Godly Hunter

Chapter 89: Captain's ability

System prompt: Do you accept the mission "Save Elijah"?

Task: Save Elijah

Mission Difficulty: Level A

Quest content: Elijah is in some kind of crisis. Please rescue Elijah with the help of Eve.

Quest reward: Eve favorability increased by 30.

A system prompt sounded. Chen Mo and others glanced at the task and found that the task was missed, and they could see the detailed information of the task.

A-level task is already the hardest task in the game, but the task reward is pitifully small, only gaining 30 points of Eve favorability. Eve is a little girl. What good is it to get her 30 points of favor? Could she still abduct her, but there is only one Eve, and they have four.

But Chen Mo only accepted the task with a little thought. Mission rewards are pitifully small, but let's not say that he is going to help June Yu find Elijah now, even if there is no June rain mission, Chen Mo will accept the mission.

As for the Golden Phoenix, it was more readily accepted, she was originally to help Chen Mo and June Rain, and did not care about the return.

June rain saw this, and could not help but glanced at the three, she was worried that the three would find the task too difficult and give up to continue.

"Thank you! Elijah has been caught by that weird for several days, you must rescue her quickly ... hey, no, although you are powerful, but there are too many powerful monsters around that weird, you do n’t Will it be an opponent, what should I do? "Eve thanked the four people quickly, looking anxious, talking anxiously, and extremely worried about Elijah.

"Sister Eve, Elijah is in front? Where is Elijah, is there a weirdo and many powerful monsters?" Chen Mo asked in a voice.

任务 A-level difficulty task is not so easy to complete, even if the situation is critical, you can't act rashly. This is no better than the ground, you can run if you can't win, and being surrounded here is basically a dead end.

"Well, a few days ago, Eliya and I went to collect the Yuehua flowers in the woods below, and found that the place that couldn't pass before was passed. Thinking that no one has been here, there must be many Yuehua flowers that can be collected. I didn't expect to meet a weirdo. The weirdo wanted to catch us. Eliya was caught by the weirdo in order to let me escape. These days, I have been trying to rescue Elijah, but Elijah was Locked up in an iron cage, there are a lot of powerful monsters around, and I can't approach it at all. "Eve said anxiously about the matter.

别 "Don't worry, you take us to the place where Elijah is locked, don't go too close."

竟 A weird man lived here? Is the strange ape monster appearing here related to this person?

"Okay, come with me!"

Eve nodded quickly, indicating that she understood and took the lead.

Chen Mo followed closely with four people, and the white mist on the road was still very thick, but the ordinary monster did not appear again.

"It's here, if you go a hundred meters further, you will startle those amazing monsters." Eve said in a whisper, worried about being found.

"I pretended to look in front, you are waiting for me here, listening to my order, ready to retreat or fight at any time." Chen Mo said in the team channel, the three of the Golden Phoenix nodded.


Using camouflage skills, Chen Mo quietly moved forward.

Only then did he march less than thirty meters, and Chen Mo found his eyes suddenly bright.

All the thick white mist disappeared. In front, there was a huge circular tray made up of a large number of branches intertwined with a radius of more than 100 meters. It was quite spectacular at a glance.

However, Chen Mo was afraid to move forward. As Eve said, there is a wooden house in the center of the huge tray, and the strange man should be in the wooden house.

An iron cage more than two meters high was hung beside the house, and a little girl with short black hair was squatting inside the cage.

There were more than thirty giant monsters around the tray. Chen Mo took a closer look and found that each one had the strength of the giant ape that had just been killed by them.

Don't act lightly!

Chen Chen calmly analyzed.

These are not ordinary wild monsters, but are commanded by the weirds in the wooden house. If they dare to appear here and fight with these giant monsters, once the weird is alarmed, the weird will surely let all the monsters besiege them. Even if there are big fat people, they will not be opponents!

"Eve, isn't there a monster chasing you every time you want to save Elijah?"

默 Chen Mo quietly stepped back and talked about the situation he saw with the Golden Phoenix. The three were all in a daze. Obviously, it was not expected that the A-level task would be so difficult. Chen Mo thought for a while and asked Eve.

The breakthrough point of the task should be on Eve, and the content of the task is such a reminder!

"Yes, I almost got caught up with that monster several times." Eve nodded with some fear, but she, a little girl, how to escape from such a powerful monster, but she did not say.

"Eve, let's just kill them like this, not the opponents of those monsters, but if you are not afraid, you can go and bring those monsters one by one, and we can spend some time killing all those monsters." Chen Mo said him This is the only solution.

"I'm not afraid! You're waiting for me here!" Eve agreed without thinking, and then he moved into the thick white mist.

After a while, the branches under his feet began to shake again.

"Come here!" The four of them refreshed and went into combat.

Eve flew back, chasing a giant ape behind her.

Chen Mo stepped forward and summoned the fat man to block in front.

But with the last battle experience, there are still a lot of powerful monsters to kill, and Chen Mo also changed the combat strategy.

We can no longer rely purely on the fat man to resist the damage of the giant monster. The last time the fat man lost nearly 30% of his health, and his blood recovery speed is slow. If he continues this way, he will not be able to kill a few giant monsters. It's about to die for the first time since it became Chen Mo's younger brother. Fatty is still a small matter. Without it, trying to kill more than thirty giant monsters in front is not easy.

This time Chen Mo also joined the front line and fought with the big fat man. He helped pull hatred, and the big fat man's damage could be reduced by at least half.

Sure enough, with Chen Mo's addition, the number of attacks on the fat man has been significantly reduced. The giant ape wants to attack Chen Mo from time to time, but Chen Mo, who was already prepared, will not be hit by it so easily. He will use the mutant Slime summoned to resist the attack ~ www.readwn.com ~ It can't be avoided, so try to hide The first three attacks were dropped, only one last or two.

Chen Mo's blood volume is not low. He can't die after two hits, but the blood volume will become very low. However, knowing the monster's means, the blood volume is low. Chen Mo can also step back and drink medicine to recover, plus June Rain's healing skills. He will soon be able to continue to fight again.

This giant ape was killed by four people, and the big fat man eventually lost more than 10% of his blood.

"I'll lead another one!" The second giant ape was killed, and Eve ran away excitedly to lead the monster again.

The second giant monster was quickly led by Eve, and the four of Chen Mo shook their spirits and went forward to fight again.

The meat shield is still a big fat man, but the last time, the fat of the big fat man was only 60%. This time, after fighting, the fat of the big fat man is about to fall to 50%.

If you fall to 50%, the fat man will be able to launch the split skills and split a clone to fight.

However, the fat man ’s avatar skills have not yet been launched. When fighting the third giant monster, the flower demon warrior who has been lazily lying on the fat man ’s head, is dancing on the fat man ’s head, splashing pink Light, and then the fat of the fat man began to slowly recover. When the third giant monster was killed, the fat of the fat man not only fell below 50%, but recovered to 80%!

Chen Mo was confused, but he never thought that this flower monster war spirit who had been troubled and uncooperative had such ability!

Uh ...

First more.

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