Godly Hunter

Chapter 550: Level 1

"It's them?"

The arrival of this team has not attracted the attention of many people. After all, they are not famous and do not look very powerful. All of them are master players here, and everyone knows some very good people.

However, Chen Mo couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this team.

It's Kaka.

Since the historical relics of the third city, Chen Mo has never seen Kaka and others. This time, he went to the sea of ​​the world for an expedition. It is strange that Chen Mo did not see them in the large team. After all, Kaka and others Strength, and their seem to have some strange purpose, not to participate in the expedition mission, a bit unreasonable.

Unexpectedly, they still came. Time was half a day later than the large human troops.

"This is the sea of ​​the world!"

Kaka, Huo Ji, and Ziyuan were all shocked when they stood on the edge of the world and looked at the world.

"It seems." Kaka couldn't help muttering after being shocked.

"Yes, almost the same as Death Harbor." Huo nodded.

"This is an assessment, that is to say, if we want to get that thing, we must pass through the harbor of death! Let's go, it doesn't help to wait, we have to pass through the gap of this hurricane." Ziyuan said lightly.

"Go, I take the lead!" The shield knight Bumon took the lead and walked towards the world below.

"What do they want to do? In those storms that entered the sea of ​​the world? Crazy!"

"Crazy? But it's death! No one has done it before!"

"It's also uncertain, it is said that earlier. Several Elf players have entered the Sea of ​​the World first, but they have wings to fly and have special resistance to the attraction of the hurricane before they can enter."

Kaka and his team walked towards the hurricane-torn world, and immediately caught the attention of many people. Some people couldn't help talking about it when they saw it.

Long before Kaka them, some people tried to enter the sea of ​​the world, hoping to shuttle from the howling hurricane storm into the sea of ​​the world.

But the result. These people didn't go far. They were dragged into the hurricane, and no matter how they struggled, they couldn't come out again, and were quickly killed by the raging hurricane. Not even the body was left.

but. There are always exceptions. Several winged players from the elves have entered the sea of ​​the world early.

This matter is only known to some of the first Orc and Blood players, as for the human race. But I don't know about it.

At that time, the orcs and blood races wanted to know what was going on. After asking the players of the elves, they knew that the elves who first entered the sea of ​​the world were the most powerful players in their elves. The blessing of wind magic can resist the attraction of hurricanes.

Hurricanes in the world are dangerous to others, but they are not a threat to them.

"Really accessible?"

Chen Mo is not the first time to deal with Kaka and others. Although they are doing something weird, they will not take their lives to death.

Chen Mo also thought about crossing the hurricane and entering the sea of ​​the world, but people he didn't know here. If the mission changes here after leaving, he will be tragedy. After a little thought, he decided to stay here and wait and see, if the mission did not change, he would enter the sea of ​​the world again.

"Well, they are so good. They entered the storm of the world sea, but they were fine!"

With the attention of tens of thousands of people, Kaka and his party entered the sea of ​​the world, shuttled through black hurricanes.

Before someone entered the sea of ​​the world, he was immediately sucked into the storm by the huge suction generated by the storm in the world, so that everyone who wanted to enter behind did not dare to try his own life.

"Wipe, it seems that the previous teams were too weak!"

Seeing that Kaka and others are marching steadily and slowly under the storm of the world sea, many people, especially those who don't know about the elves, can't help but feel that the world sea doesn't seem to be very powerful, but just entered before. People are too weak.

"I thought I had to wait a little longer, but it looks like I can get in. Let's go."

When Blackbeard saw Kaka and others entering the sea of ​​the world unharmed, he said to his companions around him.

"Let's go."

A few nods agreed, and the Blackbeard and his team followed the sea of ​​the world and entered the whirlwind storm.

And compared with Kaka and others, the movements of Blackbeard and others are more stable.

"You can enter! Let's go too! Waiting here is not the way!"

Those watching the game, seeing Blackbeard and others moving safely inside, they couldn't bear it anymore and strode forward.

"It looks like it can't be wrong."

Chen Mo had some knowledge of Kaka and Blackbeard. The two teams advanced at the same time at the same time. There was an accident on the expedition. It would not be wrong to directly enter the world.

However, the storm in the world is dangerous, and Chen Mo is not in a hurry. Kaka and Blackbeard may have known about the world ’s seas in advance, so they went so safe. Chen Mo did not know what ’s happening in the world ’s seas. Let others do it for Xiaobai.


"What a ghost place, but it's different from the outside!"

A group of people lag behind in life and hurriedly ran into the world. As a result, as soon as they entered the world, they didn't have to go far to find out that the game world at home and abroad was very different.

The surrounding hurricanes have a strong appeal, but their movements are not able to act as usual.

Facing the hurricane's attraction, they had no time to adjust, they were sucked into the hurricane, and then killed.

Hundreds of players entered the sea of ​​the world. Except for a few teams, there were hundreds of people in an instant, and they died in the hurricane.

"What's going on, why the two teams in front are all right, these people die as soon as they enter!"

"Listen to their dying words and go some distance before the weirdness of the sea of ​​the world will appear."

"Come on, be careful, I won't believe it!"

The death of hundreds of people calmed some people, but not all who entered the sea of ​​the world died. After entering, some people quickly stabilized their bodies and began to slow down in the raging wind. Slow forward.

It's okay to meet others. The master players around don't want to fall behind. Many people decide to venture into the sea of ​​the world.

"Gravity inside ... seems to have changed?"

Chen Mo watched quietly. From the movement of players entering the world sea, Chen Mo had a rough guess.

After staring seriously for a while, Chen Mo felt that most of his guesses could not be wrong.

Here are all competitors. What others have found in the world, it is impossible to tell others to learn from it. After Chen Mu had guessed, she also moved into the crowd and entered the world.

From the seaside to the sea of ​​the world, there will be no changes at first. When you enter the seaside, in addition to feeling the huge suction of the surrounding hurricane, your sight will become darker. But after reaching a distance of more than 20 meters from the world's sea, Chen Mo suddenly felt that her body suddenly sank, and her body was involuntarily drawn to the huge black hurricane!

As he had guessed, gravity in the world has indeed changed, but it is not as simple as the change in gravity!

"All attributes are without effect!"

Chen Mo got here and found out that the attributes of the surrounding players have all changed dramatically.

The assassin archer players move faster and the mage profession moves slower, but it is not applicable here. Some mage's movement and reaction speed are faster than some assassins and archers!

"Here, it seems to be linked to real physical ability!"

But Chen Mo's attributes did not decrease. On the contrary, after he reacted, his ability to control the body rose to a new level!

This sense of absolute control over the body looks like a reality!

The first level that appeared in the sea of ​​the world was actually an assessment of actual physical ability!

Chen Mo couldn't help but feel weird. In the game, it is strange to think about the physical fitness in reality.

However, this was not a bad thing for him.

With realistic physical fitness and responsiveness, these seemingly intractable hurricanes are no longer dangerous to him.

Even if he was caught in the hurricane, he was sure to come out of it!

With his superhuman body in reality, the hurricane can't hurt him.

However, this is still a game, and there is still blood to say that he may be killed if he is caught in the hurricane.

"Hahaha, skills can't be used here, physical ability seems to be related to reality!"

After Chen Mo wasn't too far away, a group of blood guilds found out the secret of the first level in the world's sea, and couldn't help laughing.

Their physical fitness is very good in reality, they are very responsive, and they have quickly adapted to the surrounding hurricanes.

"Look, that guy is in front of us!"

Subsequently, the people in the blood guild found Chen Mo, and one person said.

"He can't use skills. Now it's better than physical ability. Don't miss such a good opportunity!"

"Yeah, kill him now! He can't complete the expedition, we have completed it, and we won't have to worry about him in the future!"

The chance to get rid of super-strong enemies like Chen Mo ~ www.readwn.com ~ The elites of the blood guild will not miss it.

"It's a good opportunity, let's do it!"

Hexue Tianhuang knew that this opportunity would not come again, and he decisively let these people take the shot.

As a result, the members of the blood guild who were very good in reality ran towards Chen Mo during the hurricane.

"Boy, there is a kind of you don't run this time!"

One of them was worried about Chen Mu running away, and even shouted at the exit.

Alas, these annoying flies!


Second more. (To be continued ...) r1292


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