Godly Hunter

Chapter 925: Destroy at the same time

The two sides seal each other's actions at almost the same time. Whoever recovers first can easily kill each other.

But this is not the case.

Chen Dong shot and attacked, and the people who were attacked almost failed to respond. Although Chen Dong could not escape from the frozen land, she still had time to react.

Before being frozen, Chen Dong used time domain skills in a timely manner.

Within the realm of time, Chen Dong can control the passage of time around him.

Using the moment in the time domain, Chen Dong is also the first to speed up the passage of time in a small area around him.

As a result, it was the glacier that could freeze her for a period of time, but in less than three seconds, it crashed and Chen Dong emerged from the trap.

"So fast!"

Fire silence, Ziyuan, and others who are in the eternal skill of time are shocked to see this.

The city of steel is owned by Kaka and his team. The ore they dig in the abyss are used to repair the city of steel.

Except for Chen Mo's Katrin, which was developed from scratch, the rest of the ancient cities are very small. After simple repairs, they can fight in the highest state of the city.

However, the city of iron and steel in several ancient cities, the combat effectiveness is relatively low, compared with the rest of the ancient cities, it has a lot of defense, and it can become a steel giant.

Although the fighting power of the City of Steel is not as good as that of other ancient cities, Kaka and their team did not expect that they owned the ancient city and did not make any achievements in the last place.

Feeling discouraged. But the group did not give up.

With the development of the situation in the last place, they have a great advantage over others.

Just didn't expect it. You will meet Chen Dong here. The time skills Chen Dong possesses will be so powerful.

Chen Dong regained her freedom. She had a huge bow in her hand, and a large number of thick fire arrows, and she fell from the sky overwhelmingly.

Huo Ji, Ziyuan and others are also inside the glacier. Chen Dong knows that they are now protected by the glacier. Ordinary arrows cannot harm them, only fire arrows with restraint. To quickly break the glacier and kill them.


Just before the flame arrows fell, the steel giant suddenly moved.

A huge steel slap was shot, and the flame arrows were swept away. At the same time, the steel giant rushed towards Chen Dong, and slapped him.

Sure enough, there are still people in control of the Iron Giant.

Chen Dongmei raised his eyebrows and was not surprised by the suddenly moving steel giant.

The time eternal skill is not a panacea. It can't really stop everything. Only the living body can stop. It has no effect on the iron giant.

Not because of the glaciers that suddenly appeared, even if there were still people in the Iron Giant, Chen Dong could kill Huo Ji and others, and the other party lacked manpower. Trying to control the Iron Giant to withstand her attacks will be one step behind.

In fact, the steel giant was delayed for three seconds. Only then started the operation again.

The time series skills have no effect on the non-living iron giants. Chen Dong loses her biggest reliance. Before the iron giants, she was an ordinary master player, and she fought alone with the steel giants. I ca n’t do anything to escape.

Chen Dong didn't escape, she waved her hand. A huge black and white clock-shaped disc appeared above her head.

Time City!

As an ancient city owned by game makers, the city of time is the most powerful. As long as Chen Dong is willing, he can summon the city of time to himself at any time.

The city of time spins quickly, and the iron giant's slap is slap on the city of time. The palm of his hand violently shakes violently and shoots a lot of sparks.


There is a black and white light around the rapidly rotating city of time. These lights are the power of time and space interlaced, and it is one of the most powerful powers in the game.

Like a grinding wheel, the city of time turned from the arm of the steel giant, and a deep crack appeared in the hand of the steel giant.

The defensive steel giant is also resistant to the attack of the city of time.

Boom boom!

Two ancient cities battled, and the surrounding glaciers shattered.

The city of time is constantly passing through the body of the city of steel, leaving cracks in the city of steel. The city of steel has the ability to repair itself, but the repair speed is much slower than the speed of destruction.

If this continues, it won't be long before the City of Steel will be cut apart by the City of Time.

The City of Steel was too busy to take care of him. Chen Dong wanted to take the opportunity to kill Huo Ji and others, but when she looked over, she was a little surprised to find that Huo Ji and others disappeared.

Not only that, the steel giant's counterattack became suddenly agile and sharp.

The attack and movement speeds skyrocketed. The City of Time could leave a deep mark on the Iron Giant every time it flew away. But now it is impossible to do so. The reaction speed of the Iron Giant can already follow. Attack speed on Time City.


Chen Dong made the city of time step up the attack. As a result, a giant iron hammer appeared in the hand of the steel giant. When the city of time flew away, the steel giant knocked it down hard and blasted the flat city of time straight to the ground.

The ground shook violently and was smashed into a large pit.

"Time is passing!"

Chen Dong suddenly issued an attack order on the city of time.

Time lapse is a skill corresponding to time eternity, but the user is replaced by the city of time, and the power is also more powerful than time eternity.

Time lapse can also have an effect on non-living objects. Time lapse attacks objects within range, time will quickly pass and enter the aging state.

The Iron Giant enters a state of aging, and its attack power, defense power, and speed will decrease sharply.

Time lapse is a huge beam, but unfortunately, the steel giant ’s response was too fast. When the black and white time lapse beam blasted out, the steel giant ’s fist blasted on the ground, and the ground was blasted fast. Raised, standing in front of the steel giant.

The time lapse skills blasted on the raised ground, the vegetation on the ground was rapidly aging, and the ground surface gradually became a gray-brown desert.

The power of time passing skills is evident.

"Destroy it!"

Behind the raised ground, the steel giant leaped high, fell from mid-air, and stepped on the flat city of time.

Although the city of time has evaded ~ www.readwn.com ~, the two sides are huge in size and cannot be completely avoided.


A loud noise came, and the city of time was stepped on the ground by the steel giant.


Within the steel giant, Kaka and others controlled the steel giant to destroy the city of time. Once the city of time was destroyed, Chen Dong was no longer their opponent.

Chen Dong was shocked, but she knew that the defense of the city of time was definitely the most powerful in ancient cities. The steel giant would find that it would not be easy to destroy the city of time, and she still had a chance to come back.

When both sides had their own ideas, a strange black light suddenly appeared above the steel giant's head.

Before Chen Dong and Kaka reacted, the black light from top to bottom seemed to pass by like a giant knife.

Then, the city of steel and the city of time were split in half by black light at the same time! (To be continued)

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