Godly Hunter

Chapter 825: 3 turns to 1st

Unknown fishing village was destroyed, but I do n’t know where to go, Chen Mo has no way to go back.

The big fat man yawned, and his black eyes fluttered everywhere.

Chen Mo looked at the big fat man, and suddenly patted his head.

Isn't there still a very simple way?

Chen Mo returned to Susha Town alone.

The old lady opened the teleportation array, and Chen Mo teleported back to Star Iron City.

Chen Mo rushed back to Katrine from Star City.


The fat man roared mightily and was summoned by Chen Mo.

That's right, it's that simple!

But why didn't he think of it a few hours ago and wasted so much time?

Chen Mo could not help but fall into meditation.

After thinking about it, the pot that caused the wise and intelligent IQ to suddenly go offline can only be backed up by someone who has to update the Cavern in the middle of the night and then flashes his thoughts to think of a good plot!


Chen Mo, who restored IQ, took his family and returned to the second-level leveling in the abyss area again.

Before going to Yinsha Continent, for safety, You Ji and Fatty both returned to Katrin to rest.

After all, when he was away, you could not rest assured that You Ji and Fatty were leveling in the abyss area.

Back to the second floor of the abyss area, the task of the Star Iron City Lord was lost, but Chen Chen still tried to kill as much as possible before, and obtained equipment items and high experience.

The number of players in the abyss area is increasing, and the time has passed. The number of people on the second floor of the abyss area is much more than when Chen Mogang returned from the Yinsha continent.

When randomly refreshed, often the news will be beaten to death before it is spread.

Chen Mo grabbed fewer and fewer times, but his name on the second floor of the abyss area is still known to everyone.

In the process of grabbing again and again. Chen Mo also occasionally encounters blood paladins and little warriors, as well as Kaka and others.

The Blood Paladin and the Little Warrior have a good foundation, do not lack blood elixirs, and quickly increase their level in the abyss area.

As for Kaka and others, the upgrade speed is only slower than that of Chen Mo.

As the player level approaches 80, the shadow of the player pk in the abyss area is much less. Most of them happen to compete for the level, but no matter where you are, you can see players who are immersed in leveling, one by one, they want to reach level 80 as soon as possible and perform three turns.

Although no one has made three turns, the three turns are so powerful that almost everyone who can come to the abyss area knows it.

After three turns, the player's combat effectiveness. It will undoubtedly advance by leaps and bounds. By then, it will be a trivial matter to abuse a large group of players who have not yet turned three times.

Therefore, one by one, I want to take three steps before others, so that I can enjoy the powerful taste and benefits.

It was more than a month since Chen Mo returned from Yinsha mainland, blinking.

The first and second floors of the abyss are overcrowded.

On the sacred continent, all players with a little strength have entered the abyss area to level.

The number is so huge. The Star Guild and Freedom Guild, which originally occupied two blood snake refresh points on the first floor of the abyss region, are difficult to sustain.

Fortunately, almost all of the most powerful players have entered the second floor of the abyss area. The blood snakes on the second floor of the abyss area can be killed casually. The Star Guild and the Free Men's Guild have also greatly reduced the coins required to obtain blood from the blood snake.

Of course, the trouble is not without, but very few. Both were suppressed by the two major guilds.

"Boy, this is the site of the Starry Guild! Behind our Starry Guild, but the major consortia, come here to make trouble, do not want to live!"

this day. On the site of the Star Guild, there was another player who did not give money.

A group of star guild guards immediately surrounded the man, and the captain, headed, screamed fiercely.

"Well, I know this guy. It seemed that he had been in trouble before, and was killed by us!" Someone in the team recognized this indifferent player.

"Huh! Good boy, I was killed once and I don't know how to learn a lesson. You really feel impatient!"

The captain heard that, his face was even more sinking.

"Get impatient? Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!"

The comer is a warrior player. He listened to several members of the Stars Guild. He first sneered, and then laughed like a lunatic.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill!"

The captain of the guard sank when he saw this.

The guy's eyes seemed to treat them like idiots, and he didn't put them in his eyes at all.

For the powerful Star Guild Guards, where can they tolerate others to treat them like this.

With a change of body shape, two guards, twelve people, suddenly killed the warrior player.

"Hahaha! Ignorant guy, let you see what it means to die!"

"Characteristics, wild!"

The warrior player was laughing wildly and yelling suddenly.

Then, the light on his body rose, like a flaming light ball, and the light scattered from him.

The skills never seen before surprised 12 Star Guild Guards.

However, they couldn't do anything, they were shot through the body by this light.

Their defense, like a piece of paper, failed to resist the slightest, and they were instantly killed by the fiery red light.

Not only these twelve players, but also all the guilds around them have become the prey of warrior players.

The players of the Stars Guild are very strong, but no one can resist the trick of the warrior players.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of star guilds were killed by the soldiers in seconds.

"Three turns! He is a three turns player!"

"Too powerful! Who is he?"

"I know! His name is Shadowblade. He was just a well-equipped master player. I didn't expect to become so powerful after three turns!"

Such a horrible scene, letting the players around look at it, but also one's heart is full of blood.

As long as three turns, they can be so powerful!

On this day, the Star Guild was almost wiped out by a single group. In a short time, hundreds of people were killed!

The first three-turn player among the players appeared, and the name of the shadow blade quickly spread throughout the Star Iron City and the abyss area.

An unknown person ~ www.readwn.com ~ After three turns, it became invincible in an instant, so that countless players began to desperately level.

Abyss area on the second floor.

"You are Chen Mo, recognized as the strongest player on the second floor of the abyss area?"

Chen Mo was still leveling, and an extremely confident figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Mo at an amazing speed.

This person is not someone else, it is the first three-turn player in the game, Shadow Blade!

It was only a day after he had made a fuss at the Stars Guild, he came to the abyss area and found Chen Mo.


Three more tomorrow. Alas, when I received the reader's information during the day, when I mentioned the bug in the previous chapter, Fuyun was petrified on the spot. In the middle of last night, Cavern suddenly thought of letting the protagonist make three turns in the silver sand continent, and then killed the killer, killing the whole continent, and the excitement directly caused this bug. But after being put forward by the reader, this plot can only rot in the stomach, it is really a tragedy ... (to be continued ...)

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