Godly Hunter

Chapter 602: Big 4

"Fortunately, not the second form!"

The blood butterfly appeared, the beauty priest and the young summoner were surprised, but after seeing the blood butterfly summoned by the little warrior, it was not the second form, but the ordinary first form, both of them were loose. Tone.

The second form of the legendary mount is too deformed. If the little soldier calls out a second form of the legendary mount, things will undoubtedly be very troublesome.

It is only the first form of the legendary mount, except for adding some attack power to the mount owner, it does not have much effect.

"Blood Spirit Fusion!"

But after the little warrior called out the Blood Butterfly, she drank softly and used a skill that she had never used.

Even Chen Mo didn't know that the little warrior also had a blood spirit fusion skill!

This skill is a new skill that appears again when the Blood Demon Greatsword is restored to a level 50 dark gold weapon!

Unlike the Blood Demon Awakening skill, this blood demon fusion skill, the little warrior does not need to cooperate with others, as long as the blood butterfly is on the side, it can be released and used!

As soon as the blood spirit fusion skills came out, the blood butterfly body suddenly became misty, and turned into a **** phantom, which was attached to the body of the little soldier.

Unlike the blood demon awakening, the appearance of the little warrior has not changed, but when the whirlwind of the blood demon sword attacked the beauty priest and the young summoner, they all felt that the little warrior's attack was not simple.

Normal Whirlwind attack, after the soldier player launches the attack, he will rotate and attack in a fixed direction.

The enemy only needs to be prepared for this trick, and they can easily dodge.

The beauty priest and the young summoner cut off in the whirlwind of the little soldier, and the two had already made accurate predictions.

Theoretically, the whirlwind of the little fighters never fell on them.

However, they were all surprised to find that the whirlwind of the little warrior suddenly changed direction in the middle of the road, turning and spinning to kill two people!

The two were not as mediocre as they appeared. Before this sudden change, the two's evasive action also suddenly increased the difficulty. They simply swayed their bodies and once again avoided the whirlwind attack of the little soldier.

"Attack to track?"

They both looked at the little soldier with a surprise.

At this time, both of them found that the little soldier's body was very light, and the whole portrait was floating in the air, and the soles of his feet had left the ground slightly.

Glancing at the blood butterfly attached to the back of the little soldier, they both knew that this was mostly due to the blood butterfly.

Under the effect of the blood spirit fusion skill, the little soldier's attack became extremely light and fast. For a time, the beauty priest and the young summoner were blindly avoided, and they were almost hit by the little soldier several times.

In the state of blood spirit fusion, the attacking power of the little warrior is also improved, and being hit by the little warrior is not a joke.

"I don't see how tough this little sister is." The young summoner couldn't smile as before, and now he could only say a little bit embarrassedly.

"Yes, big sister, we are afraid that we will be forced to use our true abilities." The pastor of the beauty was also sweating on the forehead.

"Hum! Use it if you have the real skill!"

Little Warrior also feels that the two are not easy, because after the blood spirit fusion, her various states have risen a lot, but they still cannot cause damage to the two.

She doesn't have much combat experience, but she also knows that this is abnormal. The two men are much stronger than she expected at first.

"Hee hee, I'll use it later." The young summoner smiled again, but his smile attracted the little warrior to slash his blood and almost chopped him, scaring him to dodge it quickly. Laughed.

Blood Slash is launched at the cost of the blood of the battle. The damage is very amazing, and a lot of blood will be killed when rubbed.


On the other side, Chen Mo and Florence's heads-up battlefield, Florence's quaint giant sword almost cut through the space and fiercely slashed at Chen Mo.

However, in the end, Chen Mo calmly used the shock trap. At the last moment, he directly separated Florence's attack from the air, so that Florence's powerful attack did not receive the slightest effect.

"Gold mark! Vortex trap!"

Not only that, Chen Mo took the opportunity to approach Florence, and instantly launched the golden imprint and swirl trap.

When the Vortex Trap is launched nearby, it can have a better effect than the wave breaking ability and the golden mark.

The Vortex Trap is inherently attractive, plus the effect of the golden imprint, the player in the trap will let him slaughter.

Just give him a few breaths to stop Florence's attack, and he can win and lose in an instant.

"Mercury sword!"

Chen Mo used the golden imprint skills, but Florence sneered, using a technique called "mercury sword".

A silver sword light flickered past her. The golden vortex had shrouded to Florence, but under the effect of the silver sword light, the golden imprint skills that had just appeared were disappeared by the silver light fusion. , The golden imprint skills completely lost effect!

Sure enough, Florence has the skills to deal with golden marks!

Seeing this, Chen Mo was not surprised.

The golden imprint skills originally came from Florence. It can be said that no one except him knows the golden imprint skills better than Florence. For the first time, Florence fought with Chen Mo, wearing a mechanical warframe, and finally let Chen Mo win. Chen Mo relied on the effect of the golden impression.

If Florence did not have a way for the other person to make a golden impression, she would come to Chen Mo to find it. It would definitely be a death act. Once the golden impression skills came out, Florence, a warrior player, would have lost half.

So Florence found him singled out, and Chen Mo knew that most of Florence already had a way to deal with the golden imprint, otherwise she wouldn't just go to death alone.

Chen Mo has not used the golden imprint skills for this reason.

When the Mercury Sword broke the gold mark skill, Florence also seized the opportunity and once again slashed at Chen Mo with a sword.

Of course, Chen Mo would not be hit easily, and he did not evade, but just patted the trap in his hand, and flew Florence's attack again.

"Huh! I see how you can hide! Split sword rain!"

Repeated attacks had no effect, and Florence was finally angry.

She shouted angrily, a flash of gray light on the ancient and ancient sword in her hand, and after a slight trembling, in front of Florence, there appeared a quaint giant sword phantom.

This quaint giant sword phantom stopped in mid-air and aimed at Chen Mo. There were as many as thirty or forty. Each giant sword phantom was the same size as the original simple giant sword.

The phantom of thirty or forty ancient swords is more powerful than the thousands of angel feathers before, and it even makes people feel incomparable.

Although Florence used various powerful attack skills before, Chen Mo was able to cope with it.

However, the ghosts of these giant swords in front of him made Chen Mo's heart tight.

Split Sword Rain, the name of this skill is a trivial matter!


When Chen Mo was nervous, more than thirty giant swords had vanished, and they were already killing Chen Mo.

Blood Shadow Teleport!

Chen Mo knew that the normal way to avoid the attacks of so many giant sword ghosts was not feasible. He simply used the blood shadow teleport ability. When more than thirty giant sword ghosts stabbed in front of him, he directly Teleport away, easily dodging Florence's blow.

"Don't think you've escaped!" But Florence smiled coldly.

Chen Momeng looked back, but he saw those great sword ghosts that did not hit him. At this time, there was a tremor in the sky. The number of giant sword ghosts suddenly increased from more than thirty. Double the number and crystallize seventy!

The sword rain that will split!

Chen Mo finally knew that this skill was called split sword rain!

It is indeed a secondary artifact weapon with its own skills.

Chen Mo is well-informed, but also has to say that the secondary artifact weapon in Florence's hands is extremely powerful.

Nearly 70 giant swords Jianyu turned in the direction, and Chen Mo attacked again. Chen Mo still had Blood Shadow Teleportation available, and he could dodge twice.

However, Chen Mo estimates that if he continues to evade, I am afraid that the giant sword Jianyu will continue to split and become more than a hundred channels to attack him.

In that case, even if he wants to use Blood Shadow Teleport to avoid it, it will be very difficult.

"Crack in space!"

"Space storm!"

"Space devours!"

Chen Mo didn't evade again. With a movement of his palm, he made a dark space crack in front of him.

The moment the space crack appeared, Chen Mo immediately launched the space storm and space swallowing skills.

The space storm skill will make a powerful space storm within the fissure of the space, and the shadow of the giant sword that hits him will be greatly reduced by the space storm.

Then, the space devoured by Chen Mo started to **** in the huge ghosts of these greatly reduced speeds.

Seventy giant swords vanished and disappeared within the fissures of the space with a brush.

Was her split sword rain skill broken like this?

Florence could not help seeing it.

The split sword rain was used. She thought that Chen Mo could not resist it, but she did not expect that she had a new killer skill, and Chen Mo also had it.

Her split sword rain skills finally failed to cause a little damage to Chen Mo.

Seeing this scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ Florence's figure moved, and then beside her, there were one's own ghosts.

After the weapon split, a ontological split?

Chen Mo's eyes narrowed, it seemed that Florence's superb skills were really quite a lot.

"Yale, stop playing and get ready!"

Chen Mo was going to use the Witch form to deal with Florence's new skills, but at this time, not far away, Charles III passed over to the young summoner's wrath.


Chen Mo is very new to this name, but the blood paladin couldn't help but be surprised!

"You are Yale, one of the Big Five?"

The Blood Paladin suddenly looked at the young summoner, and felt that things were not good!


Fourth more! R1152

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