Godly Hunter

Chapter 461: Singled out

I have to say that in their eyes, Chen Mo is so arrogant that no one dares to talk to them like this.

"No more nonsense, I just ask you one, dare to single out! Any one of you can come here casually, even if there is a mechanical warframe, I will pick it up! But if a group of people hit me, then I don't Be accompanied and leave immediately! I want to leave, even if you can fly, don't try to catch up with me! "

Chen Mo stared at the people in the sky.

Playing six with one, even if the mechanical armor is full of energy, there is no chance of winning. He was wearing a torn robotic armor and was singled out with Florence's intact mechanical armor. It was almost impossible to win.

The players present were all entered from the black nest channel where Chen Mo had opened most of the channels. Knowing that Chen Mo's mechanical armor was running low, Chen Mo dared to single out with Florence in this case. Confident.

As soon as Chen Mo's words came out, the players present all looked at Florence.

If they did n’t dare to single out, they would have to fight one by six. Chen Mo was gone. No one would say anything about Chen Mo. Instead, Florence was famous, and suddenly fell in front of everyone, feeling this famous. People are just that.

"President, let me kill him!"

Facing the eyes of hundreds of people, these people from the guild of the temple naturally could not pull their faces and required six to hit one.

Really want to do that, even if? It was won, and the temple's face was lost.

Such self-destructive things, such a large guild of the Temple Guild, naturally will not do it.

"No. I'll deal with him personally!" Florence rejected the good intentions of her men, and said in a plain voice.

Chen Mo's actions have already annoyed her, she decided to take her own lessons to teach Chen Mo.

"Yes." Everyone around knew the power of Florence and did not stop it.

If Florence could not win that person, they would have no chance of winning.

"If you want to be singled out, I'll do what you want, and I'll see what you have!" Florence whispered coldly, and slowly flew over to Chen Mo.

"It's a good show!"

Seeing the Temple Guild not only promised to be singled out. The shot was still the big beauty of the president. Many players around have bright eyes.

Their immediate priority was to find a way to get rid of the black smoke and go in for treasure hunts, but a war is about to occur. It was they who had a keen interest.

The name of Florence. Many people didn't know it before. However, there were a lot of players in Europe. The news spread quickly, and everyone knew that Florence was one of the strongest masters in Europe.

There are also some players in Huaxia District here. However, the Guixu Guild and Maple Leaf Guild did not know Chen Mo, and they also had resentment against Chen Mo. Just after Chen Mo's fierce revenge, they all kept silent about Chen Mo.

There is no way to keep silent, what they know about Chen Mo, that is, after coming in, Chen Mo pitted them, snatched the monuments they were about to get, and then got the mechanical armor, killing them halfway people.

Can these things be told to others?

"This guy, I know and I know, I'm not afraid to tell you that before, I and he did a lot of killing and arson!"

However, someone asked about Kaka, and Kaka was afraid that things were not lively enough. Someone asked her, and she immediately started talking excitedly.

She and Chen Mo did not commit murder and arson, but these things, when they were spoken in her mouth, did not know how many times they had been exaggerated. Chen Mo was in her mouth, and soon became a metamorphosis. , A hundred people can raise their hands to kill the super master!

Without the confirmation of other people's words, Kaka's words naturally became a fact. Chen Mo's story also passed on ten, ten hundred, and spread quickly among hundreds of expert players.

It turned out to be a war between two super masters. This kind of war may be rare once in a lifetime in their respective regions!

All players were immediately interested.

The battle between the super masters is definitely not to be missed, not to mention, the two people in front of each other also wear mechanical armors with a tenfold increase in strength, and the results are absolutely shocking!

"What the **** is this guy, this guy."

After hearing the news from others, Bosina could not help but speechless.

Posina is definitely the best known among these people about Chen Mo's strength. She and Chen Mo have met several times, knowing that although Chen Mo is powerful, she is definitely not as perverted as these people.

However, she certainly won't stand up to help clarify anything. Whether Chen Mo or Florence was her opponent, she would be happy to see any one of them fame.

The two were going to battle, and the player next to the entrance of the passage immediately cleared the field consciously, giving way to the two.

"Go ahead."

The two stood face to face, Florence murmured coldly.

"Ladies first, this seems to be your western tradition. I will follow the customs of the countryside and let you choose." Chen Mo smiled.


After hearing this, Bosina couldn't help but glance at Chen Mo. As far as she knew, this guy was definitely not this kind of gentleman. Otherwise, she wouldn't have slaughtered her so easily in the core area of ​​World of Warcraft.

But Florence did not doubt anything, and it is indeed very common for women to give priority to the West.

Mike is an archer, but Florence is a fighter.

As soon as his hand moved, a blue giant sword appeared in Florence's hand.


Florence glanced at Chen Mo, and rushed towards Chen Mo as soon as she moved.

With a mechanical armor, she doesn't need to have any scruples, and can fight as she wants!

Florence didn't know what skills she used. As she rushed over, the blue giant sword in her hand was in the void, drawing a ripple, as if this sword can cut through space.

"What kind of skill is this?" Many people couldn't help but ask the people around them to see if anyone knew it.

There were a lot of experts at the scene, but apparently few people knew what Florence's name was.

"Skill, deep slash!"

Posena looked at Florence's trick, and couldn't help but speak a little.

She was very impressed with this move. More than a month ago, she fought against Florence.

Posena's strength is not as good as Florence's, but she relied on various defense methods to fight with Florence for a period of time and has not lost, and when Posena once again held up a magic shield, she wanted to continue to pass away When Florence's combat power, Florence used this skill to make her magic shield not work as it should.

In simple terms, it is the general defense method, which has no effect on the deep cut.

The attack method of deep slashing is not from the surface, but from another level, and can ignore ordinary defense.

The twisted force field of a mechanical warframe. In theory, the player's attack cannot break the twisted force field before the energy is exhausted.

But can deep slashing characteristics directly ignore the distorted force field?

Bosina is not clear, but she knows that Florence used this skill from the beginning, there must be her reason, I am afraid that the deep cut, even if the distorted force field can not be ignored, Chen Mo can cause some damage.


The speed of the mech armor was very fast, and Florence's blue giant sword blinked in front of Chen Mo.

"Sure enough! Don't hide! Don't hide!"

Many people wanted to know how Chen Mo was going to fight, but it turned out that Chen Mo didn't avoid the unknown blow, but immediately after the front, he was refreshed.

This face-to-face, unrelenting battle is the most tempting.

Under everyone's attention, Florence's blue giant sword and Chen Mo's dagger slammed into each other, making a loud noise!

"You're finished!"

Seeing that Chen Mo didn't evade her deep slash, instead she fought hard with her, and Florence could not help but look at Chen Mo with a mockery.

The current deep slash is a huge change compared to when she and Bosina battled. Even if there is a twisting force field, her trick can bypass the defense of the twisting force field and directly cause damage to the player. hurt.

Deep Attack's attack power is already extremely powerful. Under the ten-fold increase of the mechanical armor, no one can take her.

Although this skill is extremely powerful, it is only one of all the skills she can use, but it is more than enough to deal with the Eastern player in front of her.


In a violent collision, a faint imagination flew straight to Chen Mo!

A victorious smile appeared on Florence's face, but then she looked at Chen Mo, but when she saw a strange smile on Chen Mo's face, she suddenly felt wrong.

"Gold mark!"

I saw that after her phantom rushed out, Chen Mo's heavenly dagger, a golden light, began to spread quickly!

Wave-breaking ability under the golden mark!

"There is a twisting force field, and the golden imprint skills cannot bind me! And, even if you bind me? You are going to die soon!" Florence saw the golden imprint coming to her face ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ After a while, calm down immediately.

The effect of twisting the force field has been tested by her for a long time. Not only can she resist attacks, but she can also be immune to control conditions!

This guy had the wrong idea to restrain her with the golden imprint!

"Is that it?" Chen Mo smiled slightly, her figure fainted slightly, and Florence's sword was a ghostly shadow, cut on Chen Mo with no effect at all.

"Mike! That **** guy!"

After seeing this scene, Florence could not help but be furious when she was confused.

She asked Mike and asked everyone who had killed him what special skills he had, but the guy said nothing, but just said that the person sneaked into him and burst out of the golden imprint skills!


Fourth more. (To be continued ...)

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