Godly Hunter

Chapter 852: Real purpose

What happened again this time?

A group of people are wondering.

The dead reaper already has an absolute advantage. There are more than twenty people remaining. It is difficult to deal with the dead reaper.

Even if Chen Mo was present, they saw the death reaper attack with millions of damages, and they did not think that Chen Mo could deal with the death reaper.

Even if it can be dealt with, it won't be able to kill in a short while. Before Chen Mo kills the reaper, they will be killed by the reaper.

Of course, they can choose to escape, but despite this, half of the remaining twenty or more will die in the hands of the Death Harvester.

If the death reaper is transformed enough, there will be more dead people.

It is impossible to wipe out everyone, but those who are still alive are almost the most powerful in the consortium. Those who control the death reaper should not give up so quickly.

"not good!"

The doubts had not been resolved, and Florence, the Scarlet Knight, and so on changed their faces.

"what happened?"

Someone was busy asking.

"The players who died in the town just now have almost all their death points dropped, leaving only the last death point!"

The Scarlet Knight answered in a deep voice.

"There is a little left, and if you die again, aren't you going to be expelled from the last place?"

There are still around ◇ ↙ ↙ ↙ ↙ ↙ ↙ ↙ ↙ ↙ ↙ ↙ , ,, w ◎ ≦ ◎ t consortium masters are all surprised.

No wonder the death points around it seem to be particularly high after the explosion, and the emotions in the town explode, and the player's death loss is particularly huge.

According to the game rules of the last place, the death point becomes zero, and the player is disqualified from entering the last place.

"Don't ... that Death Reaper entered the Primitive City?"

Someone thought of something, and asked with a white complexion.

"That's right! The dead reaper appeared directly in the Primitive City and killed two or three hundred people. Those who were killed have been expelled from the last place!"

Florence answered blankly.

"That's not enough to get them all offline!"

More than 20 people's faces were all upheaval.

This news is fatal to all consortia.

The consortium spent so much money hiring high-level three-turn players at high prices in order to get a good place in the final battle.

But right now, the Nebula Guild is doing this. Their losses are unknown.

After the hired player is expelled from the last place, the player's loss is not large. After all, the employment fee consortium still has to pay, and the loss is only the consortium.

A lot of hiring costs were paid, and no one was available in the end.

"Unable to go offline! In the area where the Death Reaper appears, it can only go offline after death!"

But Scarlet Knight's answer made some people desperate.

The reaper of the dead is terrific, they have personally taught. And it may not be the true power of the dead reaper.

Let the dead reaper enter the resurrection point of the primitive city, and God knows how many people will be killed.

Even if half of the people killed were in a consortium, the losses to the consortium would be huge.

"Let's go back to command and let them flee as far as they can. One can be one. Don't fight the death reaper!"

"Yes! The Primitive City has very powerful guards, we don't have to despair!"

A group of people. After hurriedly speaking, they took out the teleportation scrolls. Teleport back to the original city.

The consortium disappeared, leaving Chen Mo alone.

They also did not care about Chen Mo, and Chen Mo could not return to the primitive city to help them. Chen Mo offered help and was limited to attacking the satellite town.

In fact, since the attack. Chen Mo has hardly done anything.

"Capcom, your goal is this? Destroy the town and try to destroy the player power!"

The consortium disappeared and Chen Mo said to himself.

Until now, a series of seemingly strange things. He finally figured it out.

From the moment he could capture satellite town No. 1, Capcom set up a huge trap.

Satellite Town No. 1 is a trap. Capcom takes advantage of the speciality of Satellite Town and wants to wipe out a large number of advanced three-turn players in the game.

The players who signed the employment contract with the consortium have good strength, and the players recruited by the Nebula Association are all elites in the game.

Capcom uses the empty shell guild of the Nebula Guild to recruit a group of powerful players and let this group of fishermen come over. At the last moment, let the town explode. While destroying the town, it also allows a large number of master players Only one point of death is left.

Not only that, the death of a large number of advanced players also laid the foundation for summoning the Death Reaper.

If there are no death reapers, Capcom ’s trap is to let a large number of players lose their death points. They will not be expelled from the last place. Just spend some money to acquire some death points from other players. There is no danger of deportation.

After all, even if Capcom is more powerful, his current level of power is not dare to break into the primitive city. The guards in the primitive city now have the power to kill players. Capcom must rely on the death reaper to achieve his purpose.

The death reaper's calling conditions are harsh. It enters the primitive city. Even if killed by the guards, it can kill a large number of players who have been resurrected. A large number of master players will be killed by the death reaper and then expelled from the final land .

In the primitive city, things are going on as Chen Mo imagined.

Teleported to the Death Harvester in the Primitive City, and truly became the Death Harvester.

It can teleport at any time. Each attack is a large-scale slash, and one slash can kill dozens and hundreds of players.

After the Death Reaper appeared in the Primitive City, several groups of guards rushed over to kill the Death Reaper.

However, the light wing on the back of the Death Harvester is also in use. With the ability of teleportation, several groups of guards can actually be the Death Harvester.

A large number of players died under the attack of the death reaper, and the primitive city was slaughtered only a short while after the death reaper appeared.

Many players in the consortium failed to escape from the death reaper, and after being killed by the death reaper, they left the last place completely.

Not only them ~ www.readwn.com ~, those masters who have joined the Nebula Guild have the same experience.

Many of them can never enter the last place without understanding what is going on.

Compared to players hired by the consortium, they are either a real tragedy.

Players who have accepted the employment of the consortium, even if they cannot enter the last place, the employment fee can still be taken correctly.

These players who joined the Nebula Guild were really fooled by the Nebula Guild and used them as guns. They did not account for the cheapness of the Nebula Guild, and they sold themselves.

Satellite town ruins.

After trying to understand the whole thing, Chen Mo glanced around, then strode over to the place where the blessing altar was originally located.


Third more. (To be continued ...)

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