Godly Hunter

Chapter 817: Ophelia

The golden imprint enveloped more than half of the ring, and Natalie, who wanted to approach Chen Mo during the sneak, suddenly showed her figure and stopped.

"Golden skills!"

"It's that guy!"

The onlookers were purely watching the excitement. At this time, when they saw the golden mark skills, some people came to their senses and exclaimed.

It was only half the day that the story of Haiyu City had already spread throughout the Yinsha continent.

She was out of shape and controlled by the Devil's Roar and Golden Imprint skills, but Natalie was just a little surprised, and then only a breath time, her body resumed her ability to move again.

Players challenge Natalie without actually hitting Natalie's life to the end. Instead, she only needs to hit a specific position on Natalie's back.

This is a condition set by Natalie herself. Otherwise, if the condition is set to less than 10% of her health, no one can complete it.

Want to hit Natalie's back, only use the control skills to control Natalie has a chance, and of course Natalie herself has made a lot of precautions for the control skills, lifting and reducing the skills and props of the control skills. Both.

Natalie is not inferior to those who are more powerful in reducing the effects of control skills.

However, Chen Mo had already expected this. He had always watched Natalie's battle before. He had clear data on Natalie's ability to reduce and control.

Devil's Roar and Golden Imprint are not intended to be used, but used to estimate Natalie's position after stealth.

Natalie was controlled by the golden imprint and then returned to her freedom. She wanted to be the only one again, and adjust the position first to avoid Chen Mo's attack. Then attack Chen Mo.

But she only released her control, and before she could move around, she felt a heavy blow behind her.

Looking back in disbelief, Natalie saw Chen Mo calmly standing behind her, and the hit just now had hit her in a certain position accurately.

"Win? It's that simple?"

The players in the three big nations on the sidelines are all frightened.

When they saw Chen Mo, they only used the Devil's Roar skill. Then he moved around at will and appeared behind Natalie. Achieve victory conditions before Natalie doesn't respond.

"Well, I won. Take me to Ophelia."

Chen Mo turned back. Natalie stared at him unhappyly.

"You cheated!" Natalie crooked her head and said angrily.

She was very depressed, and reasonably, this guy shouldn't be behind her at this time, it should be a little bit behind.

"Why, aren't you trying to get the bill? If you really want to get the bill, just say it loudly, you want to get the bill, I'm fine. I can fight with you again."

"Huh! I'm never a bad person! Come with me, I'll take you to see Ophelia!"

Natalie apparently couldn't bear being told that she wanted to hang on, and she shook her head. Jump off the platform and walk back to the store.

Chen Mo stepped forward, leaving a group of players from the three major countries that have not yet responded.

After Natalie and Chen Mo left, some players reacted and hurriedly contacted high-level players in the three major countries, and reported that Chen Mo was found in Gutie Town.

"Boy. I'll tell you! When you see Ophelia, don't move your mind. Or I'll stab you right away!"

Entering the store, Natalie warns Chen Mo.

"Rest assured, I'm just here to hand in the task." Chen Mo said lazily, and followed Natalie to the second floor of the store.

Ophelia is a beautiful name, just seeing this name, a blond beauty will appear in my mind.

In fact, Ophelia is indeed a demure blonde. When she saw Natalie taking Chen Mo to the second floor, her sapphire eyes appeared a little surprised.

"Woohoo, Ophelia, I lost. You're going to help this guy build a armor."

Upon seeing Ophelia, Natalie whimpered and rushed up, burying her head in Ophelia's arms, and at the same time turned back to give a warning glance at Chen Mo, signaling that Ophelia was her, don't Thinking of grabbing her.

"Well, just one piece of equipment, it won't take much time." Ophelia smiled slightly.

"You are Ophelia? I went to Weapon Island a long time ago, and your grandpa asked him to give you this package."

Ophelia is very beautiful and difficult to remove her eyes, but Chen Mo has seen all kinds of super beauties in the game and has many ambiguous relationships with many of them. It was just a surprise to see Ophelia.

With a hand move, Chen Mo took out the mission package and handed it to Ophelia.

Ophelia froze slightly, she was completely unprepared.

Taking the parcel with a quivering arm, Ophelia stroked it gently and sighed.

"A few months ago, I actually made people return to Weapon Island once, knowing Grandpa that they encountered unexpected news ..." Ophelia whispered softly, with a trace of grief in his words.

Leopold killed Weapon Island. Ophelia was sad for a long time after she heard the news, but the enemy Leopold was dead. As time passed, she recovered slowly. This was to see her grandfather. The parcel left to her could not help but be emotional.

"Are you really here to give Orifia her things?" Natalie looked at Chen Mo, and became embarrassed.

Chen Mo glanced at Natalie and said nothing, Natalie became even more embarrassed.

"Thank you for bringing me the grandpa's relics. I have nothing good for you, but not long ago, my craft of building armor has increased a lot. I will build it with all my strength. I think I should be able to build a good one for you Dark gold armor. "

Ophelia received the parcel and was very grateful to Chen Mo.

Build dark gold armor? This Ophelia is really amazing!

Chen Mo was slightly surprised ~ www.readwn.com ~ He didn't expect Ophelia was young and his ability to build armor was so powerful.

However, Chen Mu thought for a while and said, "If you can, I want you to help me build a suit suitable for warriors. At the same time, I have some things about ancient weapons. I want to ask you, I hope you can answer."

The armor did not have much effect for Chen Mo. With his current strength, if an enemy could not be defeated, an extra armor was useless.

Moreover, even if he died once, it was not a big deal, so he wanted to build a dark gold armor and give it to You Ji, so that You Ji had more defenses.

"The armor is okay. As long as you give detailed requirements, I will try to build it as you said. As for ancient weapons, there is actually no secret in the ancient iron town, almost everyone knows. The legendary ancient weapons, It's actually an artifact in your mouth. "


Three more tomorrow. (To be continued)

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