Godly Hunter

Chapter 488: Goodbye fat man

"Dare you laugh? Come on, get this guy half dead and catch it!"

The huge slime's sly smile was captured by August Parker, who suddenly became furious when he saw it.

He has been ridiculed in several large families, and now seeing the huge Slime laughing, I think it is laughing at him!

Under the orders of Auguste Park, dozens of people around him flew towards the huge Slime.

The huge Slime was not afraid, and he yelled, and fought with everyone.

Although the people in the sea of ​​flowers have contacted the huge slime before, this is the first time that they have faced each other. Playing against the giant slime, they discovered that the giant slime was stronger than they expected.

"Catch it! Be sure to catch it!"

Seeing this, August Park couldn't help yelling.

A slime monster with a sly mind and powerful strength is really incredible. If he catches it, he will make a great contribution.

However, the huge slime didn't seem to have any special attacking skills, just because it was thick and thick, and constantly hit people around.

As a result, although its blood volume was very long, under the siege of dozens of people, the blood loss was rapid, and the blood volume soon dropped below 50%.

"Okay! With a little more effort, you can catch it!" August Parker called again.

However, at this moment, the huge slime grinned suddenly and ignored the attackers around him, and his body suddenly started to turn red, like a hot iron block.


When everyone was surprised by the changes in the huge Slime, the huge slime's red body was exploding, and some people around him could not escape, and they were directly killed by it. A large pit was also blown out of the ground.

This guy blew himself up?

August Park was stunned.

The huge slime blew himself up, so where did he catch a back and make a mess? Others can ignore the huge slime who chose to blow himself up. It can only be said that he did it alone!

"Not good! Master Auguste, the huge slime we chase should be fake. Someone found the trace of the huge slime in the southwest!"

But at this moment, a man rushed to August Park on a white horse, yelling loudly.


August Park remembered the sly smile of the huge Slime, and suddenly came to understand.

It turned out that the huge slime was really laughing at them. It did not die, but attracted them with a fake avatar. Then the real body escaped long ago!

"A group of ruins, chasing a fake avatar, don't know! They all chase it with me, and definitely can't let it run away!"

After understanding it, August Park scolded the people around him severely, then took the lead and chased southwest.

And after August Pike led away, a figure appeared quietly where they besieged the giant Slime avatar.

"I haven't seen you in a while, this guy is really cunning!"

Chen Mo was a little speechless looking at the huge pit that Slime blew up.

He came in early, and the people who met August Park were hunting down huge Slime. He followed him secretly, and as soon as he saw the huge slime, he recognized it as a fat man.

Missed for a while. The big fat man had some changes, his body became bigger when he separated from him, his body was also red with black, a bit like a red iron block, but Chen Mo recognized it at a glance.

Seeing that the big fat man was surrounded, Chen Mo was still thinking about how to rescue the big fat man. After all, he was only one person, although he was very powerful, but the level here was also over fifty. He struggled to deal with it alone.

However, if the big fat man really can't help it. Even if it is dangerous, he has to create a chance to let the fat man escape.

After all, he didn't lose much once he died. After the fat man was arrested, it was almost impossible to escape.

However, Chen Mo felt strange when he saw the big fat man and August Parker fighting with almost no skills.

When the big fat man left, he learned a lot of skills for the big fat man. Now the big fat man has made a lot of changes, and I want to come to understand more powerful skills, but it is a skill that is not needed, purely based on a huge body. Fighting with the people of August Park, Chen Mo naturally had a guess.

As a result, seeing the fat man exploding, Chen Mo couldn't help but be a little speechless.

Originally, the fat man's clone was launched when the blood volume dropped below 50%. Now the launch conditions have obviously changed. It seems that if he wants to be a clone, he can be a clone. Otherwise, the people of August Parker have been chasing it. If you halve its blood volume, you will not find that the fat man has released a clone.

Compared with the past, the fat man is obviously a lot more cunning, knowing that using the avatar to play Augusto and his party together, but Chen Mo estimates that if the flower demon war spirit is still there, most of the flower demon war spirit idea.

As soon as his body moved, Chen Mo chased August Park again.

If he could secretly kill Auguste Park here, the fat man would no longer be in danger.

But there were a lot of guards around Auguste Parker. Auguste Parker was always surrounded by the crowd. Chen Mo chased all the way, and there was no good mobile phone meeting.

Auguste Parker is not a player. If you are a player, even if there are many people around, Chen Mo can go up to two or three seconds to kill, and the amount of blood is generally a lot. Chen Mo can't kill Augusto even if he is powerful.

Auguste Parker arrested the fat man, but they traced the trace left by the fat man, chasing the sea of ​​flowers all the way, the trace of the fat man disappeared, they were unable to find the fat man.

Seeing this, August Parker could only irritately give a temper to the people around him, and then returned home.

Chen Mo followed all the way, there was no chance to shoot. After August Park returned to the manor, Chen Mo observed for a while, and gave up his intention to assassinate August Park in the manor.

This manor is dedicated to the nobles who live in the sea of ​​flowers. The security work is well done. It is not easy to enter. After entering, it is even more difficult to come out after killing people, unless he can be in God. Jue kills August Parker, or don't want to live out after entering.

Fighting his life to kill August Parker, Chen Mo certainly wouldn't.

He thought about it, and then came out of the bustling sea, where the fat man left, sat on the black phoenix, and looked for the fat man's trace on the sky.

If it is just a big fat man, it is estimated that after doing bad things, he will not be able to hide secretly, but he still has the little devil who is a flower demon war spirit. As long as it is not dangerous, the little guy is afraid that he will not be safe.

Sure enough, after looking for nearly three hours in the sky, Chen Mo finally found the big fat man.

Under a tall banyan tree, the big fat man was fighting a little black bear. Before, he used the avatar to fight with the ancient Parker. It was completely useless. Chen Mo couldn't see how powerful it was. Now he is fighting the black bear. Chen Mu was in no hurry, and he looked in the sky.

After seeing the big fat man playing with the black bear for a while, he felt that the black bear was just the same. He shouted impatiently, his body was flushed with red flames.

The black bear near the fat man suddenly began to be burned and lost his blood, and felt that the fat man was powerful. He hurried back, and wanted to wait for the fat man's skill to finish before passing.

But the fat man's skills have become more fierce, his body shakes, and the body drops a large group of fireball-like flame slimes, these flame slimes bounced against the black bear.

Boom boom! !!

Then, these flame slimes, just beside the black bear, kept exploding, and the blood of the black bear went crazy.

The big fat man was so overwhelming that he opened his mouth wide and sprayed a large stream of fiery red magma in his mouth.

The temperature of the magma was amazing. When it fell to the ground, the ground melted directly, and the black bear was trapped in the magma on the ground, and the blood volume went crazy again.

The battle is still going on. The black bear has been mad by the big fat man. The big fat man waits until the black bear's blood is almost the same. When he wants to escape, a pair of flame wings appear on its back.

The huge wings fluttered, and the big fat man's burning body was like a meteor meteorite. He fell from the sky and fell fiercely to the position of the black bear.

A huge mound appeared, and hundreds of thousands of injuries floated from the head of the black bear. The black bear died and fell to the ground.

After killing the black bear, the big fat man returned to normal form, exhaled, and walked towards the black bear's old nest.

This is a small point. Usually no one dares to come here. Don't worry about being disturbed by other monsters when you live here.

Otherwise, it's a slime, a monster who sees it and would want to bully it.

Although at the beginning, the big fat people will be happy to let them know the power of Slime, but there is a limit to everything. It ’s too much. It ’s tired of the war spirits, so when you find a place to hide it, Always always find out where to kill, so that you can get a safe place to live, not to mention, killing can also get a lot of experience ~ www.readwn.com ~ After the level is getting higher and higher, the fat man upgrades The experience has become very scary. The experience given to kill ordinary monsters is too little for it, it is not interested in killing.

Instead, it is a level monster, and the experience given is still very considerable.

The big fat man wanted to go into the black bear cave under the banyan tree to rest, but at this time, a **** shadow fell from the sky.

The big fat man and the flower demon war spirit both watched vigilantly, ready to attack the dark shadow at any time.

However, when looking at the shadows of the shadows, the big fat man was a little frowned, with **** eyes, looking at the person, a little not sure of his own eyes.


First more. (To be continued)



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