Godly Hunter

Chapter 640: Primary contact

Slime's Poison: The special potion created by Slime Venom analysis can effectively resist all the negative states caused by Slime. Each attack can add additional powerful poison damage to Slime monsters. The effect lasts 30 minutes!

That's it!

Looking at the properties of Slime's poison, Chen Mo immediately knew that Slime's poison was what caused Slime King's mutation!

Previously, he thought it was too complicated. King Slime will mutate. It is not a hidden condition, but because of drinking this potion, it is extra for all Slime monsters, including King Slime. I want to use it. If this potion is against King Slime, King Slime will mutate and become stronger!

After all, if the wild wolf valley is not occupied by the three fire wolves, resulting in players unable to obtain wolf meat to complete the task of beggars, Slime Poison is not a very difficult item to obtain. For a little money, you can get a bottle and fight A bottle of King Slime's hand was not a problem at all. 79 reading.

Therefore, his initial analysis was basically wrong, and things were not as complicated as he thought, but the system did not want the player to kill Slime King so easily.

However, Chen Mo knew that his method and thinking were okay. He denied that the initial analysis was only result theory. If he had not gone through that series of analysis, he would not have reached this step.

Slime's poison is in his hands. How did the two people mutate King Slime before?

Use within the hatred of Slime King?

will not! Those two players were both killed by King Slime. The poison of Slime must have been used to deal with the Slime mobs early. Then, during the potency period, they went to Slime King, which resulted in Slime. Variation of King Mu!

Analyzing this, Chen Mo did not hesitate to drink the slime's potion.

A faint black-green light flashed from him, and the color of Chen Mo's crossbow weapon also changed slightly.

A few Slimes were found nearby, and Chen Mo wanted to try the effects of Slime's poison.

The first to be attacked by Chen Mo was the most powerful black slime.

"So strong!"

A crossbow shot at Black Slime's smooth head, Chen Mo exclaimed immediately.

-2! —10!

His own attack only hit two points of damage, but after two points of red damage, there was also a green toxin damage of up to 10 points!

Black Slime only has 60 health points, and Chen Mo killed Black Slime with a few attacks!

"Try something else!"

Slime's poison effect is too strong. If it has the same powerful effect on the rest of the slime, the slime monster in the slime plain is not a problem at all. It is not stronger than other monsters.

"Sure enough, a lot of damage can be added to each slime!"

Chen Mo tried it one by one. Under the effect of Slime's poison, with each ordinary attack, he could almost add 40 to 60 points of poison damage to the other colors of Slime, and the output was doubled at once.

Chen Mo's eyes are bright. If King Slime really mutates because of Slime's poison, then the potion may have a weak effect on Slime King, otherwise King Slime does not need to mutate at all!

Stopping the attack, Chen Mo moved and ran towards King Slime.

Slime King refreshed.

"Hahaha, King Slime, here I am!"

"Let's kill the big bang!"

A group of players who reached the tenth level found King Slime and died, knowing that they were going to die. The group was not afraid and talked with laughter.

Facing this group of invaders, King Slime was furious to pounce on it. At this moment, it seemed to have some sense.

An angry look flashed in its round black eyes, and someone killed its people, took their children's flesh and blood, and made things against it, and wanted to use it!


With a roar, King Slime's body suddenly swelled and enlarged, and his color changed rapidly!

"Variation King Slime! Fuck! King Slime has mutated!"

"Record quickly! I remember there was a guy on the forum who made a million dollars overnight by recording a video of the mutant Slime King!"

This group of players was stunned. Some people came to their senses and screamed.

But they are too close to King Slime. After Slime King mutates, they will not be given the opportunity to record video at all!


Variation King Slime's body shook, and a large number of fists, such as a marble-like purple crystal ball, shook off its body, and bounced to the surrounding group of players after landing.





Huge damages floated from the heads of this group of players, and all the players were killed instantly in seconds!

After killing this group of players, King Mutant Slime's eyes are fixed, looking at a person in the distance!

That adventurer is what makes it angry!

"This guy really has other skills!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the mutant King Slime!

The variant Slime King ’s data is too small. Chen Mo arrived early, but he did n’t come over the first time. Instead, he intentionally waited for a group of players to approach the Slime King. variation.

I did not expect such a try, and sure enough, I tried out the mutant King Slime has a powerful group-wide attack skills!

Quickly buried a basic trap under his feet, Chen Mo turned and ran away.

"This fat guy doesn't have feet, but always, jumping and chasing people are so fast! I now have a maximum speed of 11 o'clock, and wearing the title of the fallen can have 13 o'clock, and this guy's speed is at least 17 o'clock, very It may be 18 o'clock, you ca n’t run away even if you buy a low-level mutant agility potion without buying a pair of best shoes! "

As he ran, Chen Mo analyzed the speed of the mutant Slime King, and found that the mutant Slime King was indeed an amazing speed, and now he can't escape!


Variation King Slime stepped on the basic trap set by Chen Mo, and the basic trap exploded!

—48! —50!

Mutation Slime King has two damages floating on his head, one is caused by the basic trap, and the other is the effect of Slime's poison.

The effect of Slime poison is really amazing!

Mutant Slime King is extremely fast, Chen Mo continues to escape, not only escapes, he also wears the title of the fallen, and drinks the two remaining low-level mutant agility potions on his body.

The low-level mutant agility potion can increase the player's 3 movement speed limit. If Chen Mo drinks it now, the speed limit can reach 16 points, but it is slower than the mutant Slime King. The mutant Slime King catches up with Chen Mo, only time. problem.

But Chen Mo is a person who can arrange traps on the move. After calculating the speed of Mutant Slime King, Chen Mo knows that Mutant Slime wants to catch up with him, it will not be so easy, as long as he is not bad luck, escape It is not impossible to outrun the hatred of the Slime King.

His hand moved quickly, and a shock trap was left behind by Chen Mo.


After a while, King Mutant Slime stepped on the shock trap, and the huge body stopped living!

Not only that, it is still a metre away from the shock trap!

"it is good!"

Chen Mo met ~ www.readwn.com ~ The spirit is refreshed, the shock trap is effective for Mutant King Slime, but it is a great news for him!

Next, Mutant Slime and Chen Mo chased after each other and flew for a few minutes.

In the end, the mutant King Slime still failed to catch up with Chen Mo, and he gave Chen Mo a glaring glance and gave up the pursuit of Chen Mo.

"This distance ... should be enough ..."

Chen Mo stopped, he did not turn back to tease the mutant Slime King, but looked down to calculate how far the mutant Slime King had walked.

"As long as you buy a pair of superb shoes and try that method again, it's not impossible to kill Mutant Slime King alone!"

After calculating all the information obtained, Chen Mo thought for a long time, and Chen Mo's eyes glowed with excitement.

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