Godly Hunter

Chapter 7: Kill monsters cleverly

"Concussion Trap": Hunter occupation skill book, level 1 can be learned, after learning, hunter players can arrange "concussion trap".

Two items, the ordinary crossbow, is a hand crossbow weapon with basic physical attacks 3-4, which is better than that sent by the system. As for the skill book, it is too crude, Chen Mo ca n’t see it, so it ’s straightforward. Learned skills.

System Tip: You learn the skill "Concussion Trap"!

Concussion Trap (Entry Level): A trap constructed by a special method. The trap explodes. While causing damage to the enemy, it will generate a shock wave. Shockwave, regardless of the enemy or me, will push all players and monsters within range away by two meters. Skill cooldown is 30 seconds, traps last 60 seconds, and a maximum of two can exist simultaneously.

"Auxiliary trap." Looking at the attributes of the shock trap, Chen Mo came to a conclusion.

The hunter's trap is also divided into attack type and auxiliary type. The shock trap obviously belongs to auxiliary defense type. In the skill description, the damage of the trap is not mentioned. The actual damage of the trap is not good, but the shock trap is obviously a useful trap for hunters.

Hunters are not good at melee. After being approached by the enemy, their ability is almost useless, but if they can fight to release a shock trap, the position is good, and they can suddenly distance themselves from the enemy by nearly four meters.

This is an entry-level trap effect. The level of the shock trap is higher, and the effect will be better in the future.

The layout of the shock trap is quite simple. It only has a few more simple actions than the basic trap technique. It is not much different from the basic trap action. Chen Mo is quite familiar with the basic trap technique. After a little practice, he did not spend much on the shock trap. In time, it can be freely arranged, and the skill completion is still more than 60%.

"From the valley, the difficulty is indeed the first white Goblin. With a shock trap, I want to kill the surrounding black Goblin. The problem is not big."

Chen Mo thought secretly. Two shock traps can be arranged at the same time. The position of the traps is chosen well, which can seriously interfere with the pursuit of Hei Goblin.

Having said that, the speed of Black Goblin is much faster than that of White Goblin, and his attack power is not comparable to that of White Goblin. Even if Chen Mo now has 120 HP, low-level healing can recover 50. Point, it can only withstand twice the attack of the black brother Brin, luck is slightly bad, or the black brother Brin is smarter, even if Chen Mo took the black brother Bring to the side of two stones to fly a kite, there is still no small danger.

The shock trap can only be said to have given him the possibility of fighting. To kill the black brother Bulin, it still has to be a bit of luck.

Looking at dozens of black goblin in the valley, Chen Mo could not help but shake his head, wanted to leave the valley, and to say less had to kill half of the black goblin, so many black goblin, I am afraid he would have to die a few times.

Huh, slow down!

Chen Mo suddenly patted his head.

为何 Why did he fly a kite with Black Brother Brin? Now that he has learned to freely arrange traps, he can also arrange traps on stones to use them as bombs. He does not have to fight Heibo Bulin according to the original method!

In the distance, there is a large stone nearly two meters high. He can lead the black brother Bulin under the stone, climb on the stone by himself, throw the trap on it, and kill it without any effort. Black brother Brin!

This method is good!

默 Chen Mo immediately ran to the big rock, climbed up and down and practiced a few times, otherwise he would pull the monster, but failed to climb up, and was killed by monsters, that was a joke.

After being able to get up and down proficiently, Chen Mo stood on the stone and practiced laying traps.

Like him, traps can be placed on the rocks, but Chen Mo accidentally found that if the system commands are used to use skills on the rocks, the actions will continue to shake when the traps are arranged, and there is a great chance of failure. In the free-skill system, it is much simpler to arrange traps, and it is almost unaffected by the terrain. It seems that he opened the free-skill system before others, and took a lot of advantage.

Like him, there are a lot of players who can think of attacking monsters standing at high places, but few people want to stand on top and kill monsters comfortably.

Then Chen Mo carefully observed the distribution of the black Goblin monsters for a while, and silently calculated in his heart before he began to arrange traps.

The closest black brother Brin to Chen Mo is less than forty meters. He can use his crossbow to blame 11 meters away. He only needs to set up five traps on a straight line of thirty meters, and during the movement , Can also arrange two basic traps and a shock trap.

There are a total of eight traps. Even if Black Goblin is faster than White Goblin, do n’t even try to catch up with Chen Mo. Just three shock traps make Black Goblin difficult to get close. The five basic traps only need to have Whenever a disability effect occurs, Chen Mo is 100% safe.


Set up a trap, approached the two black goblin, and when the two black goblin's position was flat, Chen Mo seized the opportunity to attack with his crossbow in his hand.

The two black brothers Brin Qiqi chased in anger. Before chasing for a while, they stepped on the basic trap first. The basic trap exploded and there was no disability effect. After two meters, they stepped on the shock trap.

The shock trap is better than Chen Mo's expectations. Although it only pushes the monster back two meters, it actually reduces the speed of the monster to zero, and the player can continue to run. This delayed time can make the monster less than two meters away.

With the help of the shock trap, Chen Mo easily led the two black goblin under the big stone. When the two black goblin chased after him, Chen Mo was already sitting on the big rock, and he was not too slow on the small rock. Set up a trap above, and throw the stone in the middle of Goblin who is blindly turning below.

默 Chen Chen did not use crossbow arrows to attack. The arrows needed to use crossbow attacks. He only had one hundred arrows sent by the system. He ran out of them, and did not have crossbow skills, and he could not shoot high damage.

Boom! boom! boom! ...

The traps exploded one by one. Although each trap hit the black goblins, they had less than forty points of damage, and each black goblin had 500 points of health, but Chen Mo lost the traps but the timing was very accurate. Every time the trap hits the ground, it will inevitably fall to the middle of the two Goblins, allowing the trap to hurt both Goblins at the same time.

Trap Trap, you can put it every nine seconds, but after one and a half minutes, the blood of the two black brothers Bulin almost reached the bottom.

The black brother Blin, who had reached the bottom of his blood, stared angrily at Chen Mo on the stone. His actions seemed to be getting more and more irritable. Chen Mo felt vaguely that the defense of this black brother Brin had improved a little.

However, Chen Mo has not been able to come up with any useful information. The blood of the two black brothers Brin has bottomed out and has died one after another.

Every black brother Bring blasted three or four copper coins to Chen Mo, and Chen Mo politely picked them all.

"It takes more than two minutes to kill a pair, and it takes more than half an hour to try to kill a way."

Chen Mo calculated a little, the spirit refreshed, half an hour, not long.

However, this requires that the black goblin in the valley will not refresh, otherwise it will be difficult to leave the valley.

Half an hour passed quickly. As expected by Chen Mo, the black brother Brin will not refresh, but Chen Mo cannot leave the valley for the time being, because the black brother Brin who is still alive in the valley will continue to move his position ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ It makes Chen Mo want to leave secretly.

In this half an hour, Chen Mo's level was increased to level 3. Ten fixed attributes were added by the system. He then added five free attributes to the character as before, and the power was 18 points at once. In addition to the attack power of ordinary crossbow weapons, Chen Mo's attack power reached 21-22 points, a basic trap that can almost knock Heibo Lin nearly 70 points of health.

The time required to kill Black Goblin was reduced by half. Chen thought about it. He just took a bit more time and killed them all at once. Anyway, Black Goblin ’s experience is not low. Now, it's easy to kill.

The amount of blood has also increased by 40 points. Chen Mo's blood volume has reached 160 points. Even if the black brother Bring is a little far away, Chen Mo does not have to worry about being killed by them.

So the remaining black brother Brin, the swift pair died, and Chen Mo's experience is constantly rising.

Soon, only the last pair of black brothers Brin remained in the valley.

Chen Mo looked at the experience bar, and found that the upgrade required more experience than he expected. To kill the two black brothers Bring, the experience bar went up to 70%, and it was less than the level 4 expected at the beginning. .

The damage is greatly increased. Sitting on the stone, as long as Chen Mo leaves a trap, the two black brothers Bring will die.

But at this time, Chen Mo remembered the materials he obtained through hacking.

He remembered that there was a mention above that when facing a monster that will not refresh, when the monster has the last one, there are ways to make the monster enter a mutant state!

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