Godly Hunter

Chapter 786: Sneak attack

Almost none of the players who are setting up magic circles are specialized combat occupations, or mostly mages. ▲ ∴ ▲ ∴,

With Chen Mo's strength, he is now attacking and can kill more than thirty people who arrange magic formations.

This is the result of Chen Mo's estimation. It is very difficult to kill more people.

The consortium is not a major league. Nothing else. Florence, Charles III, and the Scarlet Knight are all legendary mounts. Under the second form of the legendary mount, it is enough to stop Chen Mo.

Not to mention the existence of Shamu, who can summon virtual mothers.

The power that Chen Mo can use is the black phoenix and my Neighbor Totoro. As for the big fat man, Chen Mo can summon the big fat man, but the big fat man cannot use the teleportation skills to return to Catlin. It is very dangerous to summon the big fat man.

Only Chinchillas and Black Phoenix want to fight against Florence and Shamu and others, at most they will be evenly matched. If Florence had any special means, Chen Mo would even be in danger and could not completely destroy those arrangements. People in the magic circle.

Moreover, simply killing those who arrange the magic array is useless. He can't always keep an eye on it. The consortium can call some more people to make him retreat.

Therefore, Chen Mo decided to wait for the consortium to arrange this giant space magic array.

The space magic array to be arranged by the consortium is really outrageous. The radius of the magic array is more than 50 meters, which almost covers the gray rocky ground in front.

It took nearly two hours from the arrival of Chen Mo to the completion of the magic array.

"It's finally done."

"Although it took a bit longer, it was fortunate to complete."

"Get ready, start the magic circle."

Florence, Scarlet Knight, and others were relieved to see this, and then began to prepare for the next step.

In the dark forest, Chen Mo knew the important moment was coming. He cheered up.

On the rocky ground in the center, one by one the magician inserted the magic spar into the recess in the magic circle.

Chen Mo counted it and found that this magic array was actually started with a hundred magic spar, which was amazing.

"Start the magic circle!"

The magic spar was inserted, and Charles III was unwilling to wait any longer. Can't wait to order.


Then, a black light flashed on the magic lines on the ground.

This black light flowed through the magic lines and quickly gathered in the center of the magic circle after the increase and effect of the magic lines.

There is no doubt that magic has a special magic pattern.

The magic energy flowing through it quickly condensed into a basketball-sized black sphere in the center of the huge magic array.

As the energy continues to gather, this condensed black sphere. Began to expand rapidly.

Until the radius of the black sphere reached an astonishing nearly two meters, the black sphere stopped expanding.

However, the black energy on the magic array continued to pour into the black sphere. The black sphere became more and more full, and there was a vague tendency to explode.

Of course, the black sphere did not explode, but a stream of black current flowed from the black sphere to the surrounding space. By these black currents flowing, the surrounding space was like a piece of glass. A crack appeared.

"it has started!"

Seeing the changes in the surrounding space, the look of Florence and others changed slightly. Florence and the Scarlet Knight were fairly calm. Charles III was obviously excited a lot.

Black magical energy continues to pour into the black sphere. On the space around the black sphere, the black current flowing through is more and more intense, and the fissures in the surrounding space naturally increase.

As the surrounding space changes. The black sphere in the center is also beginning to become unstable, as it is breathing, expanding and contracting.

"Almost! The gate connecting to the second floor will open soon!"

Charles III was even more excited.


When Charles III spoke. In that fissure-filled space, suddenly another arm forcibly stretched out of the different space, even if Florence and others had been prepared for this, they were startled.

"Sure enough, they are here to open the corridor connecting the first and second abyss areas!"

Seeing this, Chen Mo finally determined what the consortium planned to do here.

The consortium arranged the space magic array here. When Chen Mo saw it, he already had two kinds of speculations in his heart.

The first, the most common one, is this giant magic array, which is a space teleport array that can be teleported to other places or rare copies after it is established.

As for the second type, it is related to the place of the Shadow Forest.

From time to time in the Shadow Forest, powerful monsters are run out. It has been rumored that these monsters escaped from the second floor to the first floor, but they did not pass through the first and second portals, but took other channels .

The consortium arranged the magic formation here to open this channel.

Before seeing the arm that came up, Chen Mo wasn't sure which one. If a special copy teleportation array, Chen Mo was going to break in and take away the benefits after they opened it.

As for not being a teleportation array, Chen Mo has already taken countermeasures. After all, in his analysis and guessing, the second possibility is not small.

Although I don't know why the consortium opened the second-level channel and what benefits it will have to them after opening, Chen Mo is already in shape and has agile attributes. Before everyone can react, he enters the magic circle. within.

"This guy!"

"Why is he here!"

Chen Mo was fast, but Florence and others recognized Chen Mo at a glance.

Seeing Chen Mozhang enter the magic circle, they all changed their faces.

"Stop him!"

"Don't let him disrupt!"

Charles III and others cried.

Chen Mo's appearance at this time is definitely for destruction. They have spent so much effort that they must not be destroyed by Chen Mo in this way.

More than two hundred people around were angered by Charles III and others. A large team of more than one hundred people suddenly killed Chen Mo, and long-range attacks had begun to attack Chen Mo.

Space crack!

Space is broken!

Facing the attack of the consortium ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Mo is not afraid at all.

The space-breaking skills, but can withstand the Tianluodi net curse for nearly thirty seconds, no matter how powerful the consortium's attack, it also fell to Chen Mo.

But the main purpose of Chen Mo's use of space breaking skills is to destroy the magic circle of the consortium!

Right now the magic circle is in a special state. At this time, the magic circle is destroyed, and the mission of the consortium will most likely fail.

The space breaking skill appeared, and the surrounding space suddenly broke, as did the magic array ground under Chen Mo's feet.

The space breaking skill only has a radius of ten meters and cannot cover a huge space magic circle.

However, a complete magic array was cut off by a distance of ten meters in radius, and the consequences can be imagined.


First more. (To be continued ...) u

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