Godly Hunter

Chapter 47: Eggs against the sky

System Tip: You kill the target protected by malicious killing, the world reputation is reduced by 10 points!

Uh ...

System Tip: You kill the target protected by malicious killing, the world reputation is reduced by 10 points!

Uh ...

He tied Bude, Chen Mo buried himself in the jade pheasant, and one by one, the jade pheasant died, and Chen Mo's world reputation fell madly.

System Tip: You kill the target protected by malicious killing, the world reputation is reduced by 10 points!

System Tip: Reduce your world reputation to -1000. All kind and lawful human npc will refuse to communicate with you. After death, you will be resurrected in the "land of exile"!

System Tip: You get the achievement title "Villain"!

Achievement Title: Evil


Strength +50

Constitution +50

Dexterity +50

Intelligence +50

Spirit +50

Maximum movement speed +3

Special effects: It takes 24 hours to fall off after wearing. During wearing the title, the player cannot enter the human city. After death, half of the equipment items on the body will be dropped, and the level will be reduced by 1 level. When wearing this title, you can get the favor of some special npcs, get special treatment in the Exile and Sin City, and increase the damage to monsters in the Exile and Sin City area by 10%.

About sixteen minutes later, as Chen Mo killed another jade pheasant, his world popularity was suddenly deducted to minus 1,000, and he was awarded the title of "evil".

It turned out that losing a thousand prestige is a villain, and Gleason's guy is not simple. The world reputation of an npc has also been reduced to a thousand. The three wolves of flames he made were afraid of how cruel.

Losing a thousand world reputation, the villain's achievement title is in hand. Compared with the fallen one's title, the attributes of the villain's title can be said to have skyrocketed!

The attribute that the player increases by 1 level is only 15 points, and the villain title has increased the attribute by 250 points, which is equivalent to adding the player 17 attribute!

Title attributes are powerful, but the risks that accompany them are also considerable. Within 24 hours of wearing, if you die, you will have to drop half of your equipment and items, and the level will be reduced by 1 level. This punishment is more serious than the black name player.

In the game, after the death of ordinary players, the experience value is reduced by 10% of the experience required for the current level upgrade. There is a small chance to drop equipment items. Red name players die. The death penalty is twice that of ordinary players. Once death, 20% experience value is deducted. The black-named player dies, and the penalty is twice that of the red-named player. 40% of the experience is deducted for each death.

Under the name of the villain, the player dies once and the punishment is more than twice that of the black name player!

Chen Mo is a little disappointed. The punishment for the villain title is too serious. It seems that there is no chance to use it, but it seems that wearing the villain title in the exile and the city of sin has never been a little good. I just do n’t know what this is called. What are special treatments? If you have a chance in the future, you can go and see.

恶 "Villain! You cruel villain! Poor my baby, I have been killed so much by you, this villain, I am not alive!"

He lay on the ground for more than ten minutes, and Bud seemed to recover, but was **** by Chen Mo's hands and feet. He could only dry out on the ground.

"Mr. Bude, it's not right for you to say this. You don't have to kill these jade pheasants sooner or later. I kill them early and let them die early and give birth, but I'm doing good. I'm not a villain, but Great good man. "

It was too boring for a person to repeatedly kill the Emerald Pheasant, and Chen Mo was indifferent to Bud.

"Unsightly villain! Who said that raising jade pheasants is to kill and eat them! The most precious of jade pheasants is the eggs they lay! Every jade egg is like an emerald pearl, a precious anomaly! You kill With so many emerald pheasants, do you know how many emerald eggs were destroyed? "Bud roared angrily.

"How precious is it?" Chen Mo asked curiously, he really didn't know.

"I have it, you'll know if you take one!" Bud busyly said.

冒险 This adventurer must not know how precious the emerald egg is to kill his baby like this. If he knew, he would not do it!

System Tip: You get 1 "Emerald Egg"!

Chen Mo touched Bud, he really felt an egg coming out.

Emerald Egg: A rare item with strong recovery and support effects. Players can get the following effects after use, the effect lasts 10 minutes.

Instant recovery 3000HP

Instant recovery 3000MP

HP upper limit + 1000

MP upper limit + 1000

Strength + 30

Constitution + 30

Agile + 30

Intelligence + 30

Spirit + 30

上限 Maximum movement speed +4

Attack Speed ​​+ 20%

Kill monsters + 100%

道具 This item can only be used one day.

我 草!

Chen Rao singled out dozens of mutant bosses, and Chen Mo, who was in the best equipment, couldn't calm down after seeing the attributes of the emerald egg.

属性 The attributes of this emerald egg are too bad!

The long row of attributes is pulled down. If it is not a one-time prop, I am afraid it has a fight with the legendary artifact!

The player who restored the effect in the front and increased the player's attributes will only be able to do other things, such as low-level mutation potion, he drinks a few more bottles, the effect is not bad.

The most important thing is that the monster killing experience will increase by 100%!

This is a double experience in the legend. There has never been a similar thing in the forum. Needless to say, if you eat jade eggs all day to kill monsters, the upgrade is not going to be like a rocket.

However, there are restrictions on this anti-sky prop, which can only be used one day.

尽管 Despite such restrictions, however, it is impossible to conceal the inferior attributes of the emerald egg. If the emerald egg flows to the market, I do n’t know how many players will follow it.

No wonder he kills an emerald pheasant will be deducted ten points of world reputation, the feeling of this emerald pheasant is really not an ordinary rarity.

But no one can think of it. Nostalgic props are hidden in the novice village!

"How about, is the emerald egg precious enough! But the true function of the emerald egg is not just seen on the surface. If there is a skilled cook, using the emerald egg can even cook more rare and delicious!" Bude introduced quickly, hoping that Chen Mo could stop slaughtering the jade pheasant ~ www.readwn.com ~ and could use cooking skills to make better props?

属性 The attributes of this emerald egg are so bad now. What will the attributes look like after cooking?

Chen Mo can not help but a little curious.

"It's okay, Mr. Bud, is there any more, give me a few more." Chen Mo nodded calmly.

This thing is too rare. I don't know where to get it except Xinshoucun. I have to find a way to get more from Bude.

"Yes! Of course! As long as you let go of me now and stop slaughtering my babies, I can give you some!" Bud promised without thinking, he wanted this effect.

"I don't believe it. I'm afraid you lie to me. Let me prove to you that you still have some." Chen Mo looked unbelieving.

"I, I'll give you five more, stop when you take it, and go out, I'll give you another fifty!" Bud hesitated after hesitating.

For more than ten minutes, Chen Mo has killed more than a hundred emerald pheasants, and if he continues to kill them, he has worked hard to raise the emerald pheasants and will be killed clean.

System Tip: You get 5 "Emerald Eggs"!

"Okay, you take the eggs, stop now!" Bud drank.

"it is good!"

Chen Mo nodded, approached Bud, and said nothing, took out a ball of cloth, plugged Bud's mouth, and then turned back to kill the emerald pheasant.

Jade eggs are good, but what I want to know is what kind of achievement title is behind.

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