Godly Hunter

Chapter 859: Means of violence

System prompt: the third game starts!

The third game started, this time it was the three of them to go first.

The three go first. Don't worry about the stolen treasure goblin attacking first. In the case of the last stolen treasure goblin attack, the movement was restricted at the beginning, all three were relieved.

The little warrior continued to roll the dice. This time, she seemed very lucky, and immediately shook the number 6.

The system prompts: The team gets "second move" status.

The three walked to the sixth grid above. This time, the three were undoubtedly the first to get off to a good start.

Maybe there is a chance!

Two moves, two moves in a round, is definitely a great opportunity to open the distance.

The system prompts: The team was attacked by robber goblin and got "blind" status!

But it turned out that the three were too happy.

The robbery goblin just moved two squares, and then poured a plate of cold water on the three.

Blindness ... Chen Mo and the Lost Girl determined that this treasure stealing goblin was definitely on the hook. To some extent, blindness is more spicy than restricting movement.

The three eyes were dark, and the little soldier shook the dice again.

The number three is shaken, and the three people move in one direction twice in a row.

The system prompts: The team gets any mobile status in the next round!

The first time, a system prompt came.

But there was only one system prompt, and when the third three stopped, no prompt came out.

Seeing this, Chen Mo and the Lost Girl were both sinking in their hearts.

Vision restored, the three really returned to the starting point.

Only at the starting point, the three talents will not get any props or status.

"Uh, this is bad luck."

The little warrior was a little frustrated.

Suddenly lost a good opportunity, but also lag two or three steps behind.

"It's not your fault, we can catch up!"

The lost girl quickly comforted.

Can you still catch up?

But even the lost girl who said this. We all know that hope is slim.

In the second game, they were basically sure that this was the home of the robber goblin.

If we say that the little soldier's luck is eighty, the luck of the robbery goblin here is ninety-five, which is very bad.

Simply put, it is the existence of robbery goblin here.

If not the first game. The game stipulates that the robber goblin cannot attack players, they are afraid that they will not win even one match.

If the lagging Goblin Goblin is only one or two rounds, they still have hope to catch up.

But the number of lagging rounds exceeds three rounds, and it is basically impossible to catch up.

Of course, the three did not give up on this, but the next situation is almost the same as in the second game.

Robbery Goblin constantly attacked the three, and they resisted reluctantly.

Despite his experience in the second game, Chen Mo probably knew what the status of the robbery goblin would be and what kind of attack he would launch. But the three of them ca n’t move as much as they can, and they can get the props and status they want. The result is that they ca n’t beat.

As a result, when the robber goblin walked halfway, the three were eight rounds behind.

So much behind, unless the robber goblin does not move after that, otherwise the three will definitely fail.

"To lose, this robber goblin cheats too much!"

Said the lost girl depressed.

Work hard to find the treasure goblin. Open the copy and want to get some rare equipment items from the treasure goblin. As a result, this treasure stealing goblin is too treacherous and won't win.

"Give up? Well, I'm not polite until now."

Chen Mo looked at the treasure goblin who was proud to move forward, and suddenly opened his voice.

"Why, you still have a solution?"

The lost girl glanced at Chen Mo unbelievably.

"Wait first. I don't know if it will work."

Chen Mo did not give the lost girl a positive answer.

"Just whatever you want, I'll see what else you can do." The lost girl shrugged.

The little soldier also gave up. Chen Mo said that he would let him take over next time, and she agreed without thinking.

Then, the next thing is Chen Mo shaking the dice.

Chen Mo ignored the attack of the robbery goblin. Just blindly moved up, and finally came to the upper left corner.

In the upper-left corner, Chen Mo no longer moves, and the following are all treasure goblin moving.

After a while, the Robbery Goblin moved to the end of the far right corner.

Robbery Goblin and Chen Mo, one left and one right on the side of Tian Yao.

When the robber goblin came to the far right of its land and the far left of Chen Mo's land, the distance between the two sides was the closest.

In a few more rounds, the robber goblin will reach its end.

At this moment, Chen Mo's hand moved, and the Totoro and the huge figure of Black Phoenix appeared in front of the three.

"You are going to attack Robbery Goblin?"

After straying, the lost girl widened her eyes.

"of course!"


Chen Mo said nothing, let Chinchilla and Black Phoenix do it.

Players can't move by other means on the board terrain without shaking the dice.

But in this copy, the player's skills are not prohibited.

Combined with this game called "Unscrupulous Race", Chen Mo initially had the idea of ​​whether Black Phoenix and My Neighbor Totoro could directly kill the robbery goblin through remote means and win by violence.

But he did not use this method at first.

After all, this is speculation. It's really a hands-on operation, and you will be evicted by accident.

If you can win the game within the rules of the game, that is the best thing, you don't need to take the risk.

But right now, the home advantage of Robbery Goblin has reached an outrageous point, and he will definitely lose if he continues, and he doesn't need to worry so much.

The totoro and black phoenix summoned are also unable to move in this special space.

However, the black phoenix in its original form can conduct ultra-long-range attacks, while the My Neighbor Totoro can attack through airspace.


The black phoenix opened his mouth and shot a sharp black light.

My Neighbor Totoro moved with a big hand and struck across the far away with a thief on the left.

boom! boom!

Two loud noises came, and the robber goblin was hit, and two huge injuries floated from its head!

The system direction ~ www.readwn.com ~ did not provide any punishment.

"Kill it! Come on!"

At first sight, Chen Mo knew that he was right.

This "unscrupulous race" really allows any form of means.

As long as you can win the game, any means can be used here!

There are only twenty seconds in a round, but for the output of My Neighbor Totoro and Black Phoenix, twenty seconds is enough.

In less than 20 seconds, the Robbery Goblin was beaten to the ground and became stunned, unable to move anymore.

Robbery Goblin doesn't move. The next three are moving. The three easily reverse and win the third game!


Second more. (To be continued ...)

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