Godly Hunter

Chapter 855: Robbery Goblin

Chen Mo's speed is not too slow, but he came back slowly. He chased all the way. Although he saw some players on the road, he also stepped forward to ask. Never seen such a beauty.

Chen Mo had no choice but to give up.

However, there are still few players and places to go now. If the beauty is Ceci Hero, sooner or later he will appear nearby. It is only a matter of time before he encounters it again.

Counting the news of Isika and the words of Ceci Hero, in the last place, he might find two powerful aids.

As for the fragment of the free heart, Lian Hongyu mailed him another piece, which is one piece short, and he can make up two free hearts without worrying that no free heart is available.

On the way back, Chen Mo took a straight and detour.

As a result, when walking across a black broad-leaved forest, two ghostly figures were seen inside.

There were two little guys squatting behind a large tree staggered with roots, quietly waiting for something to look like.

If it is another player, Chen Mo will be more lazy.

But one of them was still an old acquaintance.

"Appeared! Appeared! Hit it!"

Chen Mo wanted to go up quietly to see what the two were going to do. As a result, they suddenly jumped up and rushed forward.

rub! Isn't this the robber goblin?

Chen Mo stepped forward closely, and saw the two little guys, banging a yellow-green goblin carrying a silver bag.

Endured. The goblin was startled, and naturally it was the first time to escape.

However, he hasn't run two steps in Goblin. One of them kicked out a fist-sized black dice on his hand.

When the goblin saw the black dice, he immediately ran away, and then he wanted to pick the black dice.

As a result, the other person, hey, wow, smiled, grabbed the black dice in front and picked it back.

Robbery Goblin came over and tried to grab it, but naturally the two little guys gave him a fierce blow, and his blood was gone for eleven minutes.

See not beat two people. The goblin awakened, knowing that his force was too dregs. Not an opponent of the two, turning around and wanting to run.

In the end it didn't take a few steps, the little guy who got back the black dice threw the black dice again, and the robbery goblin did not learn a lesson at all. Turned his head and ran back again.

As a result, a scene similar to a while ago was staged again, and the robber goblin was stung again, and his blood volume was reduced again.

However, compared to the last time, this time the robber goblin seemed to be a little angry at being fooled, and his body was slightly swollen.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this, Chen Mo couldn't help it, and got together.

"Wow, it's older brother. It scared me."

Both were shocked, but after seeing Chen Mo, one of the little loli patted her giant | Ru relieved.

Giant | Lolita. In the game, the little warrior is the only one.

On the other side, there is also a little loli, but the chest is a normal airport. This little loli looked at Chen Mo and the little soldier suspiciously.

"He is the elder brother I told you, called Silence. She is a friend I knew during the mission, the lost girl. I didn't come to the last place before. Just went to do the mission with her ... Well, fast Throw the fortune dice. It will run away again! "

The little soldier quickly introduced Chen Mo and the lost girl, and then when the two repeatedly teased the treasure stealing goblin, Chen Mo finally figured out what was going on.

After three turns, the little warrior did not come to the final place at the first time, but did a rather difficult multi-loop mission with the lost girl. The final part of the mission was completed in the final land. One of the mission rewards was this black one. Wealth dice.

This black fortune dice is useless by others, it seems that only in the hands of robbery goblin, can it work.

For the robbery goblin, the wealth dice has great attraction, and the two learned from the mouth of the black dice that using this black dice can trigger a special copy of the robbery goblin.

The two are naturally curious about this, but it is not easy to encounter the treasure stealing goblin. Fortunately, the two are not stupid. They found this forest where the treasure stealing goblin has appeared, but it was the forest where the treasure stealing goblin escaped. Wealth dice seduce robber goblin.

As a result, the two really led the treasure stealing goblin out, and Chen Mo just passed by.

Chen Mo heard that he couldn't help feeling again. As a player specializing in missions, the little soldier was really lucky.

I'm afraid no one knows that they have such a setting.

"It is estimated that the special copy story is about to be triggered. Big brother, you can quickly enter the team."

Robbery Goblin was flushed with anger and his body became bigger and bigger. The little soldier quickly pulled Chen Mo into the team.

"Hey, you can't do it, it's better to leave by yourself, don't drag me and the little hind legs! Most people are too stupid, but they can't keep up with our little soldiers!"

After entering the team, the lost girl immediately chatted in private with Chen Mo.

Sister, was actually underestimated by a loli.

"You have a small chest, don't talk." Chen Mo glanced at the lost girl and replied calmly.

The lost girl's tone was extremely dissatisfied with him, and it was useless to say anything to please, Chen Mo simply reversed.

"Pervert, if you don't perform well in a while, I kicked you for the first time!"

The lost girl suddenly glared at Chen Mo.

The system prompts: You successfully angered Robbery Goblin. Robbery Goblin will challenge you. Will you accept it? Once you accept and fail in the challenge, each of you will be forcibly taken away with any piece of equipment or props! However, if the challenge is successful, you have a chance to get rewards for items equivalent to the value of the equipment items on your body.

However, at this time a system prompt appeared, immediately attracted the attention of the lost girl.

"Challenge? I like it! I agree!"

"Challenge at the same time!"

The Lost Girl and the Little Warrior have been looking forward to this for a long time, and both of them can't wait to choose to agree.

After hesitating, Chen Molu chose to agree.

The equipment and props on him are not small in value, but even if the challenge fails, it will not have a great impact on him. The most important thing ~ www.readwn.com ~ is stored in the warehouse.


Chen Mo also chose to agree.

Then, a black spiral nest appeared between the three and the robber goblin, and they were all rolled in at once.

After a moment's change in the scenery, the vision of Chen Mo's three gradually became clear.

"Wow, where is this place, strange place!"

The three looked around, the little warrior and the lost girl all shouting in surprise.

Chen Mo glanced around and was surprised.

He also saw this kind of place for the first time in the game.


Second more. (To be continued)

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