Godly Hunter

Chapter 706: Stealing Gems

If you can't escape smoothly, the theft will be meaningless, and Morus will not dare to tell others about his plan before he dares to implement it, otherwise he will be caught by Conak's people if he doesn't take care of it. ∈↗ Vertex Novel ..

Later, he made occasional contact with the Celestial Terrans, knowing that the Celestial Terrans could give him bright green gems, Morus completed the entrustment of Celestial Terrans.

He thought that he would get the bright emerald smoothly when he returned from the dangerous country of the wilderness, but he did not expect that something unexpected happened.

Morus wanted to ask Chen Mo to return to the Celestial Terran to take the bright emerald, but he also knew the situation of the Celestial Terran. After Chen Mo returned, he might not return again, so he had to work hard to bring back the token It didn't work.

Otherwise, Morus felt that it was better to let Chen Mo help and steal the brilliant emerald in Connac's hand.

After listening to Morus' explanation, Morus actually made a lot of preparations, and after he started to do so, he agreed without hesitation.

Morus asked him to help him, meaning he was used as a shield, and was meant to be hunted by Conak.

But Chen Mo has no choice now, and even if there is a choice, Chen Mo would agree.

He is now wanted by the angels, and one more Connac came to him, but it is different and it doesn't make any difference. Conne is more powerful than the angels.

After discussing for a while, they decided to start working overnight.

"Come with me and go through the sewer here."

After the two separated separately and made some preparations, Morus took Chen Mo to the remote sewer entrance of Huangsha City.

Sure enough it was the sewer.

Chen Mo muttered.

When he heard Morus say that he had dug an underground passage under Conak's residence, Chen Mo had this premonition. Otherwise, Morus alone wanted to dig a long underground passage. It's not realistic at all.

It's not the first time Chen Mo has seen the sewer. When he was in Donghai City and Catlin, he had entered the sewer, and he was no stranger to the sewer.

Morus is more familiar with the sewers of Huangsha City. Although the sewers are dark, many places have no lights. Morus still quickly moved with Chen Mo.

Morus said that he dug a tunnel underneath Connac is not false.

In a hidden place in the sewer, after Morus removed the cover, a very narrow underground passage was exposed, and people could only crawl into it.

Chen Mo saw a little speechless.

No wonder Morus asked him for help, and didn't ask him for help. As long as Morus was found during the theft, he would never escape.

The speed of crawling in this passage was also extremely limited, and was discovered. Before he can get out, people can come to the sewers to intercept him. There is no chance of escape.

"I have confirmed the end of the passage. At the end, I pushed the bricks on top, which is Conak's treasure room. Conak's jewellery is protected by magic circle, and it will sound an alarm whenever it is touched. After you go in. What I need to do is after I trigger the alarm. Stop Conak's guards at the door and don't let them enter the treasure room until I get the bright gems and escape smoothly. If I get caught, the Celestial The token, even if I want to do it, I can't do it for you. "

Before entering the aisle. Morus once again urged Chen Mo.

"I see, go in." Chen Mo nodded.

According to Morus's information, the guards at Connac's house have a level of 65 to 70, and it is not a problem for him to stand alone for some time.

Confirmed. Morus took the lead to climb into the passage.

After crawling slowly in the passage for a distance of nearly 20 meters, he reached the end. Morus put his palm on the brick above his head. After he felt no sound in the treasure room, he pushed hard and pushed off the upper one. Bricks.

Morus climbed out of the passage, and Chen Mo followed closely.

Out of the passage, Chen Mo saw the place where it came out, just in a corner of the treasure room.

It seems that Morus has really worked a lot to get the brilliant emerald.

"A lot of gems!"

After that, Chen Mo looked around and could not help but be surprised.

In this treasure room, there are a large number of rare gems, many of which are the size of a fist and emit a dazzling light.

There was no light source in the treasure room, but the light from these rare gems illuminated the whole treasure room.

Morus ran to a green polymorphic gem, and through the transparent magic shield, Morus's eyes flashed a glow.

"Hurry up and get ready, I'm going to do it!"

Morus glanced at Chen Mo and said can't wait.

He waited too long for this brilliant emerald.

"These magic shields are not simple. Can you break them in a short time?"

Before listening to Morus's plan, Chen Mo felt that the magic shield laid by Connac was easy to break, but came in and saw it with his own eyes. Chen Mo knew that he had shot with the fat man. Some of the main magic It may take at least 3 minutes for the shield to break.

The time given to them is actually only a minute and a half at most.

Conak's guards are easy to resist, but once Conak's guards find that they cannot enter the treasure room for the first time, they will turn to the guards of Huangsha City for help.

Huangsha City's guards are all level 75. When several guards come, they can no longer resist.

And Morus wants to escape smoothly, at least within 30 seconds to get the magic shield, otherwise it is difficult to guarantee that he can escape smoothly.

Chen Mo is very doubtful whether Morus's strength can achieve this. Morus's level is only 70.

The Morus template is obviously just a 70-level ordinary template, far from the elite template, even if the level is high, the strength is limited, like Chen Mo alone, you can play a level 70 Morus.

"Rest assured, I have already prepared! You just have to guard the city guards as I said, and I will surely leave safely!"

Morus waved his hand so that Chen Mo didn't have to worry.

When Chen Mo saw this, he didn't say much.

There are a lot of gems that Chen Mo hasn't seen in Connac's treasure room. Chen Mo didn't think it was fake, but time is limited. Now it is Morus's reward that matters. Chen Mo didn't even think about taking the opportunity to steal some gems. What.

However, Chen Mo hurriedly glanced at all the gems he hadn't seen before.

Chen Mo then came to the door of the treasure room. At this moment, an alarm sounded loudly, and Morus started.

Chen Mo didn't think about it. As soon as he moved his hand, he opened the door of the treasure room and went out of the treasure room.

It is easy to open the door from the outside, but it is very easy to open from the inside.

"Alert? Someone wants to steal my gem? Guard! Hurry and see what's going on!"

In another tall building, a middle-aged fat man was awakened by an alarm. He woke up in surprise and hurriedly yelled.

In fact, without Connack shouting, the guard was running to the treasure chest.

"Mutant monster? What a huge mutant monster!"

When the guard came to the treasure room, he saw a mutant lion.

This is a mutant lion that combines the power of the devil. It is almost twice the size of an ordinary lion and has black blackened lines on its body.

The ordinary mutant lion is half as big as the normal lion. The guard saw the mutant lion which was twice as big as the ordinary mutant lion, and couldn't help but be surprised.

All three guards slowed down under the pressure of the huge mutant lion.

This mutant lion, of course, was released by Chen Mo to confuse the guard.

Although he doesn't mind being wanted ~ www.readwn.com ~, it's not as bad as one thing. If possible, he still doesn't want to be wanted by Conak.

And the method, Chen Mo also thought about one, and used the mutant lion to come out to resist the enemy.

Chen Mo has three mounts, one each for the Ghost Queen and the mutant squirrel.

After the level rose to 65, Chen Mo grabbed a 70-level mutant lion to spare while taking advantage of the surrounding monsters' mutation.

A level 70 mutant lion can still play a role in allowing the ghost queen to attach to it.

The mutant lion is so huge right now because the ghost queen is already attached to it.


The ghost queen controls the mutant lion, intimidating the guards who come.


Third more. (To be continued ...)

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