Godly Hunter

Chapter 630: Advanced Phantom Ghost

Dropping the black phantom ghost, Chen Mo took the squirrel into the dark forest.

The little squirrel was on Chen Mo's shoulder and was very afraid of the dark forest at first, but soon he looked around this strange forest with curiosity.

For it, this is a place full of legends, and being able to set foot here is enough to show off among the squirrels.

The number of phantom ghosts was not large. Chen Mo looked for a meeting again, and found a black phantom ghost again.

There is time, Chen Mo did not give up, and continued to look for.

After more than half an hour, Chen Mo encountered several black phantom ghosts in a row, and finally saw a phantom ghost of a different color.

"Where to go!"

It was a silver phantom ghost, and the moment he saw Chen Mo, the silver phantom ghost also turned around and left.

Compared with the black phantom ghost, the silver phantom ghost is slightly larger than the black phantom ghost. The body of the silver phantom ghost is also slightly larger and the escape speed is faster. Do n’t look at it. More advanced than the black phantom.

Chen Mo went deep into the dark forest to try to catch the phantom ghost of the class. The silver phantom ghost is higher than the black phantom ghost, but it does not look like it.

Is it right? Just know it!

Chen Mo decided to step forward, while the silver phantom rushed forward.

Chen Mo went deep into the dark forest all the way, and encountered many black phantom ghosts on the way, knowing that the silver phantom ghosts were looking for attached monsters.

In the dark forest, there are many powerful monsters. These monsters coexist peacefully with phantom ghosts. When enemies appear, phantom ghosts will attach to these monsters to fight. The black phantom ghosts that Chen Mo saw before are almost all black. crocodile.

What monster is fighting the enemy against the silver phantom?

Chen Mo chased after him and quickly found the answer.

Beside the silver phantom ghost is a huge poisonous spider.

The silver phantom was attached to the poisonous spider that appeared, and then the poisonous spider stared at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was not afraid of poison damage. The poisonous spider faced him, no doubt he was very disadvantaged. He was not afraid of poison. Chen Mo rushed directly to prepare to subdue the poisonous spider.

The venomous spider spewed venom to attack Chen Mo first, and a lot of venom rushed around. Even a master player, it was not easy to avoid.

However, Chen Mo had no plan to evade, rushed directly against the venom, took out a crossbow, and attacked the poisonous spider.

The poisonous spider blasted with Venom and Chen Mo several times, and after being killed by 60,000 to 70,000 blood, the silver phantom ghost attached to it clearly saw that Chen Mo was not afraid of the venom, so that the poisonous spider stopped the venom attack. In turn, a poisonous spider opened his mouth and a white silk screen over Chen Mo.

Venom Chen Mo dare to take it, but he did not dare this white death. He was shrouded in this white wire mesh, and most probably could not move.

Avoiding the white screen, Chen Mo thought that the poisonous spider and the silver ghost had to use new skills to deal with him, but he did not expect that the poisonous spider turned and fled.

Sister, it's fleeing again, this phantom ghost is really cautious!

This kind of monster that flees when it doesn't look good is rarely encountered by Chen Mo. When seeing a poisonous spider, he definitely can't let it run away.

The poisonous spider runs away, the key is the silver ghost.

Chen Mo chased after him, but he didn't chase too far, and the poisonous spider did not escape, and stopped in the dark wood in front of him to wait for him.

Got a trap?

Chen Mo was on the alert.

The phantom ghosts seemed to be timid and cautious monsters. They dare to stop the poisonous spiders against him, and there must be something to rely on.

After carefully looking at the dark woods behind the poisonous spider, Chen Mo immediately knew what the phantom's backing was.

In the dark woods behind the phantom ghost, gray and white spider silks of various sizes can be seen everywhere. The poisonous spider seems to have built a huge spider web in this forest, with an area of ​​hundreds of meters. Is its range of activity.

With such a huge cobweb, no wonder the timid phantom dared to stop and scream.

But Chen Mo smiled, and strode forward.

If you want to stop him, you must step on it. This spider web is large, but there are many places to settle. It will be useful to deal with many people, but only to him. This cobweb is the same with or without it.

With his ability to observe and react, this cobweb would not be effective.

Chen Mo went into the forest where the spider web was located and found that the spider web could not be said to have no effect.

On this huge cobweb, the poisonous spider moves fast, and it can dying to change part of the spider silk to attack and obstruct Chen Mo.

But the role of cobwebs is just that, Chen Mo can't help Chen Mo's attention to some poisonous spider attacks.

Instead, Chen Mo's attacks continued to fall on the poisonous spider.

The poisonous spider's blood was crazy, and the phantom ghost attached to the poisonous spider could not beat Chen Mo, and let the poisonous spider escape.

"Gold mark!"

However, Chen Mo was well prepared. When the silver phantom ghost and the poisonous spider wanted to escape, Chen Mo suddenly used the golden imprint skills to prevent the poisonous spider from escaping.

The black phoenix was called out again, and attacked the poisonous spider with Chen Mo. The blood of the poisonous spider went crazy, and soon the silver phantom ghost saw a bad situation, so he separated from the poisonous spider and wanted to escape by himself.

But the black phoenix on the side had Chen Mo's order long ago. As soon as the silver phantom appeared, it hit several fireballs.

The silver phantom ghost is higher than the black phantom ghost, but the difference in health is not much. When it was blown up by several fireballs of the black phoenix, the blood was almost bottomed out. It failed to run far and was chased by the black phoenix. After a short while, he entered a state of serious injury, and fell to the ground almost unable to move.

Chen Mo catches up and uses reconnaissance skills against the silver phantom ghost.

Silver Phantom Ghost: An advanced form of Phantom Ghost. It has no level and can attach and control other monsters. Dependent and controlled monsters can explode stronger than normal attributes. When attaching to other monsters, you must get permission from other monsters. If you attach to higher-level monsters, you must forcibly control lower-level monsters.

As a result of the reconnaissance, the silver phantom ghost is obviously not a level phantom ghost. The description is almost the same as the black phantom ghost. The silver phantom ghost is only a high-level phantom ghost.

It seems that the phantom ghost of the level should be a golden phantom ghost!

From the attribute description of the silver phantom ghost, the golden phantom ghost must exist, Chen Mo decided to continue deep into the dark forest to find the golden phantom ghost.

As a levelless war beast, the phantom ghost is a very good war beast and pet to other players and to this hunter.

If the non-summoner and hunter contracted the phantom ghost, and the weakness of the phantom ghost is easy to die, but Chen Mo is a hunter, after the contract will become a pet, not afraid of death, the phantom ghost can be said to be a perfect pet, no It can be used in case of accidents.

Continue to go deep into the dark forest. Chen Mo has already entered the deep forest, but there are not many phantom ghosts.

After walking for more than half an hour, Chen Mo only saw several silver phantom ghosts on the road, and did not know where the golden phantom ghosts were hiding.


After turning in the dark forest for more than ten minutes, a trace of gold appeared in front of him, and Chen Mo's spirit refreshed and chased after him.

"Golden Phantom Ghost!"

Looking back, it turned out that a golden phantom ghost appeared.

Compared with the silver phantom ghost, the golden phantom ghost is much larger, twice the size of the silver phantom ghost, giving a fat feeling.

Before the black and silver phantom ghosts saw Chen Mo appear, there was a look of panic in their eyes, but the golden phantom ghost was not there. It saw Chen Mo, although it was the same as the two phantom ghosts in front Fleeing behind, but with a look of panic, there was nothing to look at.

It looks like the golden phantom ghost has no attack ability, and it is also looking for attached monsters.

Chen Mo knew that the monster attached to the phantom ghost would not be far away. He hurried to catch up, but before catching up, a huge monster appeared on the wet swamp ground in front of him and rushed towards him.

Swamp Colossus!

The swamp giant elephant is a black giant elephant, covered with wet black mud, huge in size, standing on the soft swamp ground, but will not sink. On the contrary, it moves very fast, very different from ordinary giant elephants.

Chen Mo didn't know what else the swamp giant elephant could do, and the swamp giant elephant and the golden phantom were combined together, and he didn't know what powerful methods would break out. The skills and attack characteristics of giant elephants.

Chen Mo was going to fight the golden phantom ghost and the swamp colossus. The little squirrel that had been on Chen Mo's shoulders ran away quickly, so as not to be affected by the battle. His small body was hit by a slight attack and he would not survive.


The swamp giant elephant's long nose sprayed into the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ A lot of black raindrops mixed with dirt fell from the sky and shrouded Chen Mo inside.

Toxin attack?

Most of this black rainwater is a poisonous attack. If so, the swamp giant elephant is not enough to fear.

But Chen Mo was caught by some black rainwater and found that this was not the case.

The black rain stained on him did not cause him toxin damage. The damage was just ordinary attack damage, not high.

However, when the black rain fell, his body was covered with sticky swamp mud, and Chen Mo suddenly felt that his movement was slower.

If there is too much black rain, I am afraid he will become a clay figure and cannot move!


First more. R1152

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