Godly Hunter

Chapter 616: Holy Empire

There are several reasons for this choice.

First of all, where is You Ji in the northern sacred continent, he is still unclear. When he got there, he did not know how long it would take to find it.

After coming to the sacred continent, the player game forum is completely useless, and now the communication between players is almost back to the traditional game forum.

At this stage of the game, even the less careful players are aware of the unusualness of the game.

Now, there are various rumors on the real game forums, but most people do not believe it without evidence.

So looking for You Ji, Chen Mo can almost only rely on herself.

Secondly, the strength of the northern sacred continent is very strong. He passed at level 58 and may suffer.

The Shura Kingdom is on the sacred central continent. Chen Mo must go through the central sacred continent to the northern sacred continent. To the Shura kingdom, it can be said to be on the way.

In Shura Kingdom, after entering the battle tower of ability and making himself stronger, he went to the northern sacred continent a little bit more capital.

After combining various factors, Chen Mo decided to go to the Shura Kingdom of the central sacred continent first, and then to the northern sacred continent.

However, before setting off, Chen Mo will raise her level to 60 first.

After rising to level 60, he can equip a large sacrifice necklace and a gray feather crossbow. These two pieces of equipment, one artifact and one dark gold at a time, can be upgraded once again.

In the forest outside of Catlin's territory, you can brush a level 60 monster. The experience is not bad. He can eat or drink for a few days. It is estimated that in four or five days, he can rise to level 60.

It takes a lot of experience to upgrade after level 50. You can upgrade from level 58 to level 60 in four or five days. It's already amazing.

In the next few days, Chen Mo escalated in the forest outside Katrin.

And Catlin is also starting to enter the development track again.

With the recognition of the Aegean Kingdom, Catlin did not need to hide anymore. Many residents of the nearby Aegean Kingdom knew the existence of Catlin's territory.

Needless to say how faint the Aegean Kingdom is. Except for King Aiqin, there is no decent city in the entire kingdom.

The residents of the Kingdom of Aiqin, who came to see the city, saw Catlin's sturdy city walls and were immediately attracted.

Even the walls of King Aiqin were only a little better than Catlin.

The territory is not forbidden, and most of the territory now is empty. However, due to the growth of the sky tree, Katrine has been able to build some buildings.

Only a few buildings can be built without rushing. The built building is naturally very beautiful and beautiful, so that when the Ai Qin Kingdom sees it, it does not want to leave.

However, Chen Mo didn't want to recruit a large number of residents of the Aiqin Kingdom. According to the situation of the Aiqin Kingdom, if anyone could come, Katerin was afraid that it would be overcrowded within a few days.

But Catlin now has not so many homes to live in, before the situation is completely clear. Chen Mo also did not plan to build a large number of buildings in Katrin.

So Chen Mo aimed at those who have the ability.

For the development of territories, ordinary people can only play a role in population and economic development. Other than that, there is no other use.

This is the most indispensable. Chen Mo is not in a hurry. While Catlin is hot in the Aegean Kingdom, Chen Mo wants to recruit more people with various skills. Katerin's technical attributes do not have to worry about it in the future.

Chen Mo's method is really good. After two or three days, Catlin recruited a lot of people with various abilities.

Tailors, blacksmiths, hunters, craftsmen, etc., although these possess more primitive abilities. Can not be compared with Fatila, but can undoubtedly effectively improve Catlin's technical attributes.

Originally, there was only Fatila, and Catlin's technical attributes could barely exceed one hundred, but with the addition of these, Catlin's technical attributes quickly exceeded one hundred and fifty.

Nevertheless, Chen Mo stopped recruiting just after recruiting more than two hundred.

At present, Catlin's building can only be used in such a quantity, and no more can live.

After the Ai Qin Kingdom was settled, Chen Mo thought that it would be safe for Catlin to develop.

However, because of the demon incident in the Grey Feather Kingdom next door, Chen Mo had to temporarily suspend the development progress of Catlin.

On the holy continent, there are abyss demons appearing, which is definitely a big event.

Except for the small kingdoms like the Aiqin Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Sacred Continent is paying attention to the Kingdom of Grey Feather.

Not only was it concerned, many kingdoms also started to act, sending soldiers and spies to come and explore the matter of the Grey Feather Kingdom.

The Grey Feather Kingdom is blocked. It is not easy to enter the Grey Feather Kingdom, and the Grey Feather Kingdom has already issued a warning. Whoever dares to enter the Grey Feather Kingdom may cause the abyss demons to appear.

Naturally, the Aegean Kingdom, which is adjacent to the Grey Feather Kingdom and close to the sea, has become a temporary base for these kingdoms.

The Kingdom of Ai Qin is too weak. Their people can act unscrupulously in the Kingdom of Ai Qin. They do not need to worry about other unnecessary things at all.

Therefore, although there are several other kingdoms adjacent to the Grey Feather Kingdom, for various reasons, the number of people who come to the Aiqin Kingdom is the largest.

In the two days of Chen Mo's leveling, I even came to the outside of Catlin's territory, but when I saw the strong walls of Catlin's territory, these foreigners did not dare to mess with me. I saw a few tall and beautiful looking doorways Watch, they just wait and see for a while and leave.

However, the news about a powerful city in the Kingdom of Ai Qin also spread along with it.

And no one had entered it except in the Aegean Kingdom, which made Katerin's territory in the middle, a little more mysterious.

So in the current situation, Chen Mo didn't let Catlin develop casually, something really happened and it was easy to run.

In order to protect Catlin's safety, Chen Mo simply did not let other kingdoms come in.

Not only that, but just in case, Chen Mo also let Enoch build a high fence around the sky tree and circle the sky tree inside, making it impossible for people to approach.

"It's finally reached level 60!"

The Kingdom of Ai Qin was very lively during this time, but Chen Mo was still immersed in upgrading. After playing the monsters for five consecutive days, his level finally rose to 60.

"Change equipment!"

Chen Mo immediately took out the prepared large sacrifice necklace and gray feather crossbow.

"too strong!"

Putting on the big sacrifice necklace, Chen Mo glanced at his attribute state, and couldn't help laughing.

The necklace he had been wearing before was a glittering gold necklace. The glittering gold necklace only had 30 points of basic physical magic attack power, while the base physical magic attack power of the high sacrifice necklace was up to 220 points!

The 220-point basic attack power is very horrible. The basic physical attack power of the Teana dagger is just over 500 points. After equipping the Great Sacrifice Necklace, Chen Mo's attack power suddenly increased a lot!

In addition, the Great Ritual Necklace also adds 60 points of power, and a terrible 15,000 hp cap!

Chen Mo's health has more than 50,000 points. After equipping the Great Sacrifice Necklace, his health is close to 70,000 points, which is comparable to some shield knights!

You know, Chen Mo is a thin-skinned hunter! If many warriors and players in the game know that a hunter's health can surpass them by a large margin, comparable to the Shield Knight, they are afraid that they have the heart to delete the number!

The level has risen to level 60. According to the plan, Chen Mo should set off for the Shura Kingdom of the central sacred continent, but some recent events have caused him to temporarily delay his trip.

In the days of his crazy leveling, more and more other countries have appeared around Catlin. Although these failed to enter Catlin, under the coercion of the guards of Tall Maggots, they did not dare to cause trouble in Catlin, but President Chen Mo Have a bad feeling.

Chen Mo's hunch was prepared. On the evening of the second day when he reached level 60, a large cavalry team came out of Catlin's territory.

"Who is the owner of this city, come out immediately!"

A sturdy silver armored knight headed by a loud shout at the gate.

"Master, it's not good, they are the Knights of the Holy Empire, the Knights of the Silver Armor, not something we can provoke!"

After the Kingdom of Aegean acknowledged Catlin's existence, Kent and several other patrol guards naturally transferred to Catlin as a guard. At this time, Kent saw the cavalry team and immediately reported Chen Mo in a panic.

"Holy empire?" Chen Mo heard the words, his heart stunned.

This continent is called the Holy Continent. How strong the Holy Empire is, needless to say he can guess a few or two.

On the sacred continent, there are large and small kingdoms, but they can be called empires, and their combat power is definitely one of the most powerful countries!

"Yes! They are the people of the Holy Knights ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Knights of the Holy Empire are divided into the Silver Knights and the Golden Knights, and the Holy Knights, these Silver Knights, Although it is the lowest level in the Holy Empire, it is not something we can provoke, even the Aegean royal family, and we dare not provoke them! Anyone who provokes the Holy Empire will not end well! "Kent fear Explained that the Holy Empire, in his mind, was a powerful and inviolable being.

The Ai Qin royal family did not dare to provoke it. So, these silver knights from the Holy Empire have level 70?

The Golden Knights and Holy are actually at least 75 and 80 levels!

Level 80 is the level of three turns!

Three turns versus two turns are absolutely rolling, and the combat effectiveness is completely incomparable!


Second more. (To be continued ...)


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