Godly Hunter

Chapter 895: Use capacity

"You are too bullying! If you do this, the consortium will not be polite to you! You are very powerful, but the consortium takes it seriously, not that you can deal with it, it is not good for everyone!

Florence persuasively persuaded. ¤,

"I don't need to worry about what you do, and I also want to see how terrible the consortium really is."

Chen Mo said faintly.

"You will regret this!"

Florence replied, knowing that the matter was irreparable, and stopped speaking.

Under the attention of a large number of players, Catlin flew to the third castle.

A large number of steel pterodactyls flew over to attack Catlin. Catlin moved around the metal bezels, exposing huge black holes.

Then a ray of light shot out from inside and blasted on the steel pterodactyl.

The steel pterodactyls soon died one by one, and then one by ten meters of magical puppets jumped down from Catlin and jumped into the monster army below. Chen Mo was also among them.

These magical puppets are one of the main forces against the No. 3 castle this time. After the city was upgraded, the manufacturing method of the war puppet appeared, and it was possible to make it without the presence of Fatila and Enoch. Excluding the metal made by metal life, the rest of the materials alone, each magic puppet will need 2,000 gold coins to build it, it can be said that the price is sky-high.

If there is no metal made from metal life, the cost of each magical puppet will go to three thousand gold coins.

The cost is so high, the combat effectiveness of the magic puppets is no small matter, each one has three small turns of strength.

A total of fifty magic puppets, together with Chen Mo, slaughtered wildly in the third castle, and countless monsters have not yet rushed to their feet. It was already killed.

Chen Mo's wealth value is also rising at an alarming rate.

Without knowing that a city can only occupy one castle and cannot easily move the castle after it has been captured, Chen Mo must drive Katerin and use the same method to capture the second castle.


"Damn, that silence is too much!"

"We put up everywhere. This guy thought we were bullying!"

"Don't give him a little color, it will be very bad for our morale, and it will be difficult for us to recruit other master players!"

When Chen Mo captured the third castle, the bosses of the various consortiums held a joint meeting again.

But this time the object of discussion is to deal with Chen Mo.

After Florence's report, each of the consortia seemed to be furious.

Chen Mo wanted to occupy the No. 3 castle without saying, and he would go back to the surrounding satellite towns, and they couldn't bear it.

The blessing altar is barely enough for them to use. If Chen Mo took away several altars of blessings, their pressure would suddenly increase.

These consortiums are usually high above each other, where Chen Mo's approach has undoubtedly angered all consortia.

"While the guy is now occupying Castle No. 3, we can't make him cheaper. We take the No. 3 distribution scheme we discussed earlier and let Lyon go and show the guy a little bit more. Let him know, the price of arrogance!"

"Okay! Use the No. 3 distribution plan. Call all members with solidarity right away!"

The consortium was surprisingly unanimous in this matter, and a huge agreement was reached in the blink of an eye.

The assembly of hundreds of people does not take long, after using teleporting reels, these consortia are elite. They all came to the third castle.

"The enemy has ancient cities and may have all kinds of powerful attack methods. The battle plan is very simple. When the unity ability is used, I will become the main user and lead everyone to attack together! After entering, the main goals are all performed by me. You only need to Just cover me! "

Lyon exclaimed with excitement.

The last time he became the main user of the power of solidarity, the terrifying attributes and abilities brought about by him, he has been unforgettable, and for more than half a month, he finally had the opportunity to use it again.

Just thinking about it, he couldn't help getting excited.

"Ability to unite!"


Under Lyon's command, nearly 700 people collectively used the ability to unite.

Lyon's body glowed again.

This time, the number of people using solidarity is dozens less than the last time.

But Lyon could clearly feel that now he is stronger than last time.

After half a month, many of the more than 700 people have once again improved their ability to unite.

Feeling unprecedented strength, let Lyon make a bang and directly kill the monsters in front of the castle.

The whole pile of elite monsters, under Lyon's men, died at an amazing speed.

Then there was a loud bang, and the gate of Castle No. 3 was forcibly opened.

"Kill in!"

The people of the consortium killed him in the momentum.

The response of the consortium was quick. Before Chen Mo hit them, they had already come in at an alarming rate.

The monster inside the castle had been killed by Chen Mo. Lyon and the consortium passed unimpeded, and soon found Chen Mo.

"God, what's that!"

"War ravages?"

"No, it seems to be a magic doll!"

Seeing fifty tall magic puppets, the elites of the consortium couldn't help but be shocked.

"The damage is too great, even stronger than the elite monsters. No wonder this guy dares to attack the castle alone!"

The damage of the magic puppet surprised everyone who saw it.

"Rest assured, I killed him immediately. Although these magical puppets are powerful, they have no effect on me!"

Many people were scared to see the fierce magical dolls, but Lyon didn't look at them.

Now, he is ten times more powerful than the magic war doll!

"Silent, I'm here to kill you!"

Lying loudly towards Chen Mo, Lyon strode forward.

What property is this?

The killer of the consortium, it was him!

Seeing Lyon's condition, Chen Mo couldn't help but be taken aback.

This state is too powerful and almost invincible!

"Great! It is indeed a consortium ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is such a masterpiece!"

With Chen Mo's eyesight, he could see at a glance where Lyon's power came from.

"But just by this means, you want to come up with my idea, you are too naive!"

"Characteristic ability, the treasure house of the king!"

Chen Mo gave a cold drink, and under his feet, a brilliant golden light flashed.

Then, a bottle of black potion floated from the golden light under his feet and landed in his hand.

In the past half month, Chen Mo has not used how the treasures of Wang Zhibao's treasures have real-time function, but he still knows some simple usage skills.

Specifying the realization of a certain type of item will consume a lot of wealth, but if the item to be realized is an item that Chen Mo has contacted and used, the amount of wealth consumed will be much less.


Second more. (To be continued ...) u

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