Godly Hunter

Chapter 694: All off

The twelve spears of judgment merge into a super spear with a diameter of ten meters and a length of hundreds of meters in the sky!

At this point, the players know that the eleven four-winged angels are not here to fight soy sauce.

Previously, Michael's attack alone was more powerful than the other eleven. Many players vomited in their hearts. The eleven four-winged angels came to accompany them.

The huge spear of judgment exudes amazing coercion in the air.

The judgment spear that had been blasted by a four-winged angel before was split into hundreds, each of which can deal amazing damage. At present, the twelve judgment spears are mainly composed of Michael's judgment spear. The damage will be What level of horror has it reached?

Or can the maiden moon cicada ignore the horrible blow like it did just now?

Everyone's eyes fell on the maiden moon cicada.

Facing the huge spear of judgment, the maiden Moon Chan's face finally became dignified.


It is impossible to avoid the spear of judgment. The maiden Yue Chan did not intend to evade. She stood in midair like that, except for the huge wings on her body. At this time, she swelled a large circle again!

Originally, the wings were hundreds of meters long, which doubled at once and became a giant of two hundred meters!

So huge?

The player was surprised again, but Chen Mo's face was the most changed.

He had seen these wings with his own eyes. The wings in front of him were two or three times bigger than when he lifted the seal, which was very abnormal!

The wings behind the maiden moon cicada spread out, and the open hard feathers fixed her in the air like support points.


The huge trial spear came, and the maiden Yue Chan sank, with one hand, grabbed the spear tip of the trial spear!

A loud noise came. The body of the maiden moon cicada shakes slightly!

"Catch it?"

"how is this possible!"

Seeing this, a group of four-winged angels exclaimed in disbelief.

The twelve spears of the super-judgment spun out of the trial spears are very scary, far exceeding the true strength of any of them.

They came with Michael and their only purpose was to join forces with Michael to fuse the spear of super judgment.

Otherwise Michael was alone. It's bigger than them together.

"Don't panic, she can only resist one and do it again!"

Michael gave a cold drink, and the angels suddenly came to their senses.

On the twelve angels, the holy light emerged again, and twelve spears of judgment appeared.

However, the twelve spears of judgment are slightly dim compared with the previous ones.

If you look closely, the problem lies in the cohesive spear of Michael.

The cohesive spear of Michael was the most powerful. But it also consumes the most power, just condensing the second trial spear, which makes him a bit weak.

However, after the twelve spears of trials were merged again, the super spears of the fusion were still astonishing, making people look discolored.

Two spears of super judgment!

How can the Virgin Moon Cicada resist?

Face the spear of the second super judgment. A sarcasm suddenly appeared on the face of Saint Yue Chan.

Michael felt a little bad, the spear of the second super judgment. It was an urgent shot in front of Saint Yue Chan.


At a critical moment, the left hand of the maiden Yue Chan actually vacated and grabbed the second trial spear!

Two spears of judgment, Saint Moon Cicada grabbed one in one hand!

Too strong!

No one expected that the Virgin Moon Cicada would be so resistant.

After all, just the spear of judgment. The Virgin Moon Cicada's hands resisted a little reluctantly.

At present, the second spear of judgment, the maiden moon cicada took it with one hand.

Holding a spear of judgment in one hand, the maiden Yue Chan suddenly drank, and the two spears of judgment were born by her to give way.

The maiden moon cicada pressed hard with both hands. The two super-trial spears banged face to face.

A loud bang came, and the two trial spears attacked each other and exploded. Even if Chen Mo and others were watching the excitement from afar, there was still a strong wind in the sky that seemed to blow the flying man.

"too horrible!"

The strong wind blows before the players can open their eyes.

They looked at the Virgin Moon Cicada, and when they saw a giant pit appeared due to the collision and explosion of two super judgment spears on the ground below, they couldn't help it again.

The explosion was unprecedentedly fierce, and the joint forces in front of them were blown upside down and defeated.

"What to do, these angels don't seem to beat!"

At the beginning, the angel rolled and killed the celestial beings. Hohaman thought that the odds were in his hands. The Grey Feather Kingdom was about to be destroyed, but since the emergence of the Virgin Moon Cicada, Hohaman was dumbfounded.

It seems that the super-powerful angel is much weaker in front of the maiden moon cicada.

The twelve angels' killer skills were used in front of them. As a result, there was nothing to do with the maiden moon cicada. Hohaman felt a little uncomfortable in his heart and felt very disturbed.

The two super-trial spears exploded, and a large pit blew up on the ground. After the maiden cicada stretched out her huge wings and protected herself, nothing happened.

Hohaman couldn't think of any other way for these angels to win the maiden moon cicada.

The Grey Feather Kingdom turned out to be so powerful. Knowing this, the Titan Kingdom would not send troops to the Grey Feather Kingdom.

With the super powerful fighting power displayed by the maiden moon cicada at present, she led troops to attack the Titan Kingdom, and the loss of the Titan Kingdom could be severe.


And when everyone was shocked by the domineering of the maiden moon cicada, the maiden moon cicada launched his attack for the first time since his appearance!

No longer gave the Twelve Angels the opportunity to use the spear of Super Judgment, Goddess Moon Cicada's huge wings shook, and she suddenly appeared in front of a four-winged angel.

The four-winged angel looked at her in horror. The goddess Yue Chan did not use a weapon. She just fisted and banged on the shoulder of the four-winged angel.

A loud noise came, and the four-winged angel, like a cannonball, was blasted straight into the ground below from the air, and a huge sky pit was blasted on the ground.

Bang Bang Bang ...

After the attack, the maiden moon cicada's wings vibrated repeatedly and appeared in front of the four-winged angels. These four-winged angels, facing the attack of the maiden moon cicada, had no power to fight back and were bombarded by on the ground.

Just for a moment, before many players had not responded, there were eleven large pits on the ground, and one four-winged angel was hit on the ground, and it would not be able to move for a while.


Shocked, Michael flew up into the sky, trying to escape.

The virgin moon cicada showed far more power than he knew. The wings showed much more power than when the angelic seal was originally.

Michael felt that he had to return to the angel clan and report it. The wings of the heavenly people clan have become extremely weird!

However, compared with the speed and power of the Virgin Moon Cicada, Michael was far worse.

The maiden moon cicada gave a slight glance at Michael who was about to escape from the sky, and her wings fluttered again.

Following this, the Virgin Moon Cicada struck out a gray light like a shooting star, chasing Michael.

Michael's speed was actually very fast, and he flew hundreds of meters away in an instant.

But unfortunately, the maiden moon cicada is faster than him.

He failed to fly higher, and the ruthless face of Saint Moon Cicada appeared before him.

When Michael was frightened, Virgin Moon Cicada's arm full of black runes stretched out and grabbed his neck.

Michael became immobile immediately, and the maiden moon cicada caught Michael, like a meteor, falling down from the sky.

The two fell too fast, and a spark was blowing in the air, like a raging flame, falling to the ground with a bang!

Despite being a six-winged angel, when Michael fell to the ground so heavily, his body became immobile.

Too powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Angel is not an opponent at all!

All the players took a breath of air.

The powerful family of angels was so pressed by the people of the Grey Feather Kingdom!

I don't know how the Virgin Moon Cicada will deal with these angels next?

The players just thought, they saw the countless hard feathers on the huge wings of the maiden moon cicada.

These hard feathers, like a powerful arrow, shot fiercely at the twelve angels.

Hundreds of millions of injuries appeared, but in an instant, all twelve angels were killed, and death turned into white light!


Third more. (To be continued ...)


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