Godly Hunter

Chapter 671: sneak into

The Holy Pirates, the Red Bird Pirates and the Pirates Pirates are the three largest pirates in the sacred sea. The three pirates can become the strongest three pirates. They have a great relationship with their own ghost pirate ships. When it came to the news of the ghost pirate ship, the Black Flag naturally couldn't help but confirm the authenticity of the message. +,

"Where's your boss now? What did the Hurricane Pirates put you back?" Chen Mo nodded and asked.

"Just in the south of the sea, on a small island owned by the Hurricane Pirates. They put us back and wanted us to take 10,000 gold coins to redeem the boss and others, but the 10,000 gold coins were almost to sell the Black Flag Pirates. All the wealth can be brought together. In this way, the Black Flag Pirates are destroyed. We have no choice but to return to the owner to rescue the Black Flag boss. "

"The Hurricane Pirate Regiment is just a pirate regiment with less than 200 people. It also owns a small island?"

Chen Mo was a little surprised. The two came back to save people with ransom. He expected it, but the strength of the Hurricane Pirates seemed to surpass his imagination.

"It's just a small island with a barren top. Except for a hollow island with a dock inside which can be used as a den, there is nothing special about the island, similar to a desert island," one person explained quickly.

Chen Mo nodded. If this is the case, it can still be explained, but even this kind of island cannot be owned by anyone, and the strength of the Hurricane Pirates cannot be underestimated.

As for less than a hundred people, the strength is not as good as the Black Flag Pirates, and the Storm Pirates that have just recovered after the heavy damage were directly ignored by Chen Mo.

Before coming to the Aiqin Kingdom, he was able to deal with the Black Flag Pirates. With his current strength, the Storm Pirates were simply not enough.

Redeem the Black Flag Pirates. For 10,000 gold coins, Chen Mo could not get 10,000 gold coins, but in the ability battle tower, he spent more than 10,000 gold coins in one breath, and then took out 10,000 gold coins, and the remaining gold coins were enough.

Besides. He has always been an extortionist. Where to get others to blackmail him, this 10,000 gold coin will certainly not be given to the Hurricane Pirates.

The strength of the Hurricane Pirates is also better than that of the Black Flag Pirates. He just happened to take the Thunder Beast out for a walk.

The Thunder Flag Pirates suffered a huge loss in the days when the Thunder Beast hatched. Now, more than a month has passed, and Chen Mo has eaten Thunder Ray with all the good things.

Fruit of life, fire rock fruit. The fruits of various attributes stolen with the fat man. After more than a month, the thunder beast has grown at an amazing speed. The body is several times larger than the original. It is now like a hill. The body is three to four meters tall. It is indeed an ancient sea beast.

Such a guy can only fish and bask in the sea outside the territory every day. It's too wasteful.

Coupled with such a short distance, Chen Mo can also call the fat man to help in the past. With the thunder beast and the big fat shot together, with the strength of the Hurricane Pirates, he does not need to be afraid.

"Go, take me to the pirate where the Hurricane Pirates are."

Chen Mo then made a decision.

Saying hello to You Ji and Enoch, Chen Mo took Catlin with two pirate members.

Now Catlin, on one side was the forest. On one side is the southern waters. Originally, Catelyn had only one entrance, but now there is an additional gate built on the side facing the waters. Otherwise, the thunder beast is a huge guy. It takes a long circle to get back to Catlin, and this guy is huge in size, and every time he enters from the front door, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Going out from the back door, it is not far from the seaside, and the thunder beast lies on the seaside and basking in the sun.

The two pirate members did not dare to approach the Thunder Beast, Chen Mo walked over and patted Thunder Beast's head politely, "Go, follow me and take you out to play."

Thunder beast was too boring and moldy. After listening to Chen Mo's words, his eyes suddenly lighted, his spirits shook, and he jumped into the sea in front of him.

Chen Mo was on a boat with the two pirate members, and the two pirates rowed the boat to lead the way.

It took more than two hours from Katrine to the island of the Hurricane Pirates, but Chen Mo was not in a hurry. The Hurricane Pirates and the Storm Pirates have nearly three hundred people in total. It is definitely impossible to confront them directly. The best way to rescue them is to attack them at night.

While the boat was advancing, Chen Mo asked the two again carefully and asked a lot of details. The two pirates knew everything.

Chen Mo nodded when he heard the words. When passing by a small island where pirates often gathered to buy and sell, he ordered the two pirates to go in and buy something to prepare.

There are many islands of this type of pirate trade in the sacred sea. It has always been neutral, but there are some inside. Chen Mo didn't go in. Instead, he sat on the thunder beast and found a place to hide, so that he and others would not be found. Black Flag Pirate Relations.

After the two pirate members bought what Chen Mo needed, the three went on the road again.

"Walk for more than ten minutes, and we will enter the vigilance of pirates."

Two pirate members told Chen Mo that they knew what Chen Mo was planning to do on the road.

"Okay, you go back first, don't fight against the grass."

Chen Mo nodded, jumped to the Thunder Beast that followed, and waved the two pirates back.

The two pirates are of average strength. They are the same with or without them, and need to know. He has asked very clearly on the road.

The two pirates also knew their own affairs, both nodded, and rowed away.

"Go, we sneak in quietly."

Chen Mo said to Thunder Beast.

Thunder beasts are extremely fast underwater, and Chen Mo also has water-based skills, and the two are quietly approaching the islands of the Hurricane Pirates for reconnaissance.

Lei Zhou usually didn't dare to run too far by himself. Now he came out and was curious about the surroundings. Without a word, he took Chen Mo and dived from the deep sea.

Even if the people of the Hurricane Pirates Group prevent someone from diving in the sea, it is absolutely not expected, and there are sea hegemons like the Thunder Beast who will follow them.

The thunder beast is too fast in the water. According to the two pirate members, it will enter the island's surveillance area in ten minutes, and it will take more than ten minutes to reach the island.

But it took only five minutes for Thunder Monster to dive into the deep sea below the island with Chen Mo.

Thunder beast is huge, and it will surely alarm the enemy when it emerges from the sea. Chen Mo lets Thunder beast play nearby, and then he dives from the bottom of the sea by himself.

Chen Mo quietly revealed the shore of the choppy island.

A small island with nearly three hundred people, Chen Mo was still worried about the strong alert at the beginning, but after revealing the sea, Chen Oh discovered that the Hurricane Pirates didn't seem to be worried about someone coming out of the sea to attack them.

If you think about it, you can't blame the Hurricane Pirates. They are numerous and well-positioned, as long as not a large number of ships attacked directly, and dozens or even dozens of people dived in, which would not pose a threat to them.

Chen Mo started camouflage skills, landed on the island, and began terrain reconnaissance.

Although the two pirate members also had some descriptions, they were also the first to enter the old nest of the Hurricane Pirates, and they were arrested. It was too late to look carefully.

After some observation, Chen Mo found that this is really not a good place. With the strength of the Hurricane Pirates, they can occupy it just because other big pirates look down on it.

The bare island of the entire island ~ www.readwn.com ~ without any vegetation, the only highlight is a concave bay dock.

The people of the Hurricane Pirate Regiment are all eating and drinking in the bay. If something happens, they can enter their pirate ship as soon as possible.

The Black Flag Pirates were held in a cave facing the sea on the island.

The cave has sturdy iron windows, and the sea outside can be seen through the iron windows. However, the exact location of the two pirate members who were locked into the cave is unclear. Chen Mo listened to their description and came up to investigate for a while Only then found the cave.

The cave faces the sea, but if you want to enter the cave, you can only enter it through a special channel in the bay dock.

Almost all of the Hurricane Pirates gathered in the bay, and wanted to enter from there without being discovered, even if Chen Mo had very sophisticated camouflage skills.


First more. (To be continued ...)

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