Godly Hunter

Chapter 675: 1 not left

"The keel ship! This keel ship is ours!"

Killing Vic, the Black Flag Pirates were scattered on three keel boats, excited. △ ↗ding vertex novels, ..

"the host!"

Chen Mo emerged from the sea, and the members of the Black Flag Pirates quickly called out respectfully.

Especially looking at the Thunder Beast beside Chen Mo, a group of people showed a hint of fear.

They knew that the weaker Black Flag Pirates could easily win the Hurricane Pirates. It was entirely due to the thunder beasts. There were no thunder beasts, let alone win and grab the keel ship. At this time, they were afraid they seemed to be buried on the sea floor.

"Go back with this keel ship and destroy both the Hurricane Pirates and the Storm Pirates!"

Chen Mo nodded and ordered.

He has been hidden from view, but it is still not appropriate to spread the story tonight. The Hurricane Pirates and the Storm Pirates are better off.

As for conquering these two pirate regiments, Chen defaulted to this not being necessary.

Hurricane Pirate Regiment and Storm Pirate Regiment have hatred with Black Flag Pirate Regiment. Even if there are pirates willing to surrender, it is not a good thing. God knows when they will betray.

While continuing to recruit those people as slaves, Chen Mo had no idea.

Although the system did not give a clear number, he would definitely not be able to use the identity of the lord to recruit slaves. If accidentally, the number of slaves reaches the upper limit, things will become a bit troublesome. After all, his strength has not reached enough When you are strong, you cannot freely release your slaves to avoid leaking your own affairs.

So simply cut the grass and eradicate the roots and destroy the two pirate groups.

With the keel ship, if you want to come to the Black Flag Pirates, you can start to enter the development period in the future. You don't need to absorb the two pirates.

"Yes, master!"

The members of the Black Flag Pirates replied in unison, and one by one began to prepare to start the keel ship.

Chen Mo went to Heiqi. Heiqi was instructed to do something. Heiqi nodded when he heard what he said, then drove out loud, drove a keel boat, and took the lead to return.

Three keel boats sailed aggressively towards the island. It didn't take long for them to meet far away with a few ships that followed.

"The keel ship! Captain Vic came back so soon. The keel ship was really good. The Black Flag Pirates seemed to be finished."

Following the Storm Pirates, beside Thor, a member of the Storm Pirates looked at the three keel ships and said enviously.

In the sacred waters, only the pirate group with a keel ship will be considered a true pirate group. As for these small pirate groups that do not even have keel ships, in the eyes of those large pirate groups, they are not pirates.

"No, the costumes of the people on the keel ship are not the same as those of the Hurricane Pirates!"

"Is it a captive?"

Around Thor, a sharp-eyed pirate stared at the figure appearing on the keel ship and said suddenly.

In the faint moonlight, this young pirate. There was a hint of something wrong.

"Most of them are captives, and the Black Flag Pirates are more powerful. It is not possible to be a keel ship's opponent. As long as the keel ship hits, it can smash the Black Flag Pirates ship, yes, just like the keel ship is now facing us Bumped like this ... "

A pirate regiment said, but he was talking. He found in horror that the three keel ships approaching them not only did not slow down, but hurriedly rushed towards them!

"Captain Vic, hurry! Stop your boat!"

And people from the Storm Pirates. Not knowing what happened, he hurriedly shouted at the keel boat.

"Dodge! Dodge!"

But the head of the team, Thor, was already yelling loudly.

When the people around him were talking, he also had a bad feeling. When he saw the keel ship hit them, he knew that there was something wrong with the Hurricane Pirates!

In Thor's roar, several ships hurriedly tried to turn around to dodge. But these ordinary wooden boats are far inferior to keel boats in terms of ruggedness, lightness and flexibility.

boom! ...

The three keel ships, all slightly adjusted their directions, distinguished and hit three ordinary wooden ships.

Three loud noises came. On the dark sea, sawdust splattered, and the three ships were slammed into two by the keel ship. In the thunderous shouts of the members of the Storm Pirates, three ships were knocked into Two pieces of wooden pirate ship slowly sink into the sea.

The most important thing for pirates to fight at sea is the ship. The ship was sunk. No matter how good the pirate equipment is and how strong it is, it is also a dead end.

This is why the ghost pirate ship has a huge appeal to the black flag, allowing him to step into the storm pirate regiment regardless of the danger, owning a ghost pirate ship and fighting at sea, he is almost invincible.

However, the naval battle could not be defeated, and the ship could be directly sailed past and sunk the opponent's ship.

When the ship can only crush the enemy, no matter how the enemy resists, it is difficult to have suspense in the battle.

"Surender! We surrender!"

The ship was sunk and everyone in the Storm Pirates floated in the sea and shouted.


However, the black flag drank coldly.

Pirates are not a glorious profession. Every pirate kills people more or less. On the day they choose to become pirates, they have the consciousness of being killed. Killing them will destroy their own pirate group. The pirates of the Banner Pirates are completely pressure-free.

In a panic call, dozens of members of the Storm Pirates were killed by the Black Flag Pirates.

"Don't kill me, Black Flag, whatever you want, I can give you everything I have!"

Tor, the leader of the Storm Pirates, had not been killed, but was taken up and thrown in front of a black flag.

At the time of the fall, Thor was still thinking about how to negotiate with the Black Flag to minimize the loss of the Storm Pirates, but he did not expect that the Black Flag Pirates were so cruel and killed him without a word. All men.

Seeing this, where can he dare to make any request, he can only desperately ask for mercy.

"You got the news of the ghost pirate ship. Is it true or false?"

Black flag stared at Thor coldly.

"Fake, if Vic and I knew where the ghost pirate ship was, they would have gone looking for it themselves."

Thor responded quickly, daring not to hide anything.

There is no way to conceal it. If he said it was true, Heiqi would soon tell him a place, if he could n’t say it, or if it was revealed, it would be dead.

"It's true, you can die!"

Heiqi snorted, and waved his hands, letting his hands move.

"Don't, don't kill me ..." Thor hurriedly begged for mercy, but was still surrounded by swarms of members of the Black Flag Pirates and killed.

"Go! Kill the rest of the Hurricane Pirates!"

Easily destroyed the Storm Pirates, Heiqi shouted with confidence.

Before tonight, although the Black Flag Pirates are more powerful than the Storm Pirates, it is not easy to kill Thor. Even if they can kill, the Black Flag Pirates will not lose less, and their strength will be greatly reduced. Where can I destroy the Storm Pirates like this now?

A few minutes later, three keel boats approached the island.

"Boss Vic, they are back."

Vic took three keel ships to chase the Black Flag Pirates. There was no chance of losing. When the keel ships returned, the remaining members of the Hurricane Pirates on the island thought that Vic was back.

However, they were greeted by a violent sneak attack from the Black Flag Pirates.

On the keel ship, the black flag had long prepared his men.

They were equipped with equipment paid for by the Hurricane Pirates, giving them a huge boost in strength, hiding on the ship, disguised as Hurricane Pirates, and suddenly attacking when the Hurricane Pirates came around to meet them.

One side deliberately attacked, and the other side was unprepared. The people brought by Vic were still the best equipped. Www.readwn.com. Many pirates below did not even bring their equipment.

The sneak attack of the Black Flag Pirates instantly hit a large number of members of the Hurricane Pirates.

"An enemy attack! An enemy attack! It's not Boss Vic, but the Black Flag Pirates!"

Someone screamed in anger, and many people only found things strange at this time.


But at this time, the Black Flag was already carrying the Black Flag Pirates, and from the keel ship, he was killed madly down.

The number of people on both sides is about the same, but the most elite members of the Hurricane Pirates Corps have died and their equipment fell on the black flag. The Hurricane Pirates have been attacked by surprise and caught off guard. As soon as the two sides engage in battle, the battle appears sideways.

It didn't take long for Black Flag to take the Black Flag Pirates and wipe out most of the members of the Hurricane Pirates.


Four more tomorrow. (To be continued ...)

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