Godly Hunter

Chapter 554: Underground world

"The mausoleum behind me is called the death row tomb, also called the live prison tomb. After a famous king died, he brought many death row burials, but these death row prisoners did not die in the tomb. They survived, and Over time, they even produced offspring in the mausoleum. In the mausoleum, they created an underground world, but because of the magic enchantment, they could not come out of the mausoleum. In the mausoleum, the descendants of the death row For each tribe, what you have to do is to enter the tomb and become the core character of any tribe. Lead this tribe through the trial left by them by the creator, and they will come out of the tomb and be free. You You can also get the qualification to go deeper into the world's oceans. If you perform well, you can get the siege-relief items I said, and you can get extra rewards. "

The skull went on to say that everyone had heard it, and couldn't help but be shocked. No one expected that this huge undersea cemetery was filled with many tribes.

"In the underground world inside the mausoleum, there are a lot of tribes living, but it is impossible to think of a team to lead a tribe. There will only be one adventurer leader in a tribe. After leading the tribe to complete the trial, they passed my assessment and received the possible rewards I said. Other adventurers who joined the same tribe also passed the assessment, but in addition to getting into the depths of the world There are no additional rewards beyond qualifications.

Here, I have to explain that when everyone enters, they can only join one tribe. After joining the tribe, they cannot change the tribe ’s ownership and the leader of a tribe. Until the leader dies, the leader of the tribe will not change after the decision. "

The Skeleton Guard then added some rules of the underground world in the mausoleum, and many people heard it. Suddenly felt that this assessment was not easy. In the underground world, it may be a **** storm to meet them.

The players who can come here first are very powerful and can be tribal leaders. They will definitely do everything possible. After all, only tribal leaders can get additional rewards after passing the assessment and become tribal leaders. It may become the target of being killed. With a large number of player masters and a limited number of tribes, it can be expected that this situation will inevitably occur.

You ca n’t get extra rewards without being a tribal leader, and being a tribal leader is at risk of death.

Some player teams have begun to wonder whether they will become tribal leaders after entering the underground world of the mausoleum.

"What a weird assessment."

After listening to the words of the skeleton guard, Chen Mo couldn't help but be interested.

He thought of many possibilities. But it was completely unexpected that the assessment would be in this form.

But I have to say that this is a very good assessment. Although the assessment has not yet started. But through this assessment, not only can you test the player's strength, but also the player's command and leadership ability, but also blindly possess the combat power, it is difficult to successfully pass the assessment, let alone want to get additional rewards.

"Excuse me, we enter the underground world inside the tomb. It takes a lot of time to become the leader of the tribe. It takes a lot of time to lead the tribe through trials. But right now we don't have that much time. The second stage, if there are no accidents, will start in a few days. "

Skeleton Guard said the assessment was good, but Chen Mo came forward and asked a key question.

"Yes indeed."


As soon as Chen Mo said, many people felt that this was the case.

This assessment, I am afraid that it will take at least a day or two to complete. If it is more, it will take several days. If several days pass, the second stage of the monster siege appears, and even if they pass the assessment, they will get deeper into the world ’s ocean Qualifications have no meaning.

It is impossible to stop the emergence of the monster siege before the second stage. It is almost impossible to stop the third monster siege.

At present, even if the emergence of the second-stage monster siege cannot be prevented, at least the time of the second-stage monster siege must be postponed, otherwise the expedition mission will not be successful.

"You don't have to worry too much about this situation. This situation was already anticipated by the Creator. When the Creator left trials for those tribes in the underground world, he also left a message telling them that only adventurers appeared and led They can be freed through trials. So you go into the underground world, find those tribes, and no matter which tribe you want, you will be welcomed.

Of course, I'm not in the underground world, and I don't know the specific situation inside, maybe there are accidents, maybe, but generally speaking, it is not wrong.

As for the time, do n’t worry. I have the artifact “Time Ring”. Using the Time Ring, I can control the time in an area. After you enter the underground world of the tomb, I use the Time Ring to let the inside The time becomes ten to one. After spending ten days in it, the world outside is only one day, but controlling the ten days in it is the limit of the time ring. Once the ten days in the sky are over, you still ca n’t lead the tribe through trials. , The player team will be eliminated, can no longer come out, only die in the underground world to leave. "

The skeleton guard said, shaking a ring with a faint gray light in his hand, reassuring everyone.

Artifact ring!

The players around, even Chen Mo, Blackbeard, etc., looked at the ring in the hands of the skeleton guard in shock.

The players here are all masters, but many people ca n’t even determine whether there is an artifact in the game. Even if Chen Mo entered the historical site, he confirmed the existence of the artifact, but in the historical site, it also appeared. It's just an artifact replica.

On the front of a skeleton guard, there was actually an artifact-level ring!

Looking at the gray ring worn on the bone guard fingers of the skeleton guarding, many people's eyes glowed with greed.

A ring that can control time. This is a real game. Imagine that if you got this ring, you would speed up the time of a place ten times. They practiced the level of ten days inside, and only one day passed outside. It won't take long for them to rank far above others.

Although I know that even if I can get a time ring, there may be other restrictions on the time ring that make them unable to do as they imagine, but the ability of the time ring to control time is very huge, and in addition to controlling time , Time rings may have other powerful attributes.

After all, this is an artifact ring. It is impossible to have only one attribute. Controlling time should be only one of its attributes.

The artifact of the time ring is something everyone wants, but even if there are many companions around him, no one really dares to attack the skeleton guard.

The Skeleton Guard is the tester of the super mission of the expedition mission. It has no fear to say that it owns an artifact ring. If anyone dares to step forward to **** it, it is definitely a self-death.

With an expedition on his body, although he thought of the time ring, no one had overheated his head.

"Then if we want to get external rewards, what should we do?" Someone skimmed the temptation of the artifact ring and asked about the possible additional rewards.

Many people are paying attention to the skeleton guard.

"I won't say specifically, I can only remind you that first leading the tribe through trials does not necessarily get extra rewards."

Skeleton Guard said faintly, so that the players around could not help but mutter.

From the words of the skeleton guard, it is not the most important thing to pass the assessment quickly. The focus of this assessment is in other aspects.

"Well, I'll stop here about the assessment. The rest needs you to explore in the underground world. They all stand in front of me, and I will teleport you into the tomb."

The Skeleton Guard didn't explain more. It stretched out its fingers and pointed to the ground in front of it. The players around him saw this and quickly found a place in the open space in front of them.

There are only more than 1,000 players coming here, and standing together doesn't take up much space. More than a thousand people soon stood in front of the skeleton guard.

After everyone was ready, a dazzling gray light flowed out from the time ring on the skeleton guard's hand. As soon as this gray light came out, many people muttered that this artifact ring really had other attributes.

The gray light swept across the crowd, and everyone felt a blind eye, and they followed in an old stone hall.

The stone hall is large and spacious. There are many figures carved on the surrounding walls. At the end of the hall is a thick and gorgeous coffin. It looks like this is the tomb of the king's tomb.

But this is obviously not the underground world. The underground world seems to be outside this mausoleum hall. After checking it here, after not finding anything of value, the crowd walked out from the door on the side of the hall.

"My grass! Really the underground world!"

However, ~ www.readwn.com ~ After everyone walked out of the tomb from the side entrance, they were immediately surprised by the scenery in front of them.

Outside the mausoleum hall, it should have been mud, but it was dug out of the open space. It looks like a huge underground cave. Every other way, you can see a large stone pillar more than ten meters high, supporting the top. Dirt, don't let them fall.

This is the bottom of the sea, and if the dirt above falls, they will have no choice but to die.

According to the Skull Guardian, this underground world is surrounded by magical enchantments. Even if the earth falls, people in the underground world cannot leave, and can only be drowned alive.

In an unfamiliar underground world, everyone is not completely unable to look at things. On the dirt above their heads, every not far away, they can see a jade that emits light, so that the surroundings are not dark.


First more. (To be continued) r655

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