Godly Hunter

Chapter 634: Fierce battle

Chapter 343 Fierce Fighting Storm

kill! Thousand Blades Kill!

Before Chen Mo said in a voice, as soon as the blood avatar appeared, he killed more than forty people.

The Scarlet Prison Cage is a trap skill. The ability of the Blood Shadow avatar is closely related to Chen Mo's ability. Chen Mo II switched to the Dark Gold Gloves weapon, the trap skills improved, and the ability of the Blood Shadow avatar was much stronger than before.

At the time, Qian Blade Kill hit the enemy, but it could only deal more than 1,000 points of damage. Now Qian Blade Kill, it can deal nearly 3,000 points of damage. Several players who were attacked by Qian Blade Kill in a concentrated way, the blood instantly Bottom out.

Chen Mo made Blood Shadow to deal with those remote players, making them unable to attack themselves, but he rushed to the storm fighter.

He didn't know the storm, but the black figure just started. He knew that the storm was the most powerful of the enemies. As long as the storm was killed, no one would be threatened.

"Wind Breath!"

The soldier had always felt awkward, but the storm drank softly. A breeze swirling slowly around him appeared on his body, and then his body movement became very flexible.

Warriors from talent can be divided into blood-selling fighters, two-handed sabers, and shields to defend the well-known shield battle.

But the game also has another division method for each profession, which is element attribute division.

Almost all professions have some players who are proficient in certain elemental attributes. The storm in front is undoubtedly a warrior who is good at wind skills.

It's just that in the game, the wind fighters are too rare, and Chen Mo is also the first contact.

However, the mad attack of the black figure just now exposed some of the hole cards to the storm. Chen Mo only glanced at it to know that the storm was good at wind skills.

"Hurricane cut!"

A few meters away from Chen Mo, the storm swept towards Chen Mo with a sword.

On his cyan sword blade, a small hurricane orbited the sword blade at a high speed. Chen Mo was still a few meters away from the storm, and he felt a pull pulling him forward, making him a little involuntary.

Looking again at the slowly rotating breeze beside the storm, Chen Mo suddenly felt that the storm was probably an enemy more difficult to deal with than he expected.

It is not difficult to use a crossbow to attack a storm and cause some damage, but it is difficult to kill a storm with a crossbow.

Moreover, if he first shot and injured the storm, the poisonous outbreak ability could not be triggered for a short time.

However, the skills used by the storm, like the current hurricane chop, Chen Mo was afraid to step forward and resist the last move.

As a warrior, Storm's attack power is less than 3,000. It is normal to use powerful skills to hit tens of thousands of blood. If he also has the ability of 100% critical strike like the original nine ears, he can kill him in one stroke.

Chen Mo knew that he was not ready enough. At the beginning, he should be fully prepared to purchase a set of two-turn armor and pile up the blood. Now the blood of 12,000 makes him dare not take the master's trick at all. Otherwise, someone is spiked in minutes.

However, Chen Mo is not helpless!

His blood is not enough, but he still has Ceci Hero, which is not ordinary!

In addition, from the direction of rotation, Chen Mo, from the direction of rotation, although it has a pulling effect on players in the distance, if it is hit straight, I am afraid it will have the effect of being hit!

The knockout effect is not difficult to see in the warrior skills. If the player who is knocked down hits another player midway, it will cause collision damage.

Ceci Hero was called out by Chen Mo, and under Chen Mo's order, she did not hesitate to rush to the storm and hurricane.

Chen Mo did not let Ceci Hero use the hurricane skill to attack the storm. Judging from the storm's skill attributes, the hurricane skill was mostly ineffective for him.

Until now, the hurricane skills have been systematically divided into skills below the forty level. It is not unreasonable. Chen Mo has gradually felt that the hurricane skills are not enough. For players after the forty level, the hurricane skills are increasingly difficult to play Great effect.

Of course, if you only deal with ordinary players, as long as Ceci Hero can evolve once and improve the attributes, it is still very useful, but almost all master players have the ability to resist control skills, hurricane skills are useless.

Seeing Ceci Hero rushing towards his sword, the storm didn't care, and the hurricane was still down.


Sure enough, as Chen Mo expected, as soon as Ceci Hero was exposed to the hurricane chopping skill, she was hit more than 8,000 times, and her body was slammed back.

The direction in which Ceci Hero was hit was not the same as that of Chen Mo, but Chen Mo was moving in shape and moved behind Cesi Hero.


Ceci Hellow bumped into Chen Mo, and both men suffered a nearly 4,000 injury.

This is the most powerful part of the knockout effect. During the flyby, if the player hits an obstacle or a companion, both sides will receive additional impact damage.

However, the general knock-on effect is not as terrifying as the storm. The knock-on effect of the hurricane chopped by the storm brings the attack damage to 50 with attack damage, which is very amazing.

The system prompts: You are attacked by the enemy, and the poisonous explosion skill is turned on!

——Enable condition: In the next 10 seconds, successfully attack 3 enemies (multiple attacks of the same skill count once)!

The poisonous outbreak skill was successfully opened, but Chen Mo glanced at the opening condition and suddenly couldn't help cursing.

The poisonous explosion skills do not have to say, but each time the opening conditions, but not low!

Storm is a wind warrior, much faster than ordinary warriors. Just now, even assassins like ghost songs and winds died in the hands of black silhouettes, but he survived, and knew that his evasion ability had How strong.

Hit the storm three times in 10 seconds. In the storm's range of attacks, the storm is attacked every three seconds. Not to mention that the storm has a powerful evasion ability, even if it is not, it is not easy to do it.

To describe briefly, if Chen Mo was attacked three times by the storm within ten seconds, he would be almost dead.

The storm has a lot more blood than Chen Mo, but with Chen Mo's attack, attacking the storm three times, the storm will be very uncomfortable.

But no matter what, if he wants to use the poisonous explosion skills, he must reach this condition in one fell swoop!

However, Chen Mo's mind is agile. Needless to say, he immediately thought of a solution.

There are not many plans, one is enough, he has no time to implement the second one!

Shadow Strike!


Ceci Hero's body flickered, and once again she stormed towards the storm, using her hurricane skills.

If the hurricane skill can take effect on the storm and control the storm, three attacks in ten seconds are just a trivial matter.

A black hurricane appeared, and the storm was drawn in instantly.

The storm was suddenly dragged in by the hurricane, and his body was off the ground in an instant, but, as Chen Mo expected, the breeze surrounding the body of the storm, under the hurricane skill of Sisi Hero, the breeze suddenly accelerated and then The storm's body is no longer controlled by the hurricane ability, and it begins to fall to the ground.

It's now!

At the moment when the storm's body was falling, Chen Mo saw the opportunity and shot a crossbow fiercely at the storm.

Being in mid-air, the storm air has the ability to evade, and he cannot escape, after all, he cannot fly.



A more than a thousand points of damage floated, and the damage was very low. However, when the storm changed, he found that his body was paralyzed!

The reason is very simple. The hand crossbow weapon used by Chen Mo at the moment is the electric shock crossbow. He used electric shock skills.

The stunner crossbow is not a second-turn weapon. If it hits the second-turn player, the damage will be greatly reduced. The paralysis effect brought by the electric shock skill will not be as long as three seconds.

But Chen Mo only needs one second to be satisfied.

As soon as the hand moved, another ordinary arrow hit the storm.

Another pitifully low injury, but he has reached the second blow!

At this time, Chen Mo can use the triple-shot skills, but even if all the triple-shot skills hit the storm, he will only be hit once. Instead, using the triple-shot skills will make him spend more time to attack, of course Chen Mo will not Doing so will give the storm enough response time.

He's going to make a third strike before the storm has fully reacted!


After two consecutive attacks that were painless and itchy, the storm became cautious.

This kind of injury should not occur in Chen Mo's hands. He must have done anything to do so.

Chen Mo took the third hit while the storm was paralyzed, but before the third crossbow hit the storm, the storm had restored its freedom.

Knowing that Chen Mo did something weird, of course the storm could not continue to bear Chen Mo's attack, even if the damage of this attack was pitifully low.

As the body moved, the storm escaped Chen Mo's third blow.

The third blow was avoided, which was within Chen Mo's expectation. At the moment when the storm's figure flashed, Chen Mo also killed the storm.

It was only six or seven meters away from the storm. When Chen Mo's hand moved, a piece of wood flew towards the storm.

The storm didn't know what the wood piece was. He could have used his weapon to fly the wood piece, but thinking of the strange attack before Chen Mo, he had lowered his weapon suddenly, his body moved, and he avoided it.


On this wood piece ~ www.readwn.com ~ was engraved with a shock trap by Chen Mo. If the storm dared to take it, or if he could not hide far, he would be hit!

But it doesn't matter, the storm will dodge, Chen Mo thought about it!


When the storm backed away, Chen Mo's crossbow fired a fierce arrow.

The storm had no choice but to continue hiding.

However, it is obvious where he will appear after two consecutive dodge moves!

The storm also knew that he would be forced to dodge continuously, and his movements would be very passive, but he was still very sure of his dodge. Even if Chen Mo fired two crossbows again, he would be sure to dodge.

However, a gray light suddenly appeared in his field of vision, the storm's pupils shrank sharply!


Second more. ()

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