Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 129: Black Army

Cuiping Mountain, Heifeng Village.

The village lord Qiu Ji sat on the main seat with a heavy face, and there was one more person beside him.

This person was not Zhu Gang from Yunzhan Cave, nor Bai Qiufeng from Baijiazhai, but a middle-aged man who looked forty years old.

Zhu Gang and Bai Qiufeng could only sit below them, and there was no slightest dissatisfaction with the two leaders.

Looking at the middle-aged man, he is noble, dressed in dragon scale armor, and he is a great general, not comparable to the current thieves.

I have long heard that the Lord Qiu Ji has a relationship with the county guard, and today it is a solid matter.

There was originally Hu Fenggu's valley master Yu Rujiao.

But because Wang Yu was injured in the Black Sea Forest, he fled in embarrassment, and even Hu Fenggu couldn't take care of it.

However, when Yu Rujiao left, she told everyone about most of the events in the Black Sea Forest, and blamed the failure on Wang Yu's Lei Zhenzi.

Said she was careless, and led everyone into the area where Wang Yu ambushed Lei Zhenzi.

Under Lei Zhenzi’s explosion, everyone outside her was blown to death, and she was spared because she had a top-grade defensive magic weapon on her body. The top-grade magic weapon was also destroyed by the impact of the explosion. It's just an ordinary jersey.

Wang Yu didn't notice for a while, thinking she was also dead, so he left, and this allowed her to leave alive.

Yu Rujiao only hid Wang Yu's mastery of formation, which was what Wang Yu requested.

In the Black Sea Forest, the major cottages suffered heavy losses, and there were several small cottages. All of them were lost in the Black Sea Forest. One of the four major cottages, Hu Fenggu, was destroyed, and the other three lost the monks in the purple house.

With such a large loss, everyone gathered together to discuss the matter of dealing with Wang Yu again.

Different from the lightness last time, everyone's faces are a bit heavy this time. The Lei Zhenzi in Wang Yu's hands was too threatening to them.

"We underestimate Wang Yu, his Lei Zhenzi is too evil, even the cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm will be bombed to death."

"Yeah, even Hu Feng Gu Yu Rujiao almost died this time."

"If we don't want to find a way to contain Lei Zhenzi, we people may not only lose Wang Yu, but also lose a lot."

"Hey, Tiancheng Academy has sent this evil star. This is going to kill us!"


Seeing everyone lose seven or eight points of confidence, morale can be described as plummeting, and the middle-aged man frowned.

He is a military commander, and he cares about morale the most. If he doesn't see an enemy, his morale will fall first, which is not a good thing.

Qiu Ji also hurriedly got up and said loudly: "Everyone, don't worry, this time I have invited General Song Tianling, and I also brought 300 Black Armies. Wang Yu is not a problem."

The Black Armor, the most powerful army under the account of Tiancheng County, is controlled at 3,000.

You know, the entire Tiancheng County has 200,000 troops, and the strongest Black Armored Army has only 3,000 people who have not been the first, and its combat power can be imagined.

There are rumors that even if the great primordial monk will kneel when encountering three thousand black armies.

The Three Hundred Black Armed Forces is already a big force.

However, most of the Black Armored Army in the bandits are legends, and no one has seen the true strength of the Black Armored Army, so many people have a somewhat skeptical look.

Besides, there are some reasons...

Among them, Tao Ming from Yunzhan Cave stood up and said: "It's not that I don't trust the Black Armored Army, but the Black Armored Army only exists in rumors. I have never seen the capabilities of the Black Armored Army and how to arrange troops. "

"Tao is not talented, he is also a cultivator of the Purple Mansion realm. He is willing to ask for advice from the Black Armored Army. Everyone can watch the battle and understand the strength of the Black Armored Army. Fortunately, in the future, he will respond to Wang Yu and make The best plan."

After Tao Ming finished speaking, there was a faint joy in the eyes of many people below.

Qiu Ji and Song Tianling could naturally see that these people were afraid of Wang Yu as well as the Hei Jiajun and Qiu Ji. Worried that after pacifying Wang Yu, the Black Armed Forces would attack them.

After all, from the county guard who subdued Qiu Ji, it was obvious that the county guard was very ambitious. These bandits could not find a good opportunity before. This time Wang Yu appeared and gave the county guard a chance. He naturally did not want to miss.

Sending a black armour to help the bandits, killing Wang Yu is just a cover, the real purpose is to conquer all bandits.

The bandit party didn't want to be subdued by the county guard. After all, if they were sent under the fence, there was no way to take the mountain as the king, so I tried to test the strength of the black armor in advance.

However, Song Tianling came this time really to subdue all the bandits and serve the county guard.

Hearing Tao Ming was going to challenge the Black Armored Army, Song Tianling smiled coldly and stood up and said: "Okay, let you see the strength of my Black Armored Army.

A group of people came out of the hall and came to an open area.

The three hundred black armored troops were among them, each wearing black armor, a shield in one hand, and a Tang sword in one hand, standing in line, the evil spirit was permeating the black armored army, and you could feel the pressure without entering.

Even Qiu Ji in the middle of the Purple Mansion Realm was oppressed by the aura of the Black Armored Army, and his pupils contracted.

"The black armored army is good, the adults have this kind of army, so why don't the world worry about it!" Qiu Ji would succumb to the county guard Han Zuoliang because the other party had the ambition to steal the world. He felt that following Han Zuoliang, he would have a bright future.

Seeing the three hundred black armored troops this time was enough to threaten him, and the three thousand black armored troops still had it.

He became more confident in Han Zuoliang, and felt that his choice was correct.

"Tao, aren't you dissatisfied? Come on!"

He looked down on these grass bandits himself, Song Tianling said with a haughty expression that he didn't have a good tone for Tao Ming.

Tao Ming's face flashed angrily when he heard the words, then he hid his eyes, looked at the Black Armored Army, and saw that the three hundred Black Armored Army's cultivation bases were mostly on the 11th major week, and a few talents had just reached the 12th Heaven and Earth Bridge. At that time, there was a sneer.

The Black Armour is really exaggerated.

"General Song, let's talk about it first. If I hurt your subordinates, don't blame me."

Tao Mingyin said.

Song Tianling smiled upon hearing the words: "You can shoot, don't say which one you hurt, even if you kill someone, I will count as a loss."

"it is good!"

Listening to Song Tianling's blunt words, Tao Ming became even more angry, condensing his true essence directly, and slew towards the Black Armored Army.

"Split Mountain Seal!"

Tao Ming condensed a big palm print and pressed towards the Black Armored Army.

Facing Tao Ming's attack, everyone in the Black Armored Army was afraid and shouted in unison: "Kill!"

The three hundred people roared in unison, and the roars swept toward the big palm prints. Under the roar, the big palm prints were washed away.

Under Tao Ming's shocked gaze, the Black Armored Army charged forward and placed a dozen knives on his neck. As long as he moved his hands gently, he could take his life.

Tao Ming lost in one round.

"The Black Armored Army is really strong, Wang Yu's little bastard, don't want to leave alive if you dare to come."

"Haha, happy event, drink."

Seeing the strength revealed by the Black Armored Army, the thieves had confidence. They were no longer afraid of Wang Yu's arrival. Instead, they had a little more anticipation, expecting Wang Yu to be killed by them. Just as the Zhongshan thief was looking forward to Wang Yu's arrival, Wang Yu was buying Thunder Tiger Neidan in major cities.

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