Godly Hunter

Chapter 673: Keel boat

"what happened?"

There are several hurricane pirate regiments guarding the cave prison passage. Hundreds of black flag pirate regiments rushed out from the inside. They could hardly notice the sound.

However, they didn't think about the direction in which the Black Flag Pirates escaped, they just thought that the guards inside were engaging in ghosts.

"not good!"

But when seeing the black flag rushing out with hundreds of members inside, the guards changed their faces.

"Kill them!"

Heiqi screamed angrily. Behind him, an arrow rain rushed over and shot several guards into horse honeycombs.

Although the guards were not dead, they were too busy to make noise.

Chen Mo and the two pirate members deliberately purchased a lot of bow and arrow weapons in order to achieve this effect.

However, some of the guards of the Hurricane Pirate Regiment, after being attacked, had a hard time pressing an alert prop.


A white light burst into the bay dock and made a muffled sound.

"what happened?"

"No, the Black Flag Pirates escaped!"

The alarm was issued, and during the rest of the Hurricane Pirate Regiment Black Storm Pirate Regiment, many people were suddenly awakened.

"Exposed, hurry up and grab our pirate ship!"

Heiqi shouted in annoyance.

If they could stop the Hurricane Pirates' guards from alerting them, they would be able to escape easily, but it would be too late to say anything.

When the pirates rest, most of them will rest on the pirate ship, even if it is the old nest of the Hurricane Pirate Regiment, there are a large number of pirates on the ships of the Hurricane Pirate Regiment and the Storm Pirate Regiment.

However, inside the dock, there are also ships of the Black Flag Pirates.

After their arrest, of course, the ship was also sailed back by the Hurricane Pirates.

The ships were captured, and no one from Hurricane Pirates was on top. The Black Flag Pirates could easily recapture their ships.

The Black Flag Pirates stopped paying attention to several guards, and swarmed towards the pirate ship not far away.

Fortunately, the pits of the Hurricane Pirates were very small. If the islands were bigger, it would be difficult for the Black Flag Pirates to recapture their ships.

"How did these guys escape? What did the guards do! Where did they come from! Quickly, stop them, you must not let them escape!"

Wick and Thor were awakened one by one. Thor came out and saw the members of the Black Flag Pirates all got on the pirate ship. He yelled anxiously.

If the Black Flag Pirates were to escape, he would definitely be retaliated by the Black Flag Pirates. Without being merged into the Hurricane Pirates, he would no longer be able to mix in the southern waters.

And the southern sea area is already the weakest competition place in the entire sacred sea area. It is impossible to mix here. If you go to other places, the situation of the Storm Pirates will be even worse.

If the Black Flag Pirates escape, no matter how you look at it, it will be a bad thing for the Storm Pirates. In any case, Toke wants to stop the Black Flag Pirates from escaping.

Under Thor's order, the awakened Storm Pirates, and many of the Hurricane Pirates, pursued the Black Flag Pirates.

However, their actions were still one step behind. The people of the Black Flag Pirates had all run on the three pirate ships, and they had started the ships and started slowly out of the port.

"Chasing! Let's sail fast!" Thor exclaimed.

"Tor, don't worry, they can't run away! Hum, dare to run away in the middle of the night, so I can't take a good rest. The Black Flag Pirates really don't plan to live!"

However, at this time, Vic was extremely upset.

"Haha, by the way, I almost forgot, Vic you Hurricane Pirates and the keel ship, black flag they can not escape."

Thor's eyes brightened when he saw the ship chased by the Hurricane Pirates.

The pirate ships owned by the Storm Pirates and Black Flag Pirates are ordinary large ships with limited speed.

But the Hurricane Pirates had three keel ships.

This keel boat is not to say that the boat is really made of keel, but the main boat structure of the boat, which is made of strong and lightweight metal. The resulting boat is very light, strong and capable of withstanding the waves Assault, the ship can only reach extremely fast speed, the fastest speed is nearly half the speed of ordinary ships, most pirates in the sacred waters are mainly keel ships.

With a keel ship tracking, the Black Flag Pirates can't escape much distance and will be caught up.

If the Black Flag Pirates do not surrender then, the keel ship can directly crash over and sink the ships of the Black Flag Pirates.


With three keel ships of the Hurricane Pirate Regiment, Vic took the lead in pursuit of the Black Flag Pirate Regiment.

The three ships carried members similar to those of the Black Flag Pirates, but Vic didn't have any worries that they could not beat the Black Flag Pirates.

In terms of equipment, members of the Hurricane Pirate Regiment are better equipped, and there is no need to fight the Black Flag Pirate Regiment at all, just hit it with a keel ship.

Hitting the ship in a halt, he did not believe that the Black Flag Pirates would not surrender.

"Boss Black Flag, the Hurricane Pirates have caught up! It's a keel ship. They are much faster than us, and we can't escape much!"

Some members of the Black Flag Pirates turned back, and anxiously cried when they saw the menacing Hurricane Pirates coming after them.

"Shut up! Everyone gives me a full rowing boat, as far as I can run! The host naturally has a way to save us. What we have to do now is to run as far as the host said!"

Black Flag exclaimed.

He is the boss of the pirate regiment. I don't know where, with their ships, even if they escape with all their strength, they can only run for more than ten minutes, and they will be caught up by the keel boat, with no hope of escape.

However, what Chen Mo said to him before let him know that Chen Mo had already anticipated this and let him try to escape as far as possible with the keel ship. Knowing that Chen Mo was prepared, Heiqi was relieved.

He knew that the adventurer who forced them to become slaves was definitely not a mess.

"Catch up!"

The keel ship has left the island behind, and no shadows can be seen at night, and the ships of the Black Flag Pirate Regiment are more than thirty meters in front of them.

After a little while, they can catch up.

"Huh! Black flag, you still have to be obedient! I have dozens of sounds. If you don't discard your weapons and surrender, we will hit the keel ship directly!"

Standing at the bow, Vic looked at the black flag in front of him, threatening coldly.

When the Black Flag Pirate Regiment is hit by a keel ship, it will become a piece of broken wood.

In the face of Vic's threat, Black Flag ignored it completely and just let his men row.

"Looks like you haven't seen the coffin anymore, no tears! Come on, sink them!"

Seeing that the Black Flag Pirates took his words to the ear, Vic's face sank, and he didn't count anymore. He directly angered and ordered.

Three keel ships suddenly accelerated into the Black Flag Pirates.

"Boss, they are coming over!"

The members of the Black Flag Pirates were in a hurry and were hit by a keel boat. That was not a joke.

Their master?

Heiqi couldn't help anxious.


But at this time, the seawater under the three keel ships suddenly heard a huge light.

This huge light flashed, the eyes of the Black Flag Pirates were all bright, and they could not see for a while.

"Thunder and lightning! What a huge thunder and lightning!"

Someone forcibly opened his eyes and looked at the light, startled.

Under the attack of this light, the speed of the three keel ships dropped sharply.

"Hurry up, take your people to the nearest keel boat!"

Chen Mo's voice appeared in Heiqier's ears at this moment.

"Brothers, they are now chopped by thunder and can't move. Follow me and kill their boat!"

Heiqi a spirit ~ www.readwn.com ~ finally knew Chen Mo's means, he could not help but shouted excitedly.

Keel ships, but the coveted ships of this class of pirates want to own, with three keel ships, the power of the Black Flag Pirates can skyrocket!


Heiqi Pirates also knew that this thunderbolt was Chen Mo's masterpiece. Knowing that Chen Mo was nearby, one by one, the morale rose sharply. He followed behind Heiqi and screamed, all climbing to the nearest keel ship, and the above Hurricane Pirates fight.

"Support! We used to support!"

Suddenly struck by lightning, the Hurricane Pirates were paralyzed for a few seconds, but soon recovered.

Seeing that the Black Flag Pirates had killed another keel ship, Vic hurried.


The third and the later one. R1152

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