Godly Hunter

Chapter 592: Get together

"My grass!"

After the task difficulty was updated, everyone knew that this copy was not easy, but no one expected that where they appeared, it turned out to be such a scary wolf den!

After a giant tree around showed his face, the ground on which everyone stood was shaking fiercely.

Under their feet, but the roots of these giant trees!

Players who realize this have changed their faces.

"Come on! Leave here and talk!"

Many people are physically inactive and can no longer afford to cooperate with others.

There are so many giant trees around. Each of these giant trees has their irresistible power. Even if they join forces with the giant tree to fight against the giant tree, they may eventually defeat the giant tree, but most of them will die.

Rather than flee here as soon as possible.

These giant trees are huge in size, and they ca n’t move fast enough. As long as they escape from here and out of the area of ​​the giant trees, they are temporarily safe.


Seeing this, Chen Mo knew he couldn't stay here.

He also did not expect that this task would be such a pit father, and the people of the Grey Feather Kingdom actually transported them into such a horrible giant tree monster pile.


With more than 10,000 people moving in unison, they shot out in all directions, trying to escape from the giant tree. Under the ground, a series of tough taupe roots broke through the ground, like tentacles, beating. And entangle the players around.

Someone was accidentally caught in the roots of the tree. As soon as the roots of the player are entangled, the player is sent to their mouth.

The player who put them in their mouth. Naturally there is no possibility of life.

In just an instant, hundreds of thousands of players died in the mouth of a giant tree.

so horrible!

A lot of people met, all with complexion.

Ahead, there are still many giant trees, and if they are not careful, they will follow in the footsteps of these players!

"Follow me!"

The blood paladin and the wild leopard woman, they are amazing defense, Chen Mo surpassed them a lot in terms of observation ability.

it's here. Defensive abilities and defensive skills. I'm afraid they have no effect. As long as they are caught by the giant trees and sent into their mouths, there is no possibility of life.

To Chen Mo. Little warriors, of course, will perform faithfully. The blood paladin and the wild leopard woman were not the first days to meet Chen Mo. Knowing that Chen Mo is terrific, they have never done anything unsure, and they are all in motion. Just behind Chen Mo.

Chen Mo observes and feels the movement of the giant tree in front of her, and her body is constantly flying.

"Be careful, the root of the tree will pop up a bit to the left!"

Chen Mo moved, and hurried forward, reminding the three behind him.

The three were ready immediately, and as they passed, several tree roots burst into the ground, entangled with the three.

However, with the reminder of Chen Mo, the three were prepared. With the three's reaction ability, of course, it was impossible for them to catch them.

"Great!" Admired the Blood Paladin.

Although he can make some predictions, he can't do Chen Mo so accurately.

"Big brother has always been very powerful!" Little warrior is not strange.

Do tasks with Chen Mo, she never has to worry about anything, just do as Chen Mo said.

"Don't relax, there are still many giant trees ahead."

Chen Mo didn't say anything. To make such an accurate prediction, he actually spent a lot of brainpower to observe and calculate.

He looked at the giant trees that had moved around, and he analyzed them and felt the condition of the soil under his feet to reach a conclusion. It was not easy.

However, after successive predictions, Chen Mo gradually became familiar.

In the other player teams, it was difficult to cross several trees, but the result was still entangled by the sudden attack of the giant tree in front, eating up death, and Chen Mo was already walking out of the giant tree area with three people.

More than 10,000 people, and many people just walked out by luck. Not far from Chen Mo, hundreds of players survived inside.

However, more than 10,000 people died under the attack of the giant tree.

At the beginning of the mission, more than 5,000 people were killed.

Some of the teams that escaped were also damaged, and some were unfortunately killed by giant trees.

"This task is really an s-class task! Never wrong!"

No one doubts the difficulty of the task.

"What to do next?"

After encountering the opening kills, they were almost killed, and finally survived by chance. Some nearby teams have clearly had the intention to join forces.

"Be careful!"

However, at this time, the blood paladin shouted a reminder.

I saw a sudden change in the sky above the four people's heads, a change of situation, and a large black fire and rain, and it was about to fall towards several people!


This is not an attack from a copy monster, but a sneak attack from a player!

Someone is going to kill them. These fire and rain attacks must not be underestimated!


While the blood paladin screamed, the black fire rain above his head actually started to fall down.

The range of fire and rain has a radius of more than 30 meters. Even Chen Mo must use the Blood Shadow Teleport skill twice in order to teleport out, and he will inevitably be attacked by the black fire rain midway.

As for the blood paladin, wild leopard woman and little warrior, they can only be attacked by the black fire rain.

The speed of fire and rain falling so fast, this skill is obviously unusual, and the person who launches the skill is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Huh! Want to sneak in on us? No way!"

The blood paladin roared, and a black light suddenly appeared on his body. This black light enveloped Chen Mo, the little warrior, and the wild leopard female, and the fire and rain fell. All the attacks were directed at the blood saint. The knight surged over.

With so much fire and rain hitting a person, that person's health is even longer. It is impossible to support it, but while using this skill, the blood paladin seems to have the ability to resist damage.

Hundreds of drops of fire and rain poured into his body without causing a little bit of damage to him.

Chen Mo has seen Blood Paladins use similar skills in the core area.

But compared to the previous, this skill is undoubtedly more powerful.

The Blood Paladin had suffered some damage before, but this time it didn't hurt at all.

As a result, the fire and rain in the sky disappeared and failed to cause damage to Chen Mo's four.

"Charlie III! The Scarlet Knight! Florence!"

The Blood Paladin looked coldly at the three men in the distance.

Earlier he reminded Chen Mo of the Big Three in Europe. Just enter the copy. They had escaped the first attack of the copy, and they had already encountered it.

And the three of them even attacked them without saying a word, killing four of them at once.

That attack just now. If you change to another team. The attacked team. It's dead.

Chen Mo looked at the three of them, and among them, Florence was a soldier. The Scarlet Knight is a shield knight and Charles III is a mage.

This fire and rain attack was naturally issued by Charles III.

Charles III was a handsome young man. At this moment, he was looking at the Blood Paladin with a mockery, but beside him, the Blood Knight was already in conflict with the Blood Paladin, but expressionless.

When Chen Mo looked at the three of Florence, Florence also looked at Chen Mo.

In the historical relics, no matter from which aspect, in the competition with Chen Mo, she ended in a fierce defeat.

After losing the most important equipment and props, when she returned, Florence knew that a person like Chen Mo would only become stronger and stronger, and did not desperately promote her son, she would no longer be eligible to compete with Chen Mo.

Therefore, during this time, Florence has improved her strength at all costs, so that she has more powerful power.

With the sub-artifact Great Sword, all skills, levels, and equipment are extremely powerful.

This time, she and Charlie III joined forces to carry out the task, but she knew that the task would not be easy, just in case, they formed a team with the two.

As for dealing with the blood paladin, Florence and the blood paladin did not have much conflict, not mindful.

But she couldn't think of anything, but the blood paladin brought Chen Mo.

As soon as she saw Chen Mo, Florence could not help but have the urge to kill Chen Mo to take revenge. She felt that she had come right this time.

Florence will not be satisfied with the normal killing of Chen Mo once. In the task competition, defeating Chen Mo in an all-round way is what she wants.

At present, if this competitive task can kill Chen Mo and expel Chen Mo from the task, she will complete the task and her purpose will be achieved.


Seeing Chen Mo looking over, Florence could no longer curb her follower, and a quaint giant sword appeared in her hand.

This quaint sword is completely incomparable to all the fiery red swords before her, but anyone who knows the giant sword in her hand will not belittle her.

"Be careful, she came at me!"

The war intentions in Florence's eyes were not hidden at all. Chen Mo knew at a glance why Florence came.

"Did it really start?"

The moment the Florence pulled out the quaint sword, the Scarlet Knight on the side frowned.

Both Florence and Charles III were very young. The Scarlet Knight was the oldest, a middle-aged person, and the most stable of the three.

It was also his idea to clear the Blood Paladin from the task force, because he felt that the Blood Paladin might threaten the trio to complete the task.

But I did not expect that the Blood Paladin seemed to call a good helper, so after escaping the attack of the giant tree, the Scarlet Knight proposed to try first the strength of the Blood Paladin team.

This was originally a tentative attack, but it seemed that Florence had really started to move her hand.

"Just do it, I don't think you need to try anything. In their team, the blood paladin guy is a bit strong. There is no blood paladin. I'm afraid the other three guys were killed by me just now." III said disapprovingly.

Just under his black fire rain attack, the three people seemed to know that they couldn't avoid it, they didn't do it.

Had it not been for the Blood Paladin's defensive skills too much, his black fire and rain would be enough to kill those three people.

"Don't care, your attacks are not as powerful as you think. Don't underestimate them."

The Scarlet Knight said coldly that Charles III had an extremely arrogant game name, and he was too arrogant and overbearing.


During the conversation, Florence's attack had already come to an abrupt kill.

"Big brother, the blood demon awakens, we use blood demon awakening to kill her! My blood demon awakening now, it should be great!"

Chen Mo wanted to tell the three little soldiers to leave a little, so as not to be accidentally injured by Florence's attack.

Florence's attack ~ www.readwn.com ~ But can't be underestimated, it is terrible to hurt when rubbed.

But the little soldier shouted in excitement at this moment.

She also saw the power of Florence's attack, but she was not afraid of it.

When Chen Mo thought, he was also looking forward to the blood awakening of the little warrior. He wanted to know how powerful the blood awakening of the little warrior was now.

If Chen Mo fought against Florence herself, and under the full attack of Florence, Chen Mo would inevitably have to use some killer tactics to deal with it. Instead, let the little soldiers do it.

The little warrior's blood demon awakening is used, and even if he fights Florence, he will not lose anything.


Fourth more. (To be continued ...)


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