Godly Hunter

Chapter 801: Silver Sand Continent

The news came from the Lord of Star City.

However, the specific content of the message, Chen Mo is still unclear.

A month ago, players started exploring the second floor of the abyss area.

When Chen Mo is now leveling, he will occasionally take some contributing missions. When he goes to the mission hall, he is summoned again by the Star City Master, and then receives a mission to explore the second floor of the abyss area.

The content of the mission is to draw maps and record monster information. The content of the mission is a bit extensive, and it will not be completed in a short while. Chen Mo originally planned to concentrate on leveling, and was too eager to take on the task that needed to run the map, but he talked to the Star City owner and found that he could change the mission reward and change the reward to a prop related to the evolution of pets. Chen Mo took on this task.

Because of this mission, Chen Mo is on the second floor of the abyss area. From time to time, he will change the leveling location, and then use the leveling center as the center to record maps and monsters or information around.

Now one month has passed, although Chen Mo has not been able to fully record the map of the second floor of the abyss area, but two days ago, he was able to deliver the task.


The Star Iron City Lord is still in a gray robe that can't see clearly, but this time he met Chen Mo in an ancient study.

"Yes, you really are the best person to do this task."

Chen Mo recorded the map of monster information and gave it to the Star Iron City Lord, ▽ Star Iron City Lord was very satisfied with it.

The task may seem simple, but it is not.

The monsters on the second floor of the abyss area are actually very strong, especially in the area where the monsters are dense. There is not a lot of people to go deep. It is very difficult to record the map.

It took a lot of manpower and material resources to change to others, and Chen Mu did not do well.

"That said good reward ..." Chen Mo said slightly.

"Rest assured. In fact, if you have n’t come back yet, I would like to send someone to notify you and give you an advance payment this time. I have been paying special attention to the special props you need for the third turn of the pet. Called 'Time Magic Crystal', it is now on a Silver Wind Snake in Yinsha Continent. This Silver Wind Snake is a monster that turns three times and has great strength. According to the information I have obtained, it has accumulated enough strength and is ready to consume This item has three turns. If you want to get this item, you must find it within three days and **** time magic from it. "

Star Iron City Lord said hoarsely.

Time crystallization? Silver Wind Snake? Silver Sand Continent?

Chen Mo was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the props needed for the Totoro three turns would be on the Silver Sand mainland.

Concerning the Silver Sand Continent, it was in the Ability Battle Tower last time. He heard it from the nine ears.

At that time, he had the idea to go to Yinsha mainland, but now, the idea is getting weaker and unnecessary, he is probably too lazy to go to Yinsha mainland again.

However, the props needed for Totoro's evolution are in the Silver Sand Continent, and he must go there.

Go to the mainland of Silver Sands, and casually complete a mission he received a long time ago at Weapon Island, and find Ophelia in the area of ​​Silver Sands. Give her the task package.

Knowing where the props are, the next thing is simple. Chen Motong's star iron city teleportation array directly transmitted to Yinsha continent.

It took him so long to do this task. Of course, the reward is not as simple as a message. The Star City owner must also provide back and forth transmission.

However, to be honest, Star Iron City even has a teleportation array to the mainland of Yinsha. This was unexpected by Chen Mu.

And being able to use the teleport back and forth also saved Chen Mo the time to run, otherwise he would run around by himself, and say that one week would be gone.


Silver Sand Continent.

Compared with the sacred continent, the area of ​​Yinsha continent is much smaller. It is about the size of a divided continent section of the Holy Continent, which is about one fifth of the area.

However, unlike the sacred continent, the Yinsha continent as a whole has only one country. Unlike the sacred continent, there are large and small kingdoms and there are wars everywhere. Compared to the sacred continent, the silver sand continent is very peaceful.

Shusha Town is a small seaside town on the Yinsha mainland. The town is located on a sandy island.

A bluestone building basement in Shusha Town looks like it has been for some years.

Here is a magic array that seems to be rarely used. At this time, the magic circle flows, and then a figure suddenly appears on the magic array.

When the magic circle was running, it was already the owner of the building.

An old humpback woman came to the basement and saw the figure appearing in the magic circle.

"Come with me and go out through the back door of the yard. Don't let anyone see."

The old woman seemed to be accustomed to this. She humped her back, raised her head and said something to the visitor, and then took the lead out of the basement. The listener nodded and said nothing.

"Is this the Silver Sand Continent?"

Coming out of the back door of the courtyard, Chen Mo glanced at this ancient seaside town, smelling the moist smell unique to the seaside in the air, and could not help feeling a feeling of coming to a foreign country.

When coming to Yinsha, Chen Mo had two things to do.

The first is to find and kill the Silver Wind Snake, to obtain the time fantasy crystal, and the second is to find Ophelia and complete the task received early.

Two things, the first is undoubtedly the most important, but the first one is the easiest for the time being.

Regarding the Silver Wind Snake, the Star Iron City Lord provided more detailed information. He only needs to reach the Sea Rain City on the Silver Sand Continent to find the Silver Wind Snake.

Haiyu City is a big city on the mainland of Yinsha. The Silver Wind Snake is in the wild of Haiyu City. The specific location needs to be found by Chen Mu.

And the second thing, the task content is simple, as long as the task is wrapped in Ophelia can be completed.

But the problem Chen Mo only knew that Ophelia was in the area of ​​Silver Sands, and the specific location was unknown to Chen Mo.

If Ophelia is famous, it ’s okay to say that if Ophelia is just an ordinary one, it will be difficult to find her ~ www.readwn.com ~ So for the second task, Chen Mo just held it to completion Completed, can't complete even the idea of ​​counting comes.

"The humans of these alien civilizations look really no different from the humans on our planet."

Walking on the streets of Shusha Town, Chen Mo saw many players.

If you do n’t know that the people on the Yinsha continent are alien civilizations, I am afraid no one thinks that they are not humans on earth.

However, it is not surprising that the game is used to evaluate who is estimated to be similar to the Earth ’s human beings, so it is not strange that the players who have been selected into the game ’s alien civilization are just like the Earth ’s humans Something happened.

Chen Mo didn't worry about anything. He asked Haiyu City's location and hurried to Haiyu City.


Three more tomorrow. (To be continued ...)

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