his most precious and most relied on golden mark skills were missing, God knew if he would go crazy.

"Nothing! The golden mark is gone! I'm going to kill that guy!"

In fact, Mike looked at his body after he was resurrected, and he couldn't help screaming wildly.

However, with the golden imprint skills, he was able to run unscrupulously. Without the golden imprint skills, although under the prestige of Florence, too many people would fear him, but the possibility of him being killed is also great increase.

In anger, Mike went offline immediately and went to find his sister.

Inside the black nest, watching Chen Mo get a golden skill book, many people have their eyes bright, and can't help rushing.

People who come here are not like Chen Mo. If it were not for Blackbeard's reminder, they would know nothing about historical sites. Seeing the golden skill book, many people thought of what the special rules were this time.

The golden imprint skills are so powerful that they have already seen them. If this skill falls into their hands, their strength will skyrocket!

Many people have this idea, and even Bosina is very excited, and many people are looking at Chen Mo with no intention.

Although Chen Mo is powerful, he always has only one person. If they can't deal with one person alone, they have to think too much. They shouldn't confuse and leave early.

Chen Mo knows what these people think, but he can't help but look a little speechless when looking at the golden imprint skills, feeling that Mike is really a super rich second generation.

This skill is very powerful, allowing any kind of weapon to leave golden traces of attack traces in the air within ten seconds after the attack. Players who enter these golden imprints will be hurt while being injured. Tethered inside, can't move.

It can be said that as long as the enemy enters the golden mark, there will be no suspense in the battle!

For any attacking profession, with this skill, you are almost invincible!

However, the consumption of this skill has blinded Chen Mo!

The golden imprint skills, the effect lasts only 10 seconds each time, and these 10 seconds, you need to pay 100 gold coins at the cost to use the skills!

Using this skill for one minute is 600 gold coins, one hour, 6000 gold coins, one day ... Chen Moquan is afraid that he will have to sell it!

Using this skill is really a waste of money, not rich to a certain degree, and people who treat gold coins as numbers are really unwilling to use them.

However, Chen Mo still didn't think much about it, and directly learned the golden mark skills.

Although this skill is costly and scary, it is needless to say that the skill is practical. After learning him, his combat power will be significantly improved.

The strength has reached his step. It is not an easy task to improve the strength. It is not golden marks, space storms and other skills. The promotion of him is minimal. Like some low-level trap professional skills, Chen Mo is too lazy to learn It is also hard to come in handy.

Every time he takes part in a battle, he is either a second person or a second person. General skills are useless.

The Golden Imprint skill, strictly speaking, cannot help him in seconds, but this skill can greatly limit the enemy's movements and use it to kill. This skill is a very good choice. With this skill, he may Able to single out by yourself.

System Tip: You have learned the skill "Golden Imprint"!

The system sounded and Chen Mo learned another new skill.

Chen Mo glanced at the golden imprint skill again, and looked at its detailed attributes, and couldn't help sweating.

The effect of the gold imprint can be improved, and the cost of the improvement is, of course, to increase the number of gold coins consumed, from the initial 100 gold coins in 10 seconds to 1,000 gold coins in 10 seconds ...

Looking at this attribute, Chen Mo was almost not stupid.

I don't know if he will be able to use this powerful gold print effect in a certain day ...

"Gold imprint skill book, how about selling it to me?"

Chen Mo quietly learned the golden mark skill book, other players don't know.

There are many people who have thoughts about Chen Mo. The same is true of Bosina, but after weighing a bit, she strode towards Chen Mo, looked at Chen Mo, and said calmly.

"Learn it." Chen Mo waved.

He didn't lie to anyone. He really learned it. If he didn't learn it, he didn't know it. In the game, he still had such a powerful skill.

"Really? That's really regrettable." Bosina knew that it would be unlikely to come, but she came over.

When she heard Chen Mo's words, she didn't have much surprise, but said with regret.

As soon as she turned around, Bosina walked straight back to her team.

In the Black Nest Hall, Chen Mo and Mike were in a life-and-death battle. Chen Mo killed six of Mike and snatched a mechanical armor.

Next to the other seven armors, Bossena and the glorious Ares easily obtained a mechanical armor. The other five mechanical armors also experienced short-term fierce battles around them, but they were all on one side. After seeing the other team's strength, their own team is not an opponent, they all stop.

They have just entered the historical site and are fighting with each other. Even if they can kill one or two of them, one of them may be completely destroyed. Of course, they are not willing to do this.

After Chen Mo killed Mike, the remaining seven mechanical armors also had owners.

The teams that won the mech armor are all searching for mech armor, as well as those skeletons.

Chen Mo also walked back to the mechanical armor of Joey ~ www.readwn.com ~ to see the mechanical armor.

"I said, why don't we deal with that Oriental together? The Oriental has a lot of good things. If you kill him, maybe you can burst out several rare skill books at once! He is only one person. With so many of us dealing with him, he must die. "

At this time, one of the teams that failed to **** suddenly stood up and said to the other teams.

When this man spoke, the glorious God of War not far away couldn't help showing an enthusiasm.

Chen Mo has a lot of powerful skills. The God of Radiance knows that death is killed here. It is very likely that rare skills will be dropped, and more than one may be dropped.

The person who just spoke was in the same team as his companion. This team, deliberately mixed with the team that failed to snatch, encouraged those who failed to take action against Chen Mo.


Fourth more. (To be continued ...) u ()

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