Godly Hunter

Chapter 570: Second Wave Monster Siege

Abyss monsters are not ordinary monsters. Once a mighty abyss monster comes out, more than 90% of the players in the game are obedient offline and other news. {3w.

The three novice main cities have long disappeared. In the past two weeks, players below level 40 can only bitterly kill monsters near Chisha City and Moonlight City.

If it were not for Genesis being the only holographic online game, they had no other choice. These players had long since given up and went to other games.

The second wave of monsters is up to level 60. Players below level 40 do not have any room to resist, and it is useless to have more people.

Even if the player is at level 50, it is difficult to have any effect in the face of the abyss monster at level 60.

In the first monster siege, Chisha City and Moonlight City, which survived intact, after the second wave of monster siege appeared, the two cities can rely on the fighting power at the beginning.

However, the players also saw it. Although the fighting power is strong, the continuous fighting power is definitely not as good as the players. When their fighting power continues, Chisha City and Moonlight City may be dangerous.

According to the duration of the first wave of monster siege, the second wave of monster siege will probably last for three days.

Chisha City and Moonlight City, that is definitely not supported for three days.

The first wave of monster siege, Chisha City and Moonlight City can support so long, there are many credits for advanced players, but now everyone knows that Chisha City and Moonlight City can not survive the second wave of monster siege Yes, advanced players are all going to Prague.

Now Chisha City and Moonlight City, although there are still many players. But most of them are below level 50, and few above level 50. Players in the two cities have almost no combat power.

At the forum, how long Chisha City and Moonlight City can support, has been bet on the table.

No way, a large number of low-level players really have nothing to do, betting on how long the two cities can support, has become the only thing they can do.

Compared to the two big cities, Caterlin is more concerned about people.

Catalin's previous performance was unexpected. In fact. There are more players gathered in Katrin's territory than in the two major cities.

Katrin Territory.

After the second wave of monsters began to attack the city, Chen Mo released most of the defense puppets for the first time.

At first Chen Mo was worried whether the defense puppet would be effective for the second wave of level 60 monsters, but when the defense puppet was released. Chen Mo was relieved.

Defense 傀儡 is not used by players. There is no level. The second wave of level 60 monsters can form a level of suppression on the player, which greatly reduces the player's attack hit. There is also an additional bonus to damage when attacked, making it difficult for players to resist.

However, the defense 傀儡 is different. The defense 傀儡 is used for the territory. There is no level distinction and it will not be suppressed by the level 60 monsters.

Compared with monsters at level 60, monsters at level 60 are actually not so different in attributes. It is just that for players, the levels are too different to resist.

Therefore, in the face of level 60 monsters, although the damage to the defense crickets has increased, the defense defensive abilities are too powerful, they can still effectively resist the second wave of siege monsters.

"Good experience!"

"My grass! Purple suit at level 60!"

Players in Chisha City and Moonlight City can go out to kill siege monsters, but they are very dangerous.

In Catlin, because the defense cricket can still resist the siege monsters, the players in Catlin are still the same as last time, just standing behind the defense cricket, they can fully attack the siege monsters of the siege.

Players in Catlin, dare to go out, and their levels are almost more than 50. Under normal circumstances, most of their attacks will be avoided by level 60 abyss monsters, and it is difficult to deal high damage with damage. I want to kill abyss monsters. It will be simple.

But standing on the defensive rampant and outputting desperately, there is no need to worry about evading monsters, they can also do good damage.

Level 60 abyss monsters, compared with level 50, do not have much blood, many players did not spend much effort, they killed the abyss monsters comfortably.

The abyss monsters of the siege are all elite-level monsters. Players who kill these abyss monsters gain a lot of experience instantly.

Ordinary elite monsters have several times the experience of ordinary monsters after killing them. These 60-level siege monsters have even more amazing experience.

Twenty times the experience!

Kill a level 60 abyss monster across level 10 and get nearly 20 times the experience!

This discovery made the players in Katrin's territory crazy.

What is 20x experience? Originally, after level 50, it took several days to advance to the next level. Now it can be improved in less than half a day! Good luck, you can rise to three or four levels a day!

Of course, for most players, this is only a theoretical thing. They can only upgrade one or two levels a day, and no more.

After all, the number of defense puppets is limited. They are trying to gain experience with others, and the experience will not be theirs.

However, even if you grab experience with others and hide behind the defense, you can gain experience very quickly.

Not to mention, after killing level 60 abyss monsters, they may still get level 60 purple gear.

Players on the forum, received the news from Catlin, many people couldn't help getting jealous, and regret not coming to Catlin.

Others are grateful for their foresight.

In the army to deal with the siege monsters, Chen Mo and the fat man also shot.

Chen Mo now has level 53, attacking level 60 abyss monsters is not a problem, and the probability is not small, but Chen Mo's attributes are amazing, singled out one.

He killed monsters alone, and the experience he obtained was even more amazing. Chen Mo estimated that in one day, he would not be a problem if he was promoted to the third level.

From this point of view, things may not have reached a state of despair. During the second wave of monster siege in these two or three days, his level can be raised to level 60 in one breath!

Of course, the premise is that Catelyn can withstand the second wave of monster siege for three days.

Right now Catelyn seems to be able to withstand the second wave of siege monsters, but as the owner of the territory, Chen Mo is very clear that this is not the case.

The second wave of monster siege has just begun, and the siege is not too strong. After more than half a day, the number of abyss monsters that will appear will be more and more powerful, and it will be extremely difficult to resist the defense. Extinction crystals will also be consumed quickly.

Without defense crickets, even if all Catlin players shot together, they could not stop the siege monsters.

However, as long as it has not reached the point of despair, Chen Mo will not give up.

And Chen Mo also has an ultimate response!

It's just that the method is used, which is good or bad for Catlin, Chen Mo is not clear.

However, she was destroyed without using Catlin, and Chen Mo would not have any hesitation.

The fat man is also in the army of slaughtering siege monsters. It is really killing level 60 siege monsters.

The fat man's grade is the highest in Catlin, and his current grade is as high as fifty-nine.

After finding a hiding place in the cliffside cave outside of Catlin, Fatty didn't use it there. It experienced a big swing in and out of Catlin. Catlin had Chen Mu's instructions, and of course he would not care about Fatty.

Some players who are new to Catlin may be startled by Fatty, but when they do n’t care about Fatty, they think that Fatty has special status in Catlin's territory, and most people do n’t dare to move it.

In fact, those who want to move the big fat people are severely killed by the big fat people.

With the level and attribute skills of Fatty, few hundreds of people want to kill it, it is impossible.

In the days when Chen Mo went to the expedition, the fat man frantically killed leveling. You don't have to run around every day, just focus on killing the monsters. After two weeks, the big fat man can improve the level a lot.

After all, with its skills, killing monsters is killing them in groups, and the experience gained is fast.

So the big fat man is now a level 59 super, although the abyss monster of level 60 is an elite monster, it is undoubtedly to be hit by the big fat man.

Abyss monsters have a lot more experience than ordinary monsters. Big fat people rarely see such highly experienced monsters. They are very excited to kill and enter and kill in the siege monster army.

Chen Mo did not stay with the fat man. This time, Chen Mo was not black, but staying with the fat man would reveal his identity.

And the experience of the monster killed by the fat man will not fall on Chen Mo's head. The fat man's penetration into the monster army is still a lot of danger for Chen Mo. Unlike the fat man, he was attacked by these monsters two or three times. Will die. The big fat man has thick skin and thick skin, and even if it is attacked by monsters, he can not lose much blood.

In the first few hours, the second wave of monster siege, Chisha City, Moonlight City, and Catlin Territory were able to resist.

Chisha City and Moonlight City rely on the main force, players can only lay soy sauce inside.

Katrin relies on defense and defense ~ www.readwn.com ~ player output.

But no one thinks that these three cities can continue to defend like this. With the last experience, they all know that it won't be long before the battle situation changes.

In addition to these three cities, there are many people who follow the city of Prague.

Compared with the three major cities, the menacing second wave of monsters did not seem to pose much threat to Prague. The blood-supplying guards sent by Prague were too powerful. The blood-sucking sword gave them endless power, their health, Never less than 90% of the time, the blood was beaten and immediately sucked back by the vampire sword.

Many people saw the scenes of their fighting and couldn't help doubting that the monsters in the third wave of the siege could not help Prague city.


Second more. (To be continued ...)


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