Godly Hunter

Chapter 680: Strong enemy

The shattered space fell like a piece of glass and fell down. Leicester arrived. Eighteen people smashed against Chen Mo. North American middle-aged players who thought Chen Mo was about to die, couldn't help but see this scene.

He is the first time to see the space breaking skills, but the simple space breaking skills, he will not look at the broken space like a daze.

In that piece of space debris, the middle-aged person was shocked to see that while the space was fragmented, more than ten familiar white lights of death were mixed in the fragmented space and floated at the same time.

The 18 young Noah consortiums, including the use of the huge and violent Leicester, were instantly killed by the young man in front of them!

Middle-aged people can't believe that Leicester, after violent transformation, has a blood volume of 80,000 and a high defense ability. Even if he wanted to die, it was not easy, but now he was killed by a trick!

The combination of space engulfment and space fragmentation really turned against the sky!

Eighteen huge-speaking master players, after being combined with space engulfing and space-breaking skills, made a one-shot kill, Chen Mo was very satisfied with this.

In the ability battle tower, seeing the space breaking skills, he thought of this possibility.

Later in the field, Chen Mo really tested the combination of these two skills with a monster, and it really had a spike effect.

Space engulfment **** people into a different space, and space fragmentation destroys space cracks and other spaces together. Players who have been sucked into a different space have no possibility of returning, but can only be determined as dead by the system.

However, this is the first time Chen Mo used to deal with players, and for the first time, he achieved amazing results.

Eighteen people in Leicester, if Chen Mo used another skill to deal with, wanted to kill them. It takes a lot of time to do it. It is even more impossible to kill in one fell swoop.

After the huge player, whether it is health or defensive ability, will greatly increase.

Killing eighteen people in Leicester in seconds, Chen Mo's figure moved. Want to kill middle-aged players by the way, and then go deep into Kirishima.

However, at this moment, he looked at Chen Mo in horror, thinking that a young figure suddenly appeared beside the dead middle-aged player.

The shadow of this young man appeared silently, Chen Mo's heart was stunned, his steps slowed.

"Kerry, you are here!"

The middle-aged man turned his head quickly. When he saw the youth, he cried in surprise.

"Where are they from Leicester?" Young Kerry, looking at Chen Mo, looked dignified.

"Dead, all dead! Lester they started to become huge, but they were still killed by a strange trick of him!"

Middle-aged people said with fear.

It can kill eighteen people with huge skills in one stroke in the entire Kirishima. In so many consortia around, no one can do it!

"Kerry. If you fight him, you must be careful, this guy is weird!" The middle-aged man did not forget to remind him.

How many consortiums do you feel endless here?

Only Kerry was in front of him. It was not difficult to get over Kerry at Chen Mo's speed.

but. Kerry suddenly appeared, and Chen Mo had a feeling that in the mist in front, there were a lot of people in the consortium, and he rushed in. Only traps surround it.

Now beside the island, he still has a retreat, rushing into the depths of the island, and being surrounded will make him very dangerous.


However, Chen Mo did not hesitate. He suppressed the bad feeling and decided to go deeper into the island.

Even if there are a lot of consortium members waiting for him in front of him, depending on his strength, he will not be easily surrounded.

Chen Mo flashed like a phantom, and Kerry's pupils shrank. He no longer hesitated, and a magic scroll appeared in his hand.


The magic scroll was crushed by him, and the next moment, two teams appeared in Chen Mo's vision.

"Kerry, you forcibly summoned us to do something, don't you know where that thing is?"

"It's him?"

After these two teams were forcibly summoned by Kerry, some of them marched towards Kerry dissatisfied, but one of them couldn't help but look surprised when they saw Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked to this person, without the impression of this person, and did not know where this person had seen him.

However, this North American player seems to not only know Chen Mo, but also knows that Chen Mo's strength is very volatile and very sceptic.

After he recognized Chen Mo, a magic scroll appeared in his hand, which seemed to summon someone.

Chen Mo looked cold and rushed to kill the player.

Continue to be summoned by them, no matter how great he is not an opponent!

"Stop him!"

But the player sighed, and when ten players around him swelled, they came to Chen Mo.

Shadow of the sea spear!

Chen Mo's face sank, and the sea spear in his hand turned into a phantom, and ten magnetic storm sea spears stabbed at these players!

The damage value of the sea spear with 90% damage ability, in the hands of Chen Mo, is still very amazing.

At such a close range, the sea spear attack is inevitable. To avoid Chen Mo's sea spear attack from this distance, only a few players with top-level operations and consciousness in the game can do it.

The top ten players are not weak, and they are reluctant to avoid Chen Mo's sudden sea spear attack, but unfortunately, they are almost all. One after another, the sea spears hit them, hitting nearly 30,000 blood. The player's blood volume bottomed out in an instant.

"What harm is this!"

The players who were hit by the shadow of the sea spear, looking at their health, were all horrified.

Agile attributes burst!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Mo broke out of agility, replaced the gray feather hand crossbow, and the crossbow arrows flew out, quickly shooting at the targets.

The Gray Feather Crossbow can split the attack in two, and Chen Mo actually only needs to attack five enemies at the same time.

However, it is still not possible to attack five enemies at the same time. Even if the agility attribute erupts, Chen Mo can only attack three enemies at the same time.

Under the effect of the Grey Feather Crossbow, it is attacking six enemies at the same time.

A crossbow fired at these six enemies, and the health of the six men bottomed out instantly.

There is still a little blood left. All six of them have changed their faces. I did n’t expect to contact this Eastern player, and they were almost killed!


As soon as Chen Mo moved his hand, several crossbow arrows were fired, which ended the lives of six people.

Chen Mo's body flickered, trying to flash to the players using magic scrolls not far away, but then Kerry was drinking and killing Chen Mo.

He didn't want to shoot so quickly, and wanted to see Chen Mo's strength clearly.

But I did not expect that the current players in the East have changed their strengths to such an extent that one of the twelve companions who have been called face to face will have six people killed.

No more shots, let alone observe and analyze the skills of the enemy in front of you, I'm afraid that there is no chance to even shot.


No wonder the middle-aged man was surprised when he saw Kerry. A few of Kerry flickered to Chen Mo's side, and then a dagger waved, the sky's rays appeared from all directions, toward Chen Mo in the middle.

This kind of flawed attack is everywhere ... smell!

Kerry's attack hit the enemy, and the enemy died and was seriously injured.

However, Chen Mo didn't even need the blood shadow teleportation, so he found a safe path for avoidance, twisted his body a few times, and flashed out of it.

It's so simple to escape without any harm?

Kerry was horrified, but he swooped on Chen Mo again, entangled Chen Mo and prevented him from moving forward.


When Chen Mo moved, he slapped him in the palm of his hand.

Without Kerry's obstruction, Chen Mo's distance from players using summoning scrolls is only a short way.

"Silent, you're one step behind!"

The drinking sounded, and the magic scroll turned into a streamer.

The next moment, another twelve teams appeared next to the player.

Among the figures that appeared were those familiar to Chen Mo.


After seeing one of the figures appearing, Chen Mo's face sank again.

Rost and Noah Consortium ~ www.readwn.com ~ are both North American consortiums, but Florence is the three giants in Europe. How did they mix together?

Chen Mo hasn't been able to figure it out yet, but in the surroundings, there is a burst of white light.

Chen Mo looked at the players who appeared, his face sinking again and again.

Among these people, there are good teams he has seen.

The Scarlet Knight and Charles III, one of the five European giants, are among them!

That's all, Chen Mo also saw several teams from Huaxia District, but he was not named.

Not only that, after another white light flashed, Chen Mo saw the black beard that had not been seen for a long time!


Four more tomorrow. (To be continued ...)


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