Godly Hunter

Chapter 567: return

However, the master players in the underground world, just after a long time of chaos, they began to help the tribes to start trials. +

The expedition failed, and they all wanted to go outside and ask what happened to the skeleton guards, or they wanted to return to their cities and ask for information.

The threat of the night clan no longer exists. The master players in the underground world are anxious to go out and start to cooperate with each other, and the strength they play is very huge.

In less than a day, tribes passed the trial one after another, and many players left the underground world.

Chen Mo also began to speed up the trials, and the trials of the Ice clan were not difficult. After the night clan ’s strength was greatly damaged, the ice clan residents who advocated by Haig seemed to no longer adhere to it The trial suddenly went smoothly.

Chen Mo was too lazy to see why this was the case. As long as he could pass the trial successfully, there was something about Hager and the Night clan that he was more lazy.

There are no problems in the Bings. It is not difficult to pass the trials, not to mention that some expert players have been recruited. Under the leadership of Chen Mo, the Bings trials passed without any accidents.

The ice race passed, and Chen Mo's assessment was completed, but he still has the rain race to help, and he cannot leave like other players.

Although I do n’t know what the game will be like after the expedition mission fails, he ca n’t do without the Fragment of Freedom. This thing is precious, and he will never regret it.

Seeing that Chen Mo did not abandon the Yu tribe, the chief of the Yu tribe was relieved.

He also knew from the look of some adventurers that there might be something big happening within the adventurer. Has been worried that Chen Mo will not help the Yu people.

Chen Mo did not talk nonsense with the leader of the rain clan, and began to challenge the water element body directly.

Before, he took the water element body to the night clan, and used the water element body to kill dozens of deep-sea giant snakes. In the process, Chen Mo already knew a lot about the water element body.

After all, there are a large number of deep-sea snakes, which still forced many attack methods of the water element body. After seeing each one in the eyes, Chen Mo already has a way to deal with it. I'm sure.

Know the bottom of the water element body. The most powerful means of water element body can not help Chen Mo. Naturally will not be Chen Mo's opponent.

It took some time to pull the water element body to the ground, and Chen Mo slowly wiped away the water amount of the water element body.

However, when the water volume of the water element body drops below 10%, the water element body bursts into a violent gas explosion like an explosion. The range is huge. The lethality is also amazing. Had it not been for Chen Mo's fear of toxin damage, the water elemental body would be able to kill him properly. Even if he has more than 50,000 health, it is useless.

Water Elemental's big move is also invalid for Chen Mo, she naturally can only be killed by Chen Mo.

There should also be some stories behind these trial monsters being held, but Chen Mo also has no time to understand.

After Chen Mo killed the water element body, the blue gem in the water element body fell out.

The system prompts: you get the "core of water element"!

The core of water element: the core that can be produced by a special water element body. Only the water element body with this core can evolve the ultimate form!

The core of the water element, as soon as you see its properties, Chen Mo knows that this thing is very rare, and it is almost unique in the game.

Seeing the nucleus of the element of water, Chen Mo couldn't help thinking about Ceci Hero, and it seemed that only Ce Si Hero could use it.

However, after Ceci Hero had left the Hai clan, Chen Mo had never heard of Ce Si Hero again, nor did she know how she was doing now.

Shaking his head, the expedition mission now fails, and the game does not yet know what it will be like. It is useless to think too much.

After passing the trial with the Rain tribe, Chen Mo took the Fragment of Liberty from the leader of the Rain tribe. After that, he became more lazy and chose to leave the underground world directly.

"You don't know? Are you not the examiner of the expedition mission? How could you not know!"

In front of the underwater cemetery, a group of skeleton guards asked around the skeleton guards, but obviously the answers of the skeleton guards did not satisfy them.

"If you don't know, you just don't know, just get me out, or don't blame me!"

The skeleton guard said coldly, his voice was already impatient.

The surrounding players saw this, and thought that it had an artifact ring in their hands, and they really wanted to get started. I was afraid that they would be killed by it, so they had to leave.

"You also came to ask me why the mission failed? I don't know the reason, it is not under my control."

Chen Mo came, and the skeleton guard stared at him.

"No, I'm here to do the task."

Chen Mo came to the skeleton, of course, it also meant to ask the skeleton guard, but look at the skeleton guard, most of it really does not know, Chen Mo also changed his tongue.

"At this time, are you still here to hand in the task? You are really weird. Now that you have come to call the task, I will see how your assessment results this time."

Skeleton guards were embarrassed. Before, no one was still thinking about handing in the mission. After asking why the expedition mission failed, they all left in a hurry. After all, for these players, they completed the expedition mission, but Obtained the qualification to enter the depths of the world. Now the mission has failed. This qualification is useless.

As for the extra rewards, after the first batch of players were almost completely annihilated, the players behind knew that the extra rewards could not be related to them.

"Well, I didn't expect your assessment results to be so good. If things didn't happen unexpectedly, I could send you those extra rewards." The skeleton guard checked Chen Mo's assessment results and couldn't help feeling Very surprised.

There are many elements for comprehensive assessment results, but no matter how you look at it, Chen Mo's performance in the underground world is impeccable, and it should be a high score.

"So, there are no rewards or extra rewards for handing in the task?" Chen Mo was a little disappointed.

"The extra rewards were originally related to the expedition mission. Now the expedition mission has failed. These rewards no longer exist." Skeleton Guard said regretfully.

"However, you don't have to be disappointed, this ring is my reward for you." But at this time, the skeleton guard handed over a ring to Chen Mo.

"Artifact ring?" Chen Mo was suddenly surprised.

"No. A skeleton guarding the cemetery, the artifact ring from there." The skeleton guard smiled.

System prompt: You get the item "Time Ring Replica"!

Time Ring Replica: A replica of the Artifact Time Ring, which has some attributes of the Time Ring.

"This is an artifact replica that has the ability to speed up and slow down a piece of space on the artifact time ring. This artifact replica has been used several times since it was made, and now it is only the last one left Use it, and after use, it will disappear completely. "Skeleton Guard explained.

It turned out to be an artifact replica.

But the artifact replica, Chen Mo was also the first time.

The attributes of the time ring replica are still quite powerful. Although it can only be used once, it is still extremely precious.

Unfortunately, the current situation is a bit wrong, and Chen Mo doesn't know. After getting a copy of the time ring, is there any chance that it will not be used.

"Thank you."

Although he didn't know what the original reward was, Chen Mo didn't think it would be lower than the original reward.

"I think about the expedition mission again. At this time, the expedition mission has failed, and there seems to be only one possibility."

At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ The skeleton guard said again.

"Only one possibility?" Chen Mo asked, which almost determined the reason for the failure of the expedition.

"In the depths of the world, there is actually a seal ..."

The Skeleton Guard then spoke out about Hobick in the depths of the world, and speculated that the crystal ball that Hobick used for the trial should be destroyed, which may cause the mission to fail early.

The problem is that the crystal ball was almost indestructible.

Chen Mo listened, although still very puzzled, but finally got a little bit in his heart.

After talking with the skeleton guard again, Chen Mo used the warehouse scroll to put all the equipment and props back in the warehouse, and then he found a monster outside and let the monster kill himself.


Third more. Stay up all night to code, low efficiency ... (to be continued ...)

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