Godly Hunter

Chapter 798: Little guy wakes up

Under the sea, not only Chen Mo and Thunder Beast are here, but the Deep Sea and Catlin are both below. If the demons dare to come down, at least one or two people must be left.

The devil bound by the electric fishing net was handcuffed by Chen Mo and put into Katrin's prison.

After rising to a strategic city, Catlin's urban functions also naturally experienced various subtle changes, especially in terms of war functions, which are clearly different from ordinary cities.

One of them is that the prison has various additional functions. Now in Katlin's prison, as long as the prisoner is locked in, he will lose most of his ability and become just better than ordinary people. It is impossible to escape.

Of course, before upgrading to a high-level strategic city, only characters and monsters below three turns can be detained.

Of course, Chen Mo won't easily kill a demon.

Killing a demon is nothing more than dropping some equipment and experience, and then there is the reward of Star City.

Star City rewards are pretty good, but unfortunately, Chen Mo's appeal is not big enough.

Chen Mo did not kill the demon. After the demon was put in prison, Chen Mo tried to obtain some information about the demon from the demon population.

But this demon's loyalty far surpasses Chen Mo's expectation. No matter what means Chen Chen uses, he doesn't reveal the slightest information.

In desperation, Chen Mo could only stop and proceed to the entrance of the abyss crack.

When Catlin arrived nearby, it was tantamount to announcing that the entrance was his.

The demon and other people retreated from this operation and suffered a heavy blow. The angel's guarding of the demon swallowing the shadow will also become more stringent because of this incident. It is foreseeable that demons will not appear again in a short time.

The only thing I know is these consortia.

Here, Chen Mo has the best advantage. He wouldn't be afraid of more people in the consortium. If the people in the consortium appeared, Chen Mo would let them know the consequences of the invasion of Catlin.

But to Chen Mo's surprise, in the next two days, none of the consortium appeared, as if he had abandoned this entrance.

It is not difficult to guess that Chen Mo has many consortiums in Star City. The consortium has a closer and more convenient entrance to another place.

It's not too close to the mainland. It is very inconvenient to take a boat to get in and out. It is not surprising that the consortium does not come here if there is another entrance.

The consortium will not come. Although Chen Mo was a little disappointed, it also made it easier for Catlin to occupy the entrance.

And these two days, of course, Chen Mo did not wait.

He notified the people in the game such as Blood Paladin, Little Warrior, Wild Leopard Girl, etc., told them about the abyss area, made them interested in leveling in the abyss area, came over to him as soon as possible, he took them Leveling into the abyss area together.

In addition to these known gamers, Chen Mo is also ready to let You Ji and Fatty enter the abyss area to level.

In the outside world. The leveling speed is several times worse than the abyss area. You Ji and Fatty want to keep up with the players. You must enter the abyss area to level up.

For unknown areas, no player is not interested, especially in the abyss area, there are five times the leveling speed.

After receiving the news from Chen Mo, within a day, the little warrior, the blood paladin, and the wild leopard woman, etc., came to Katrin in succession.

The little soldier is still alone. A set of equipment that Chen Mo has not seen, it is estimated that the mission is superb.

And the blood paladin and the wild leopard woman. Not only they came, but also the team they often teamed up with.

Chen Mo originally asked them to bring their teammates. After all, he could not be leveling with them all the time, and even if the monsters in the abyss region had the blood erosion potion, not everyone could abuse the monsters like him.

Several people haven't seen each other for more than two months. It's inevitable that they would meet each other.

"This is the famous sky tree, and it is amazing!"

Katerin's name has been passed on to players, and the Blood Paladin and others have long wanted to come and see it.

After understanding each other's recent situation, Chen Mo took them to visit Catlin City.

And within Catlin, the most amazing thing is the sky tree.

The sky tree has grown further. Standing under the sky tree, players can walk freely in the air.

A group of people came under the sky tree and felt the power of the sky tree.

Especially the little warrior, running up and running curiously, from time to time watching Chen Mo, it is estimated that he wanted to get some branches of the sky tree back when Chen Mo didn't notice.

After the visit, Chen Mo told them some precautions about the abyss area and Star Iron City, and then took You Ji and the fat man into the abyss crack.

Most of the islands that had been bombarded by demons and other people have been repaired by Chen Mo. The islands after the repair seem to be more inconspicuous. People who do not know the situation here will not rush here.

As for the news that the entrance is here in the future, Chen Mo plans to build a toll station here, and there will be a steady stream of people coming by then, afraid that it will be soft to collect money.

In the abyss, blood eclipse is a problem, but there is Chen Mozai. Blood paladins and little warriors can easily get blood snake blood from the hands of the Freedom Guild.

After arranging them, Chen Mo also took You Ji and the fat man to find a place to hide and start leveling.

The consortium has entered the abyss area, and more and more people will enter the abyss area. He does not settle down to level, and the level will be quickly left.

Right now many players are in their early 70s, and there are only ten levels left from the three turns of the eighty levels. In two or three months in the abyss area, they should be able to rise to level 80.

In the future, the number of players entering the abyss area will increase, and it will be very troublesome to level up. Chen Mo naturally also wants to take advantage of nothing now, and practice the level.

One day after half a month, the mutant squirrel who had been asleep for nearly a month finally woke up.

Waking up the mutant squirrel, Chen Mo took a look, and found that there was no other change except the blue gem on his forehead, which had some weird blackness ~ www.readwn.com ~.

Chen Mo talked with the little squirrel for a while using his mind communication skills. As a result, the little guy didn't know what was going on. He thought he just slept for a few hours, leaving Chen Mo speechless.

Thanks to the owner of the Star Iron City for telling him about the corpse, Chen Mo really couldn't guess what the little guy had changed.

Wondering whether the little guy's ability was true or not, Chen Mo took the time to return to Catlin, and took the little guy to Catlin's prison.

He didn't kill the devil he was holding before, just waiting for the little guy to wake up.

Let the little guy try to control the demon, and Chen Mo was very satisfied with the result.

The Star Iron City Lord did not lie to him, the little guy really gained the ability to control the devil!


First more. (To be continued)

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