Godly Hunter

Chapter 507: Join hands

"Do you have a way to enter?" Chen Mo turned and looked at the black beard alertly.

Although in the historical site, he ran away the black beard, but that was relying on the power of the second form of the black phoenix. How strong the black beard is, Chen Mo is not clear.

Judging from his strength, the black beard that Chen Mo saw has definitely not used all his strengths.

Although with Chen Mo's current strength, even if he is not afraid of anyone in the game, he has to beware of black beard.

He is not afraid of doing it directly, but there are various magical props in the game, and he will be overcast if he is not careful.

Blackbeard saw Chen Mo's scruples. He didn't get too close to Chen Mo, but stopped and laughed at a distance of more than 20 meters from Chen Mo: "Of course, otherwise you think I'll come here for something, see The scenery is not up? "

"But as far as I know, players cannot enter the miracle hall." Chen Mo asked again.

Although You Ji heard this, but wanted to come to this is true, then how can the black beard enter the miracle hall?

"It seems that you know a lot. Under normal circumstances, if you want to enter from the gate, our players really can't enter the miracle hall. However, we don't have to enter it ourselves. There are not various kinds in the game. Hey, you can use some special ones to get inside. "Blackbeard grinned, and then came up with a prop to show Chen Mo.

{Monitoring 傀儡: After calling this 傀儡, players can share the field of vision with this 傀儡 within 30 minutes, and can control the action of 傀儡. The effective operating distance of this 傀儡 is up to 3000 meters.


Chen Mo has seen the Goddess of Punishment. You can also create defense puppets in your own territory. It is not surprising to see the existence of monitoring puppets.

And monitoring 傀儡 is indeed a way to enter the miracle hall. Chen Mo also has some defensive 傀儡, but defensive 傀儡 only has high defense power, and does not monitor 傀儡 vision shared attributes. Chen Mo cannot control the action of defensive 傀儡. You can only give orders to His Majesty.

"With this thing, why are you looking for me?" But Chen Mo still had doubts.

Surveillance badgers are undoubtedly rare, and there are not many black beards on them. There is monitoring. Blackbeard doesn't need to find cooperation with Chen Mo, he can try it by himself.

Cooperation with Chen Mo is tantamount to sharing the secret with others and replacing it with Chen Mo. It is absolutely not the case.

"No way. Didn't you see it just now? Actually, I'm here. It's been more than a day, and I have used various methods for this day. I want to never go through the front and find an miracle from the outside. The main hall, but tried a variety of methods, including just using some kind of monster that can swallow a stone to dig a hole, trying to dig a small tunnel to let the surveillance crickets enter, but the results are not feasible.

Now that time is limited, if you want the monitor to enter, you can only lead the guard away and enter from the main entrance. This is the way I stay at the end, but you just saw the strength of the gate guard. It is definitely not possible to rely on me alone. As you are here, it is better to cooperate with you once. After all, there is no store after this village. If you do n’t enter the miracle hall now, you wo n’t have a chance afterwards. "Blackbeard sighed.

"What do you mean by this? Do you mean that after this expedition, the Miracle Hall will disappear, or is it something else?" Chen Mo heard and frowned at the black beard.

"Hey, I can't say more. Anyway, as long as you know, you don't want to go into the miracle hall today to take a look at it, or even bring something out of it, there will be no chance in the future." Blackbeard hehe laughed Nothing to explain.

Chen Mo has not yet promised to cooperate with him. Of course, he will not leak the secrets he knows to Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo promised to cooperate with him, and he couldn't even leak, so even if Chen Mo entered the miracle hall, it would be difficult to figure out what was going on inside.

"Why, do you think about it? If you don't agree, I'll go find someone else. I'm the only one who monitors me. Although you may not be able to find someone who can fight like you, you can still try it." Hei Beard didn't want to give Chen Mo too much time to think, urging.

"Okay, I promise you, but what are you going to do?" Chen thought for a while, and there was no reason not to promise Blackbeard.

However, in the end, whether he really wants to act with Blackbeard, or after watching Blackbeard's plan, he will make the final decision. If Blackbeard wants to make himself a bait and lead all the guards away, Chen Mo will not Will promise.

"Very good. There are a total of six guards. When we made a move just now, two were attracted to it. So even if we make any further moves, all of these six will not be sent out, and there will always be someone standing by. At the door to prevent others from entering the miracle hall. The number of people left behind is not yet determined, but it is estimated to be at least two, or even four. So next, we first test how many people they will stay in At the door, we can find a way to let the surveillance puppet enter the miracle hall. "Blackbeard slowly analyzed.

Chen Mo nodded and heard that the black beard was the same as he thought.

In fact, the best way is to kill six guards, but the six guards can stay here. Even if they are more powerful, they are unlikely to kill them.

A guard just broke Chen Mo's camouflage skills at a glance. The six guards have an estimated level of 60.

Chen Mo is at level 52 and the black beard level is estimated to be similar. The level difference is so much. It is too low to kill six guards in one go.

However, if they join forces, they still have the confidence to fight the two guards!

With the strength of the two at present, they are definitely at the top level in the game!

Therefore, Chen Mo and Blackbeard are going to bring in the two guards first and fight the two guards. If the two guards can't take them, they will most likely have other guards to support them.

If no other guards come to support, it means that there are at least four guards at the door.

The two also discussed ways in which the two would never move and attack the temple to attract the guards, but this method is expected to make the two guards run towards the two.

A single guard faced any one of them, fearing that there would be no danger. Only two people joined forces and complementary skills could threaten the guard. After all, the skills of the guard were limited, and the skills of the two were bombarded in turn. The power of human attack, even a level 60 guard, is difficult to resist.

Both were decisive people, and once they had the plan, they immediately started to execute it.

"What noisy outside the temple!"

They both covered their faces this time, and then hit the side of the miracle hall.

Soon two majestic guards strode over and yelled at them.


When the two guards approached, a black beard hesitated, and a large black flame sprayed at the two guards.


The two guards were furious and pulled out the giant sword in their hands.


If the two guards do not shoot, then the attack is extremely amazing!

I saw that the two guards just waved at will, and the two huge huge sword lights burst from their heads!

The huge Jianguang fell to the ground fiercely, and a huge crack appeared on the ground instantly. If he was split by this sword, it wouldn't be a strange thing to be killed.

But this Linglie attack did not cause any harm to the well-prepared Chen Mo and Black Beard.

As early as the guards dialed out the giant sword, the two were already in sharp shape, avoiding them.

"Gold mark! Break the waves!"

Chen Mo moved, appeared near the two guards, and used gold marks and wave breaking skills.

The combination of these two skills can well limit the movement of the enemy.

Before he started, Chen Mo had already asked for a monitoring badge from Blackbeard, so Chen Mo got up and did not want to use gold coins, and directly used the skills of gold imprints.

The two guards responded quickly, but after all, Chen Mo, a long-served attack, immediately hit the two guards.

"Poisonous Marsh!"

The two guards were in the golden air waves, and their movements were slow and restrained. Blackbeard took the opportunity to use the poisonous marsh skills.

Blackbeard, this poisonous marsh skill, although it is frequently used, is a very useful skill. Enemies in the poisonous marsh will receive continuous poison damage. Not to mention, the action will also become slow, and the longer they fight inside, the body will gradually fall into the marsh, and eventually will become undissolved before the poisonous marsh skill is released. Can't move, let anyone slaughter!

Under normal circumstances, the two guards can quickly get out of the poisonous marsh, and the poisonous marsh will cause them only a little poison damage.

But with Chen Mo who turned on the golden imprint skills aside, the two guards could not easily get out of trouble.

This is why Blackbeard is willing to find Chen Mo, but not others. Only by cooperating with Chen Mo can he leave two guards with poisonous swamps and replace them with others. I am afraid that it only alarmed the guards and made them more vigilant .

Both guards have a high resistance to the negative state ~ www.readwn.com ~ But Chen Mo's golden mark and the sluggish effect of poisonous swamp are even more amazing, especially under the entanglement of Chen Mo's golden mark. The action became a lot slower.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Mo wants to be close to the two guards safely. It will not be easy to trap the two guards with the golden mark skills, but now under the double negative state, Chen Mo is very easy to do.

"Whirlwind cut!"

Chen Mo was responsible for trapping the two guards. After releasing the poisonous swamp, Blackbeard began to attack the two guards fiercely. He wanted to make the two guards feel dangerous and called for the guards in the distance to come to support.

A black hurricane shrouded the two guards. In the black hurricane, we can see that wind blades dangle around, causing rapid damage to the two guards!

Blackbeard's attack power is amazing. In addition to the attack, even if it is hit by the defensive attributes of the two guards, it will hit tens of thousands of blood each time!


Four more tomorrow. (To be continued ...) R1292

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