Godly Hunter

Chapter 524: reason

"What to do? The number of adventurers in our elves was originally small, and now they are all sent out to participate in expeditions. Rarely encountered so many Terran adventurers, but the woman was still too powerful. Killing all Terran adventurers, it is too low to meet so many Terran adventurers. And in a few days, that woman will definitely not let the Queen down! "

The other elf couldn't help anxious after listening to Nicole's words.

"It's all because we didn't listen to Fiona at first. Fiona reminded us long ago that the woman had a problem, but we were different. She also said that Fiona had a bad heart. As a result, while the adventurer was not there, the woman Suddenly, he got angry and caught the Queen. "

Another elf said regretfully.

"Now it's no use to say anything. Let's take a risk, go to the place where Terran adventurers are most likely to see, and find some Terran adventurers to rescue the Queens!"

Nicole gritted his teeth.

"Near the World Road? It's very dangerous there now, and that woman's guard is patrolling nearby!"

The other elves were hurriedly stopped.

"I go alone, it is very safe to hide secretly, and you all go to other places to see if you can find Terran adventurers! If we do not take any risks, it is absolutely impossible to save the Queen them ! "

But Nicole had already made up his mind and explained to the other elves that he moved, fluttered his tiny wings, and flew towards the world.

The other elves listened to Nicole. He looked at each other and flew in different directions.


"The Elf Territory is ahead. I didn't expect those people to run so fast. I didn't catch up after more than a day."

After checking the coordinates with the map on hand, Chen Mo collected the map.

Chen Mo was in his early ten hours behind the big team. He thought he was moving alone, and at his speed, he could catch up with the big team within a day, but after more than a day, he still failed to catch up .

It seems that team. It is indeed the strongest team among Terran players. The speed of advance is really unambiguous.

"Well, elf?"

Wanting to catch up with the big team, Chen Mo certainly has to go straight, but he came to the place where the big team met the Elven Guard before. He also soon saw hordes of elves.

These elves are patrolling their duties. Even if there is only one person to see Chen Mo. They still flew over, and then said nothing, it was a wild shot.

rub! Not the same as saying good!

According to Prague. They may be attacked by Elven players. As for Elves, they are unlikely to attack them unless they violate the taboo of the Elves.

But this group of elves, there are more than two hundred, if they are less, they attack when they come up, no matter who they are, they will feel abnormal.

The volley of more than two hundred elves, the arrow rain spread like a locust, made people feel scalp numb at the first sight. Chen Mo couldn't dare to stop if he was more powerful. When he moved, he retreated sharply.

And a group of elves, after chasing Chen Mo out of their alert range, stopped chasing Chen Mo.

"Elf territory, it looks like something went wrong."

Like previous players, Chen Mo naturally thought of this.

Going to the Elven Territory is likely to receive a mission, but Chen Mo has no idea of ​​going to the Elven Territory.

If the expedition mission fails, for him, the loss will be horrible, and the reward of the elven territory mission will be rich, which will not be attractive to Chen Mo.

Disguise, go a little bit further!

Chen Mo quickly made a decision.

"Here, this adventurer, wait, wait!"

But at this moment, behind Chen Mo, the elf Nicole hurriedly flew over, and when Chen Mo turned and wanted to leave, she screamed in a hurry.

She ventured into hiding in the distance for a while, only to see Chen Mo an adventurer, knowing that there may be no more adventurers in the future, of course Nicole could not let Chen Mo leave like this.

"Sorry, I'm busy right now. Go find someone!"

The elf Chen Mo wasn't the first time to see Nicole, and he didn't feel novel. If other players saw the task and came to the door, they would definitely be ecstatic, but Chen Mo was in a hurry and he didn't wait for Nicole to speak.

If you let other players see it, you can't help but want to burn Chen Mo with a fire. This is an opportunity that no one can hate.

"No, no, but I have something very important to ask for your help. If you don't help, our elves are finished!"

Nicole also did not anticipate that Chen Mo would directly refuse her without waiting for her to speak. After a while, she screamed in a hurry.

"Is that serious? The elves in front, but live well." Chen Mo glanced at Nicole, not convinced.

"Hmm! They are all outsiders, not real elves, but they are outsiders, who have captured our elven queen!" Nicco murmured angrily.

A foreign elf caught the local elf queen?

Chen Mo felt a little weird, knowing that this is mostly a big task, and the difficulty is certainly not low.

"Well, like this ... But I have to hurry up, I'm afraid I can't help you. And, I have only one person, and I can't help you if I want to help you. So many of you elves can't beat the woman, and I'm even more alone Needless to say. "

However, Chen Mo quickly rejected Nicole again. He wanted to complete Nicole's task alone. It was too difficult. Even if he could complete it, he did n’t know how much time it would take. Chen Mok did n’t want to take the task halfway. It was good to refuse at the beginning.

"No, no, if you don't help, I won't be able to find anyone else, Lord Queen, she's afraid that she won't be able to live for a few days!" Nicole was almost anxious to cry.

"Aren't there any adventurers in your elf clan, wouldn't it be great if they could help?" Chen Mo felt a little exaggerated to Nicole.

"The adventurers have already rushed to the sea of ​​the world. Those alien elves are also taking advantage of this opportunity. We can only rely on you now ... you, your name is silence? I remember, you are Fior The silence of the Terran adventurer that Na said! Yes, the name of the Terran adventurer will not be the same, you must be the silence that Fiona said! Fiona said that I should pay attention to the Terran adventurer who passed by, It ’s for you, or it might help us! ”Nicole was extremely anxious, but when she found Chen Mo ’s game name, a sudden look of surprise appeared on her face.


Chen Mo was stunned, remembering what happened long ago in the city of the elves.

At that time he snatched the miracle fragments, but was intercepted by the elven princess of the elven city, and then Fiona appeared to help him stop the elven princess and let him escape smoothly.

Otherwise, with his level and equipment at that time, he could not escape smoothly from the elven princess. Even if the shards of the miracle were not snatched by the elven princess, they would be snatched by the players who followed him, and the situation would become very dangerous.

"What happened to Fiona?" Chen Mo asked.

"Fiona? It's all our fault. In fact, she reminded us when the alien elves appeared, saying that these elves were unreliable, let us be careful. But we saw that she was a mutant dark elven. Believe her. She appeared to help us when the alien elves attacked, but ended up in the trap of the alien elven princess and was caught in the jail with the elven queen. "

Nicole whispered in remorse.

Elf princess, the foreign elves who want to come here are the elves who came out of the elven city. The woman Nicole said was the elven princess who intercepted him.

At that time, the elf princess was full of black gas and was very abnormal. Chen Mo felt wrong when she saw her. It was not surprising that she did the thing of dove occupying the nest.

"Tell everything you know and see if I can rescue them."

Fiona was detained, and the principal was the elven princess of the elven city. Chen Mo and the two of them had their grievances, and naturally they could not be seen as not.

Even if he was delaying some time and taking some risks, he still had to help.

"So you decided to help? That's really great!" Nicole cried immediately.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell what you know, I'm in a hurry!" Chen Mo glanced at Nicole.

"Yes, I know, I'll say it right away." Nicole nodded again and again.

Then Nicole quickly said what happened in the elf territory, and Chen Mo quickly learned what happened in the elf territory.

About two months ago, the elven princess came to the elven territory with a group of elves. The elven territory still had a lot of vigilance against these foreign elves at first, but these elves looked very friendly and good at it. Planting elven fruit trees also brings a lot of wealth. The elven territory is also large, and the number of elves is small. The elven territory gradually has plans to accept these foreign elves ~ www.readwn.com ~ It didn't take long for Fiona to appear A warning was issued to the Elven Territory to alert the Elven Territory to these alien elves, but unfortunately, Fiona was a dark mutant elven that was regarded by the elves as her heretics. No elves would believe it at all. Attacked Fiona, trying to drive her away.

The expedition mission started, and the elven princess convinced the elven queen to let all adventurers in the elven tribe go to the sea of ​​the world. The elven tribe wanted to gain more benefits in the expedition.

In the end, this was just a conspiracy of the elf princess. Before the adventurers left, she suddenly launched an attack, seized the elf queen, and forced the elves to obey her orders.

Chen Mo, also from Nicole's words, knew the name of the elf princess, Isika.


Second more. (To be continued ...)


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