Godly Hunter

Chapter 477: Timeless bracelet

Freed from the chase, Chen Mo looked to the eternal bracelet jewelry in the backpack. *

Timeless bracelet

Description: Rare jewellery made with a little bit of eternal stone, with strong protection effect.

Quality: secondary artifact

Restrictions: Level 50 and above


Base Physical Attack +170

Base Magic Attack +170

Strength +50

Dexterity +50

Intelligence +50

Spirit +50

hp ceiling +5000

Additional Skills: Eternal Shield, Eternal Light, Eternal Stardust

——Eternal Shield: Passive skill, all damage taken by the player is reduced by 10%, and immune to any form of poison damage below level 70. When the player's one-time damage exceeds 20% of the total health, and the damage will cause the player to die. When the player's health is reduced to 10%, an eternal shield will appear, making the player immune to the remaining damage. . This injury-free effect can only be activated once a day.

——Eternal Light: After use, dispel all negative states that can be dispelled below level 70 on the player and surrounding companions, and within the next 10 seconds, it will not be affected by the negative state. The skill cooldown is 1 hour.

——Eternal Stardust: Attacks containing eternal energy can cause huge damage. This skill has different manifestations depending on the weapon used. Each use of this skill will consume the energy of the eternal stone. When used for a certain number of times , The entire equipment will lose effect.

Sure enough it is a secondary artifact!

Chen Mo glanced after glancing at the properties of the eternal bracelet.

The second artifact had only a sealed cage ring in his hand. Now I finally got the second one.

The eternal bracelet is a level 50 secondary artifact. At a glance, the attributes are quite different. The basic attack power of 170 points is comparable to the basic attack power of some low-level weapons.

In addition to the basic attack power, the bracelet also added 50 points of four-latitude attributes, but what Chen Mo likes most is the bracelet added 5000 points hp upper limit.

In the game, armor plus life cap. Jewelry plus attack. If you want to pile up your life, you need to find good armor.

And the eternal bracelet, the attack power attribute is nothing to say, Chen Mo has never seen anything stronger than it. And it not only adds a lot of attack power. Also added 5000 life cap. This will undoubtedly make the eternal bracelet a superb!

Then, there are three skills of the eternal bracelet.

The first is the eternal shield. When Chen Mo saw this skill for the first time, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Fully immune to toxin damage below level 70, that is to say, before level 70, he no longer has to worry about being harmed by any form of toxin. Wear an eternal bracelet, even if he returns to the black worm, he will not be affected again. Those dark mist poison damage.

The effect of the eternal shield does not stop there. In addition to permanently reducing damage by 10% and immune toxin damage, the eternal shield is equivalent to giving him one more life!

The third effect of the eternal shield is, in short, that players will not be spiked with super high damage skills!

For Chen Mo, the normal injury is extremely difficult to kill him. If he wants to kill him, he must be instantly killed with extremely high damage so that he has no power to fight back.

Just like the ten-fold attack of the mechanical armor in the third city, as well as the superpowers, Chen Mo was properly spiked for these injuries.

But with the eternal bracelet, Chen Mo will not be killed instantly even in the face of these attacks, Chen Mo will have an extra life!

The second skill, the light of the stars!

With this skill, Chen Mo no longer has to worry about being affected by negative conditions during battle. Although the cooling time is as long as one hour, it is enough for Chen Mo.

As for the last skill, Eternal Stardust, Chen Mo estimates that the damage of this skill may be terrible, but this skill is related to the life of the entire equipment of the eternal bracelet, and it is not said that it can be used several times. If used several times, eternal The energy of the eternal stone on the bracelet is exhausted, and the eternal bracelet is scrapped.

Before level 70, Chen Mo did not intend to use the eternal stardust skill if possible.

Attack output means, Chen Mo is not lacking at the moment.

"I'm going to kill monsters nearby to practice levels. Where are you going?"

After knowing the attributes of the eternal bracelet, Chen Mo took another look at the level on his body and decided to raise the level to 50.

Fighting and killing along the way, the Dark Bee also gave him a lot of experience before. His level is only a short distance from the 49th level. Work hard and you can reach the 50th level within a few hours.

When you reach level 50, he can equip eternal bracelets, and his attack power and health will be greatly improved. In the face of mechanical armor, he also has more self-protection ability.

More importantly, the eternal shield protects him from toxins. With the eternal bracelet, he does not need to use antibody potions.

After taking out the antibody medicine from the safe, the validity period is only one hour. Although he can rush back to the black worm within an hour, there is only about twenty minutes left in the validity period of the antibody medicine. Twenty minutes If he does not use it, the potion will be scrapped.

The eternal bracelet does not need to worry about expiration, and even in the face of toxin damage from the black bug, the eternal shield can be immune, and he has more control on the black bug.

"Let me go, I still have somewhere to go." The wild leopard woman thought about it.

She was holding an eternity ring, and after reading the attributes of eternal interpretation, she naturally understood why Chen Mo chose to upgrade.

She hesitated a little, but there seemed to be other important things to do.

"Okay." Chen Mo nodded, let the black phoenix land, and put down the wild leopard woman.

The wild leopard girl left, and Chen Mo then asked the black phoenix to find a place where the monsters had more cheats, and started a crazy upgrade.

If there is a mechanical armor, Chen Mo wants to rise to level 50 but it is more than an hour, but the mechanical armor is not what you want to find, Chen Mo did not spend this thought.

Chen Mo killed the apes and monsters he was most familiar with. They were everywhere in the third city. He had killed a lot of them before, and they were extremely fast.

In order to gain more experience in killing monsters, Chen Mo also released the black phoenix to stay with him, increasing his attack power.

The black phoenix did not resist, but from time to time it looked in the direction of the black worm. Obviously, what it wanted was just by the black worm.

Next, Chen Mo spent seven hours in one breath and finally raised the level to 50.

After level 50, Chen Mo immediately put on the eternal bracelet.

Chen Mo had n’t had any good bracelet equipment before. After putting on the eternal bracelet, his attack power increased by nearly 20%, and his blood volume exceeded 30,000 at one stroke, close to 35,000!

In the game, a level 50 hunter with a health of more than 20,000 points is not bad. Chen Mo's blood is close to 35,000, which is comparable to a warrior player!

If the armor on his body is also good, Chen Mo estimates that his blood volume is more than 40,000.

Once the blood volume has passed 40,000, it will be difficult for anyone to kill him!


The level rose to 50, connected with the first-line players in the game, and replaced with new equipment. The attack power also rose a lot. Chen Mo rode on the black phoenix, and looked slightly excitedly and ran back to the black worm.

Not afraid of the black toxin's damage, the black tentacles are almost dead. If the black worm has no other means of attack, he can shake away the black crystals!

With the black phoenix in there, Chen Mo was moving very fast. After more than ten minutes, he returned to the tiankeng where the black worm was.

However, looking far away, Chen Mo couldn't help it.


The turbulent sword of time, and the black worm, are gone!

In the center of the sky, where the black worm was originally, although there are many players, the time turbulent giant sword and the black worm have disappeared!

What happened? During the hours of his leveling, someone killed the black worm, and then took away the time and chaos sword.

Chen Mo could not help frowning. The black worm and the time-swept giant sword are undoubtedly special existences and props in this historical site. If someone actually killed the black worm, it is estimated that this historical site is not far from closing.

The third city's historical site has now been opened for less than a day, which is a lot shorter than the two or three days that Blackbeard said.

However, flying closer, Chen Mo discovered that the black worm should not be dead, it just restored its freedom.

I saw that the side of Black Nest had collapsed. It seemed that a heavy object had been crushed by it from above, and Black Nest was forced out of a way.

The size of this road is about the same as the size of the black worm. It is estimated that the black worm escaped from the control of the turbulent sword of time and escaped or chased something and left the tiankeng.

Chen Mo didn't want to be too eye-catching. He got down from the black phoenix, put away the black phoenix, and quickly entered the tiankeng to ask the players in the tiankeng about the news of the black worm ~ www.readwn.com ~ Of course he was not asking openly, but Around the center of the black bug, there are a lot of players, and many people are talking about the black bug.

Chen Mo listened secretly for a while, and probably knew what happened.

It seemed that there was a player who did not know what method was used to pull out the time turbulent sword, the time turbulent sword was taken away, and the black worm recovered its freedom.

However, for some reason, the black worm was chasing after the person who had taken away the turbulent sword. The black crystals on the ground only swallowed most of them, leaving a small half, and dropped it on the ground. do not care.

These players in Tiankeng want to get the black crystals left by the black worm.


Four more tomorrow. (To be continued ...)


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